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  1. Tiberian Sun: Reborn has a new release out! If you are on our Discord, you already saw this! Download the new patch today! TSR Release General - Fixed a crash. - Ambient map sounds are now affected by the "ambient" sound slider in settings. - Volume sliders in the settings menu now use TSR SFX. - Added a light global doppler effect. - Disabled J/K battlefield info screens. - All infantry now heal faster when out of combat, and heal to full HP. HP regeneration slows down after reaching 50%. - Added kill messages for Nod frag grenades. - Replaced a couple low resolution building textures. - Fixed special effect setting for all modifiers. - Improved a number of vehicle transition (enter/exit) zones. - Added projectile collision to one of the Tiberium flora props. - Tiberium Shrubs no longer have crippling collision for vehicles. HUD - Harvester fullness indicator added to the HUD. - Player names now show up with their target boxes. - Tiberium dump success message has been split to three lines. Damage Multipliers - Repair guns much more effective in repairing vehicles. - Missile projectile's damage to light vehicles has been lowered slightly. - Bullets and Bullets(AP) projectiles increased damage slightly against aircraft. - Melee weapons now deal 0.001 damage against things it previously did nothing to. - Flame resistant infantry take direct fire damage at 0.5 less than standard infantry skin, including flamesplash. Added Plasma to treatment. Engineer - Added slight "explosion" to repair effect which will assist in disarming. Riot Trooper - Shield extended when equipped. - Now has FlameResistInf skin. Disc Thrower - Projectile Size increased to match actual projectile. X/Y 0.1 -> 0.15 Z 0.01 -> 0.03 Medic - Regen damage lockout reduced. 30 -> 10 Chameleon Spy - Knife weapon "reloads" while sprinting. Mammoth MK2 - Weapon traverse speed increased. - Weapon elevation/depression increased by 10. - Chin gun traverse angle increased to 270 degree FoF. - 50% heal function damage timeout decreased 30s -> 10s. - 100% heal function HP/s increased 1 -> 2. - Added alt fire dual shot. Cyborg Reaper - Healing multiplier in tiberium increased by 0.2. - Web velocity increased 30 -> 50. - Web gravity decreased 1.75 -> 1.25. Harpy - Radar invisible. - No longer lock-on-able, except for defenses. - HP reduced. 500 -> 450 - Max ammo increased 200 -> 300 Construction Yard - Fence is no longer super bright. - Fixed an issue that stutters the camera. GDI Helipad - Optimizations. TS_Anchorage - Fixed a hole in the terrain. TS_Dam - Added vehicle sized tunnel connection to front of bases. - Pulled coastal walls inward. - Added some nicer waterline and under water terrain. - Added ambient sounds. - Added more lights. - Adjusted out-of-bounds area above Nod base to lessen cliff camping. - Fixed up some of the terrain around the dam. TS_Drought - Fixed a couple stuck spots in the GDI base. TS_Field - Fixed some stuck spots in the rocks outside the GDI base. TS_Field_Flying - Removed Orca Transport from purchase list. TS_Isles - Re-enabled map blockers. TS_Snow - Added lights to the infantry tunnels by the bases. - Adjusted a stuck spot outside the GDI base. - Closed gaps between the crates in the tunnel. TS_TaintedLegacy - Wind speed has been cut to 10% what it was before (5m/s -> 0.5m/s). This reduces the loud map-wide wind noise. - Fixed a stuck spot. TS_Tiber - Added lights to some infantry tunnels. - Fixed some lighting issues in the lower team-colored caverns (where the civilian trucks are). [blurb][/blurb]
  2. [blurb]On July 14th at 7PM GMT[/blurb]
  3. until
  4. until
  5. [blurb]On April 20th at 7PM GMT[/blurb]
  6. until
  7. until
    Reinforcements ready!
