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Tell me. How is it any different from what happened to BHP and you guys just few months ago?


Something with a pot and a kettle... yeah


Because the ENTIRE reborn team came with us. Plus we aren't using anything from BHP. You are attempting to create something without the reborn team, but using our assets. THAT'S the problem.

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Tell me. How is it any different from what happened to BHP and you guys just few months ago?

Something with a pot and a kettle... yeah


Because the ENTIRE reborn team came with us. Plus we aren't using anything from BHP. You are attempting to create something without the reborn team, but using our assets. THAT'S the problem.

So what about stealing the forum database? ;) I remember people were pretty pissed off about that.

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I don't like where this thread is going if I'm honest, so I feel like I should step in.


So what about stealing the forum database? ;) I remember people were pretty pissed off about that.

The forum database sits in a pretty grey area to be honest. I had access to the credentials for it, so I don't think that it really constitutes as stealing. A good chunk of the content on it was ours as well as APB's so both sides had a claim to it. The two leaders of BHP at the time, Chronojam and I, had equal claim to it in my mind, so splitting it off and getting rid of the bits that weren't ours was well within our rights. Particularly as no formal contract was written up at the inception of BHP.


It is true that you could release all of the Reborn source assets and all that the Reborn team could do is get mad about it, but at this stage in the game there's no real reason to. If you want to make this project, let's open up some dialogue and talk about it rather than acting like kids who don't want to share their toys. One of the points of this community is that we start sharing knowledge to make our games better. If you want to go ahead and make Reborn X, then come and work with us and we can probably help you out with it a bit.


UDK may have been overshadowed by UE4, but if you know uScript like you say you do, then that shouldn't be an issue at all. People are still making great games for UDK and it's a solid engine. We are working on some UE4 stuff in the background, so if you wanted to take a bash at that with us then that's cool too. But lets not fight each other when we're aiming for the same goal: an awesome Tiberian Sun FPS experience. There is a reason why I made sure that I had all of the old Red Alert 2 FPS mods gathered up before we really kicked off AR.


I'm personally pretty excited to see what you've done so far, so I think that if we could work on a collaboration rather than alienation, we'd all be a lot better off as a community. Those are my thoughts anyway.

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Tell me. How is it any different from what happened to BHP and you guys just few months ago?


Something with a pot and a kettle... yeah.

Nope... This is nothing like what happened with BHP. We left BHP because certain individuals had God complexes and felt the need to act like our bosses instead of our team members.


In this case, you are someone who was kicked off the old team because he wanted to throw a fit and leak the teams work. And has been offered a chance to come back and help us with TSR and future TSR projects. But instead would like to come in here, strut around, and threaten to use assets that he doesn't have permission to use.

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Jesus Wally, calm down your tits.


I'm not threatening you with anything. I even offered you to work together on this.

I'm willing to invest a bit of time into developing TSR for a new engine. Creating and updating assets you are allowed to use in future (ue4) projects. While the old assets only serve as placeholders.

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Jesus Wally, calm down your tits.


I'm not threatening you with anything. I even offered you to work together on this.

I'm willing to invest a bit of time into developing TSR for a new engine. Creating and updating assets you are allowed to use in future (ue4) projects. While the old assets only serve as placeholders.



There's nothing stopping me from releasing the source files and you know it.

It's just that the assets are so outdated no one will give a shit about them :p

Yeah not sure at all how this could be mis-understood as a threat. My mistake. Also I've explained in full our future plans for a new engine, and part of that plan isn't starting out in UDK, if you were interested in helping you wouldn't be up here acting like this and would be trying to find a way to jump in and lend a hand.

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This thread should probably be locked before someone says something in the heat of the moment that they/we will all regret.


also take it to Pm's guys... I mean come on, is this what we want numero uno topic on the general comments section to devolve to? Paints a great picture of the community to new people.


And while I do agree with Wallywoods reaction here considering it is usually considered stealing using others people stuff without consent and will be seen as really dick move by the C&C community, I also can understand where Wolf is coming from as all he wants to do is see an updated version of TSR on a newer engine 'sooner rather than later' which isn't a necessarily a bad thing and if he wants to put time and effort into it then good for him (although they say the road to hell is paved with good intentions)


However Wolf I think you went about it rather badly, or should I say you let W3d find out about it in a rather poor way and should have consulted them in private before bringing it up on the forum.


