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Eternity 6

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Eternity 6 last won the day on January 10 2017

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26 Excellent

About Eternity 6

  • Birthday 12/26/1996

Member Title

  • Eternal Civilian

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  • Location
    Johannesburg , Gauteng , South Africa
  • Interests
    Gaming (command and conquer , Warcraft 3 , Warhammer 40 000 ect ) , Art , Piano

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  1. Have you put this up in other places ? Such as the forums at SWR , CNCNZ , Project Perfect Mod , Revora , cncnet and perhaps the forms for openra . These are all of the main forums that I can think of that discuss C&C things so if your looking for help these would be where you should ask for it . Here are their addresses : http://forums.swr-productions.com/ http://forums.cncnz.com/ http://www.ppmforums.com/index.php https://forums.revora.net/ https://forums.cncnet.org/ http://www.sleipnirstuff.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=80 There was another project like this a year or two ago , I'll see if I can find some info on it . EDIT : Found it ! OpenSage : https://github.com/feliwir/openSage You may want to look up the two people who contributed to it they may be interested in helping . Feliwir : https://github.com/feliwir? Tarcontar : https://github.com/Tarcontar
  2. Why ... , I need to get an internet connection at the dorm on of these days . Sadly its not in the 40k universe
  3. I also think soviet tanks are a bit too fragile . There was and only post that said that they would add directional armor which I think would help but I've seen no sign of it being implemented .
  4. So can we post our own mods ? I have a personal mod that replaces all of the posters with better ones in the nod barracks .
  5. Cool I love robocraft I'm a SMG track user sadly still not at level 100. Edit : your T-rex looks awesome ! Do you know that you can crouch with legs and that makes you jump higher .
  6. Why every I read your name I read Noodled not Nodlied xD dyslexia

  7. Hope it all goes well . But sadly it appears I'm late so the interview is mostlikely over . So Enstein Is most likely either celebrating or sulking , I hope the first one comes true.
  8. Also most of the long time members don't play everyday but rather usully once a week or month on a game night , friday or over the weekend . As It is much more easy to find other players at these times .
  9. These are the type of thing that you laugh at when it happens but sadly you forget soon afterwards . If I come across any I will post about it ,
  10. I wish it looked this good in game Qusetion does the engine support parralax in textures ?
  11. Star Citizen is pretty messed up , wish backers good luck .

  12. Last 6 months of matric so study and dealing with @#$% . So that what I do every day
  13. Introducing : Here : http://cnc-comm.com/community/index.php?PHPSESSID=6fu87109gnm83capeh827ebmm7&topic=4441.0 What do you think of this project ? Opinions ?
  14. Good to hear that someone is excited over our future prospects . I should be able to make it unless to go camping in the bush . ( sadly no internet if thats the case ) In other new I informed a friend of mine about the event some of you may know him from BHP , Nautagrim . However he has had issues with creating thes user for the web site . Long story short I may need some help latter on and we might see him this weekend .
  15. I love cnc , I'm certain it has had quite an effect on me . One of the few nightmares I had as a child always ends with the siren and nuclear explosing from RA2 . It scared me badly when I was young being 6 or 7 . The first game I owned was Genrals . I'll all aways play cnc , I'm especially looking forward to playing OpenRA for the next few years .
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