  8. [blurb]On March 17th at 7PM GMT[/blurb]
  9. Renegade's 22nd Anniversary Event, Day Four: Orca Ready!
  10. Version 1.0.0


    A blast from the past, the Ottoman Sound Pack has returned! Created for Tiberian Sun: Reborn, this pack is also compatible with Interim Apex and base Renegade! Just extract the audio files to your chosen games data folder, and hop ingame. Now, the radio commands (issued via Ctrl/Alt + num) will properly capture the panic of battle and the atmosphere of Renegade. It's an absolute blast to play with!
  11. until
    Join us for the first Tiberian Sun: Reborn game night of the year!
  12. We are so back. With the Tiberian Sun Anniversary coming up, discussions came up of polishing the current Tiberian Sun: Reborn experience to deliver a smooth, fun, more balanced game for the event's participants and before you know it, the development team collectively decided upon pushing through once again to 2.0! Where previous setbacks may have made this venture appear lost to the void, we can confidently stand behind this decision to go forward. You may be asking, "But FRAYDO, what makes this different from the last time? Will it actually work this time? Why now"? Rest easy, little Timmies, for I have the answers you seek! "What makes this different from the last time?" Originally, we strove to deliver the full, completed Reborn 2.0, which entailed many new changes, map additions, and updated game mechanics such as those seen in Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Battle For Dune: War of Assassins, and our other house projects. In light of those aforementioned setbacks and other disturbances, we can still promise to deliver TSR 2.0 as we fully intended as the end goal. While that will indeed remain the end goal for TSR 2.0, the objective we will meet for the upcoming anniversary event is delivering a playable open beta! You will get a working revamped experience of Reborn, which has been a long time coming! "Will it actually work this time?" 100%, and a resounding ABSOLUTELY at that! ChopBam, as you may know as our lead developer of Red Alert: A Path Beyond, is heading the charge on this. He is currently happy with the state of APB and is offering his full time and devotion to TSR 2.0, as is everyone else in the developmental front, such as OWA on Balance and Units, TeamWolf on Maps, CMDBob on Code, Killing_You on Audio, along with Ryknow69 and ICE on support, as well as our eager testers who will be quite busy with tasks such as trying out our latest Cyborg Reaper, navigating our new building layouts, and ensuring our scripts updates were implemented correctly through bug hunting. "Why now?" The Tiberian Sun Anniversary event lit the proverbial fire in our development channels. When Pyrocob from CnC Saga reached out to us, we were originally just set on choosing a day within the anniversary schedule for TSR. One thing led to another, and here we are announcing the Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 Beta! I believe we all wanted to return to TSR 2.0 at some point, and this renewed motivation has given us the perfect opportunity to do just that! As activity will be ramping up on the developmental front for TSR 2.0, expect to see updates as they happen! Thank you for your time in reading this! Your support is what gets the ball rolling and keep it rolling!