From what I have seen of the W3d hub staff I imagine (with a bit of discussion, negotiation and compromise) they would have been totally cool with what you are doing and it would be getting announced in the main news area as a brand new W3d hub backed project rather than an argument in the general discussion area if you had just asked them first, or at least asked before bringing it up on the forums. However assuming they don't want you to use their asset then you should accept their request not do so and move on gracefully otherwise it makes you look bad and will alienate the W3d community (including its playerbase and clans) from your mod.




There's nothing stopping me from releasing the source files and you know it.
It's just that the assets are so outdated no one will give a shit about them :p


And yeah, I agree with Wallywood here, this is really confrontational and could have been worded better, but hey, heat of the moment responses, we all do it at some point and I'm sure you didn't mean it to come across like it did.



Now can we all just Hug and make up before this escalates to true ugliness (I'd say kiss and make up but that might creep some people out) and possibly celebrate the unofficial announcement of a possible UDK based version of TSR.

Edited by DeviousDave
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Long as he gives proper credit where it's due for the assets used, It can't hurt anyone. That's how i see it. It's the same way when someone uploads a letsplay video of a Nintendo game, and then Nintendo force the video to get taken down. They don't have to legally exercise that right. For all intended reasons its free advertisement for them, and they could be nice and let that person upload gameplay videos. But you know, corporate faggotry often gets in the way. I just don't like it when people bitch and fight over polygons or who made and uploaded a texture in a virtual space, things like that. We're humans, we're better then this. He's not profiting on it, he's not disregarding where the MRLS model came from for example.


And really EA techically owns Command & Conquer, so technically they could shut everyone's project down if they wanted. So think about that. We're only here discussing this because EA allowed Reborn to exist, and they even said a few years ago (Don't quote me word for word) But didn't they say they were totally cool with Reborn (And APB?) so long as you guys didn't profit from it? They could have been faggots like WB and shut you down for using their IP. Similar how MERP for Skyrim got shutdown and that Halo mod for Zero hour got shut down.

Edited by Bayonetta
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I don't think quality is an issue. Reborn is more detailed, complete, and balanced than vanilla renegade. Just the branding. People don't seem to trust indies. On another note, the "stupid noobs, get out of here!" behavior I frequently witness certainly doesn't help.


While the models are definitely higher quality than vanilla, balance overall in vanilla renegade is much better. Most maps in renegade are 50/50 odds for each team winning (other than field). Reborn on the other hand is definitely lobsided in the balance department. Also it needs a serious rework of the repairgun and c4 mechanics as well as more variety in characters. Think of the changes made between Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. Vehicles are also rather useless unless you have a huge rush. There's no convenient way to repair a tank on the battlefield. The mobile repair tank is clunky and requires another person and GDI has to return to base and pay money to repair a tank. Also the lack of the ability to repair nod characters in the field is also a sore point. (other than cyborgs in tib).


What i think would be cool if someone could renegadize tiberian sun, the same way tiberian dawn was tweaked.

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I don't think quality is an issue. Reborn is more detailed, complete, and balanced than vanilla renegade. Just the branding. People don't seem to trust indies. On another note, the "stupid noobs, get out of here!" behavior I frequently witness certainly doesn't help.


While the models are definitely higher quality than vanilla, balance overall in vanilla renegade is much better. Most maps in renegade are 50/50 odds for each team winning (other than field). Reborn on the other hand is definitely lobsided in the balance department. Also it needs a serious rework of the repairgun and c4 mechanics as well as more variety in characters. Think of the changes made between Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. Vehicles are also rather useless unless you have a huge rush. There's no convenient way to repair a tank on the battlefield. The mobile repair tank is clunky and requires another person and GDI has to return to base and pay money to repair a tank. Also the lack of the ability to repair nod characters in the field is also a sore point. (other than cyborgs in tib).


What i think would be cool if someone could renegadize tiberian sun, the same way tiberian dawn was tweaked.




That would be interesting, but the teams here have always leaned more towards making the new games more like the original RTS's. Many of the devs dislike the renegade approach and prefer to keep their games more faithful to the sources - instead of interpreting them in their own way. A more renegade-ish TS would be interesting though, applying a lighter, gamer-y art style would definitely result in some interesting changes elsewhere.

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Vehicles are also rather useless unless you have a huge rush. There's no convenient way to repair a tank on the battlefield. The mobile repair tank is clunky and requires another person and GDI has to return to base and pay money to repair a tank. Also the lack of the ability to repair Nod characters in the field is also a sore point. (other than cyborgs in tib).


