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It's been long enough that I should probably say hi here and ask what all has been going on.


Because honestly it kind of feels like I've missed out on everything.


Like ECW. What even is that?

Edited by Lavama
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  • 2 months later...

Hello, I'm blujet. I heard about tsr a while back, but I didn't decide to join until now (of course with my luck no one is playing it *sighs*.) I found RA APB to be fun as well, but I hope tsr can get more players in the future. So here I am I guess *shrugs*.

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Hey there! Welcome! Glad you decided to pop in here, and we hope you'll stick around for a while. TSR is undergoing an overhaul currently and we're super excited to see what the devs come up with for the next release. I think we'll all be impressed :)


Please note the forum and game server rules, and if you have any questions, please ask!


See you ingame!

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  • 3 months later...


Hi. I'm extremely old but thought I would join for nostalgia's sake.

Oh hey I know you. xD

I know you too! I mean I only started playing APB like 10 years ago.

Also I'm going to assume that I'm still the number one sniperwhore of all time.

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If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure I had 10,000 sniper kills on two different names lol. Old stats. Also I had a game with 114 KD.


I remember when Voekov started playing, he was at the end of my scope many of times!

Edited by Kazmo
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  • 2 months later...

So how did I not find this thread until now :p

I'm OrangeP47, or as some of you might remember OAM, or RearAdmiralProffitt even, from back in the day. I played on and off from .9935 all the way up to a bit after Gamma's launch, but as you know, life gets busy sometimes, sometimes for years at a time :p I used to be fairly active both on the server and on the BHP forums. Fortunately/unfortunately, I'm in a bit of a life situation right now (medical, it'll get better, just needs time) where I have plenty of free time, so I've gone forth to inflict my nuisance on as many communities as I remember ;) :dance:

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...


I first played APB when Beta was released, err, in 2007 was it? I was basically just an uber lurker on the old bhp forums under a different, though, but I played actively up until around 2010 when I went off to school.

Good to see this place is still going. :D

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27 minutes ago, GraYaSDF said:

Really?)) Heh, I was playing APB Beta since 2008 when I was finally able to play through Internet . Those were great times - with crowded server sometimes, with few clans fighting each other, with Game Spy Comrade :D

Yeah man, good times! Dat 26-player limit and waiting forever just to get in! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everybody, new guy here. Just leapt back into the game today. I used to play APB back in the mid-2000's, around the time air units were first being introduced (05, 06? Eh, can't remember.). 

At any rate, had a blast! Great playing with a few guys and seeing just how far the game has come. Definitely happy to be here!

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