  13. [thumb]thumb_tsr.h.png[/thumb]Good welcome, citizens! The Tiberian Sun has risen! Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 is officially released and available to play! With special thanks to everyone for your continued support, we have come together and upgraded Reborn to the 2.0 build we had envisioned! Download it today on your W3D Hub Launcher! From updated game mechanics, new assets, a larger variety of maps, fresh audio, and everything in-between, the development that went into Tiberian Sun: Reborn 2.0 offers you a revamped experience of the world of Tiberian Sun! Will you join the fight for peace as GDI or seek to advance the Tiberium cause through Nod? What are you waiting for, Commander? The battlefield awaits! [blurb][/blurb]
  14. It's been a long time coming, but with the event on the horizon, we've come together and whipped up a nifty balance patch for TSR 1.6! While not perfect, this should smooth over some of the more glaring issues that were present. This is also likely to be the final update for 1.5, barring any major bugs that crop up. Moving forward, TSR work will be focused solely on 2.0. CHANGELOG-Updated scripts to 4.7u1 -Increased Cyborg Arm Cannon reload time from 1.0 to 1.65 -Ported over the -slightly- better looking GDI Service Depot textures from 2.0 -Umagon & Toxin Trooper Velocity increased to 1000 (was 500) -Umagon & Toxin Trooper SprayAngle decreased to 0 (was 0.08) -Cyborg Commando HP reduced to 350 (was 500) -Cyborg HP reduced to 200 (was 250) -Riot Trooper price decreased to 250 (was 400) -Umagon is now squishable -Enforcer HP reduced to 150 (was 175) -Enforcer Armor reduced to 100 (was 150) -Ghost Stalker Railgun damage increased to 180 (was 160) -Cyborg Arm Cannon damage reduced to 100 (was 150) -Disruptor Range increased to 80 (was 60) -Unit Limit for MSA and MSG set to 1 -Tiberium healing effect on mutants and cyborgs drasitaclly reduced (effect reduced from -0.9 for cyborgs and -0.45 for mutants to -0.2 for both) GAME NIGHTWe're pleased to be able to get this out for you guys, because there is a TSR game night on Thursday! Check out the details below! [blurb]A new balance patch for Tiberian Sun: Reborn has been released ahead of the event! Check out the long awaited Cyborg nerf and more![/blurb]
  15. Does anybody remember a custom textures for TS Reborn that turn the Medic box into a hello kitty texture? I remember seeing a guy using them from his Youtube videos and he also had Spongebob C4, now I can't find it anywhere.
  16. Hey all! First post. Back in January, I played a game during TS:R's event. I was trying to edit a video but it became an impossible slog to edit, so instead I made this playlist. Yeah, I had to split it into 15 minute videos. I refuse to validate my account with my phone number. Here's the first part of the videos, you can find the rest with the link below(or above here.) Also yeah, I'm trying out some new video settings, hoping it turns out not as bad as my War Thunder video's fugly compression. I'll be the first to admit I have issues. I seriously don't like my personality, and my behavior at the end of this 2 hour session shows just how bad it gets. To be fair to me, an hour of straight non-victories will wear anyone down, but I should've taken it better. In any case, what is done is done, and it was fun for the majority of it! As promised, this entire sentence is a link to the playlist incase you missed or didn't want to click the link above. Have some screenshots I took! (roughly 2:29:52, GDI assault on lesser Nod base in Egypt, 2030. I really don't like this map.) (couldn't figure out the time stamp, someone please let me know, A CABAL run bomber attempts to take on the GDI assault mid-firestorm crisis, 2032. This match unfortunately showed the worst side of me, the side that's a complete and utter sore looser.) Yeah by the ways, the video(at the time of writing this) hasn't been fully uploaded yet, I left my computer on overnight to do that. Hopefully by the time you see this, the video is ready!
  17. Hello everyone! We’re happy to announce that we’re pushing out patch 1.6 today. We’re sorry for the late notice, but this should hopefully make the event a little better compared to what’s currently in 1.5. Below you’ll find the changes that we’ve made, and should be available on the launcher soon! GENERAL -TSR 2.0 Menu and Intro Movie backported from 2.0 -Rocket warhead effectiveness VS flying vehicles increased to 1 (was 0.8) -"Unit Ready" announcement no longer plays twice Infantry -Veterancy purged from all infantry units, effectively removing it from the game -Third person camera adjusted to be smoother -Minor lighting adjustments -Cyborgs and Enforcers can now drive vehicles -Umagon anti-vehicle C4 and Toxin Trooper Toxin Grenades removed -Umagon and Toxin Trooper projectile gravity increased to 0.5 (from 0) GDI -Disc Thrower secondary fire removed -Disc Thrower Gravity changed to 0.5 (from 2.250) -Disc Thrower Projectile velocity increased to 60 (was 40) -Disc Thrower range reduced to 100 (was 180) -Riot Trooper moved up on the purchase list -Riot Trooper Price reduced to 400 (from 700) -Shotgun Slug ammo cost reduced to 1 (from 2) -EMP mines removed from Riot Trooper -Umagon rifle is no longer burst fire -Umagon damage up to 33 (from 11) -Umagon magazine size set to 8 (from 18) -JumpJet armor reduced to 0 (from 40) NOD -Elite Cadre Grenade Launcher now has unlimited ammo -Cyborgs now have their arm cannon by default -Toxin Trooper damage up to 30 (from 10) -Toxin Soldier magazine size set to 10 (from 30) -Confessor Rifle damage boosted to 18 (from 14) -Cyborg Commando speed increased to 6 (from 5.5) -Cyborg Commando now has a flamethrower secondary fire Vehicles GDI -Wolverine Targeting Range increased to 85 (was 75) -Wolverine MaxEngineTorque increased to 5000 (was 4750) -Hover MRLS secondary fire removed -Disruptor Health/Armor increased to 500/500 (was 450/450) -Disruptor now uses Heavy armor (was Medium) -Juggernaut Splash Radius increased to 15 (was 12.5) -ORCA Fighter range increased to 120 (was 90) -ORCA Bomber Splash Radius increased to 30 (was 15) -ORCA Bomber Splash Damage increased to 130 (was 120) -Carryall texture updated NOD -Attack Cycle model & physics updated to handle far better, making for a smoother experience -Tick Tank now uses the same emitter when deployed and undeployed -MRV now has a repair beam -MRV range increased to 12 (was 6) -Cyborg Reaper damage increased to 40 (was 35) -Cyborg Reaper web removed -Harpy damage down to 6 (was 8 ) Buildings -Vulcan Cannon damage reduced to 6 (from 8 ) -RPG Turret damage reduced to 70 (from 80) -RPG Turret now uses Rocket warhead, making it more effective against vehicles, but less effective against infantry Levels General Ion Storms have been removed from most levels. TS_Crossroads - Finally added the missing Gas Station and Local Store to the middle - New Outposts have been added near each Faction's base in the middle - Civilian buildings have been added near the GDI base - The crashed Banshee has been moved closer to the shore and a small car park is now in it's place - Some texture updates - Fixed an area where you could go out of bounds - GDI Base defenses no longer float TS_Drought - Added a Civilian living area to the GDI side - Added a small industrial area to the Nod side - Various objects have been placed over the map for better infantry combat cover - Other small changes and additions TS_GrandCanyon - The Tiberium Sludge is no longer broken TS_Isles - New back amphibious routes to the Nod base TS_Shallows - GDI base defenses no longer float TS_Snow - New vehicles have been added leading into the side of each base - New vehicle routes have been added along with tunnels leading into each base - Some missing objects have been re-added - Mutants and the Mammoth Tank have been removed from the middle area - Crates will no longer float
  18. Hallo,guys. When i was installing latest version of Tiberian Sun Reborn from the launcher, i recieved this weird shit. Tryed to reinstall the launcher,still got that error. Perhaps some files got corrupted somehow,maybe? idk. If anyone knows or have clues on what could be causing this error,and how to fix it pls respond. Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Join in for a TSR Game Night this Friday the 5th! This game night is brought to you by our friends from C&C Series! For our Russian-speaking friends, they will be hosting chat on their server. Для русскоязычных игроков общение будет на сервере C&C Series: https://discord.gg/WEyfWzB
  20. The community is organizing a huge reunion to celebrate Renegade's 19th birthday! During the event, we'll be hopping between multiple games inspired by Renegade, along with enjoying some action from the classic itself!
  21. Tiberian Sun: Reborn has been updated with a few extra maps that were missing from the re-launch. All of these maps were originally made by community member @Timeaua. These maps are: Omega City - A large urban map with a city in the centre. GDI and Nod both have forward bases that can be used to repair vehicles and deposit Tiberium. Dam - A large Dam separates the GDI and Nod bases, with routes that coil underneath the hills through tunnel systems. Tiber - Located near the source of Tiberium around the impact site on the Tiber River, the terrain between the GDI and Nod bases is dangerous and inhospitable. A Small civilian settlement in the middle of the map sits atop a network of tunnels and pathways. All three of these maps are now live on the server, so suit up and get out there! [blurb]Tiberian Sun: Reborn has been updated with a few extra maps that were missing from the re-launch. All of these maps were originally made by community member Timeaua.[/blurb][thumb]thumb_tsr.g.png[/thumb]
  22. Hi everyone, We just wanted to take this opportunity to give a quick update on Reborn as it stands. Reborn Shelved for Now You may have noticed that we've put the news forums and the Discord channel for the game back up. When the whole situation happened a few weeks back, we made the hasty decision of taking these bits and pieces down. This was the wrong move to make on our part, as it raised questions from fans as to whether Reborn had been cancelled. Reborn hasn't been cancelled, but under the current circumstances the game has been delayed indefinitely. The dedicated team that was working on the project currently has no motivation or desire to push it any further whilst the situation persists and has pretty much disbanded for now. Also, in light of the situation we will not be putting the current public version of Reborn back on the launcher for now. This may change if the situation changes though. That being said though, there is a silver lining to all this. We've started redistributing our people and resources to our other projects such as Battle For Dune: War of Assassins and Red Alert 2: Apocalypse Rising, with the aim to use the developments to the engine that we made during Reborn's development and apply them to these projects instead. Ultimately what this means is that you guys will get BFD and AR quicker than you were going to get them before (when we were working on Reborn) and a lot of the engine developments going into those games will probably get passed back to Reborn in the future; but unfortunately it'll be a while before you guys get your hands on Reborn 2.0. Tiberian Genesis Awakens On the upside, there are a couple of projects that are still carrying the Tiberian Sun shooter torch in the meantime. Our long-time friend @Sentry has recently relaunched Tiberian Sun Genesis, which is a total conversion mod for ARMA3 with a mix of RTS and FPS game mechanics. More info will be coming soon, but In the meantime, here are a couple of screenshots: Support Sentry over on the Tiberian Genesis Discord server here: https://discord.gg/76RgTt The Firestorm Begins If you're looking for your Tiberian Sun FPS fix sooner than that though, you won't have to wait too long, since our friends over at Renegade X has just announced their Tiberian Sun-themed expansion, "Renegade X: Firestorm"! This is actually a bit of a blessing in disguise, because we were aiming to get Reborn out in the autumn; so you guys will still get a free Tiberian Sun-based FPS to play this year. Here's a link to the trailer, keep posted this autumn for more details! Support the Renegade X team over on their Discord server here: https://discord.com/invite/renegadex Thanks for ReadingThanks for reading and understanding everyone. If you have any questions feel free to ask, but please keep the discussion civil. We're all looking forward to the APB event tomorrow, so if you haven't signed up for that, make sure you do! Cheers! [blurb]Just a quick update on Reborn and what we're doing moving forward.[/blurb]
  23. And you thought we had abandoned TSR... Silly you! We got a present for ya! Changes in this update: Update from a 4+ year old build of scrips 4.3 to the latest version of scripts 4.6. This update adds 4 years of engine improvements in the areas of performance and stability - Thanks @jonwil and the Tiberian Technologies team for the continued work and support, 17 years and counting! Goodbye Disco-Sludge! You've been great fun to look at, but you've melted your last graphics card! Yes thats right! Grand Canyon has been patched to fix the iconic yet notorious glittery tiberium. @jonwil is actually responsible for this fix as well. The current public version of TSR is still on life support while TSR 2.0 is in development, nothing has changed there. But when we discovered that a simple engine update made the game and server exponentially more stable, we decided to throw something your way to help you guys pass the time until TSR 2.0 is ready! This update is live on the server now! Enjoy! ~ The Team.
  24. Made this to practise video editing and effects 🤘
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