What i think would be cool if someone could renegadize tiberian sun, the same way tiberian dawn was tweaked.


Its good as it is. Renegeade repairing system leads to base camping situations.

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We technically did renegadize Tiberian Sun. Several of our characters are original (Confessor, Officer, Enforcer), and we have mechanics that were never in Tiberian Sun (EMP Mines, Technicians that actually repair things, more complicated veterancy). We do not aim to clone Renegade however. IF you want that, I have an old Reborn Vehicle beta which is... Renegade with walkers. Seriously. GDI even has chemical warriors.


Funny enough though, veteran Engineers and Technicians right now are coded to have a vehicle regeneration effect. I did test this in the currently released version, and it works for technicians. Just not engineers.

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I don't think quality is an issue. Reborn is more detailed, complete, and balanced than vanilla renegade. Just the branding. People don't seem to trust indies. On another note, the "stupid noobs, get out of here!" behavior I frequently witness certainly doesn't help.


While the models are definitely higher quality than vanilla, balance overall in vanilla renegade is much better. Most maps in renegade are 50/50 odds for each team winning (other than field). Reborn on the other hand is definitely lobsided in the balance department. Also it needs a serious rework of the repairgun and C4 mechanics as well as more variety in characters. Think of the changes made between Tiberian Dawn and Renegade. Vehicles are also rather useless unless you have a huge rush. There's no convenient way to repair a tank on the battlefield. The mobile repair tank is clunky and requires another person and GDI has to return to base and pay money to repair a tank. Also the lack of the ability to repair Nod characters in the field is also a sore point. (other than cyborgs in tib).


What i think would be cool if someone could renegadize tiberian sun, the same way tiberian dawn was tweaked.



You know the balance in renegade is terrible. Maps are way too small and offer no real way for vehicles for have large open scale battles. (TS_Dam for reborn) is a good example of a large open map with plenty of vehicle routes. Renegay maps have 1 vehicle entrance where its easy for the opposite team to camp it. Certain weapons make all other character classes obsolete. Such as the N00bjet and Railguns. Lighter vehicles like Buggies and hummers are useless because of ramjets. Prox mines make infantry assaults pretty much impossible. And that's my problem with Renegade X, it recreates Renegade down to its very faults. And lastly i hate Renegades repairing system where engineers can repair everything which makes camping easy and makes SD's useless.


Much as i love renegade. The multiplayer was inbalanced and got really repetitive because of the map balance and unit design in general.

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The game used to be a lot like that about 3 years ago but it was too close to Renegade in many people's opinion.

In fact I know I wasn't supposed to but I kept around the tester install of the version 3 years ago by renardin.

Every character had a timed c4 and limited ammo. (it was enough ammo to get you to the enemy base to use the c4)

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Well, hopefully we won't make a new renegade. What was done till now it's just amazing. I think every ideea is good and this won't stop in the next years. You made Tiberian Sun Reborn something that i couldn't imagine few yeas ago. This good job started from friendship and cooperation (I don't want to be like a star of a weird animation film). This knowledge shearing improved this game. I give a shit to what engine we use, to Renegade X and to what other people think about us. We are what we are and what we want and this community is great as it is. The game is cool. Players are friendly. What do we need? More players! Yea, probably. That's why I started this topic :) . Players are easy to found. All C&C fans should try a piece of us. If we will be loyal to this work everyhting will be good. Good night!

Edited by AndrewGOLD
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Well, hopefully we won't make a new renegade. What was done till now it's just amazing. I think every ideea is good and this won't stop in the next years. You made Tiberian Sun Reborn something that i couldn't imagine few yeas ago. This good job started from friendship and cooperation (I don't want to be like a star of a weird animation film). This knowledge shearing improved this game. I give a shit to what engine we use, to Renegade X and to what other people think about us. We are what we are and what we want and this community is great as it is. The game is cool. Players are friendly. What do we need? More players! Yea, probably. That's why I started this topic :) . Players are easy to found. All C&C fans should try a piece of us. If we will be loyal to this work everyhting will be good. Good night!


Well said Andrew. We're all working together to create games that are unlike anything else that's out there. The w3d engine helps us to do this with it's unique quirks. The infrastructure that aim to build around our games should hopefully keep them alive and running for another good 10+ years. A website and wiki hub paired with a brand new stats system as well as a wealth of new maps and content for TS Reborn should help us to achieve this. Also when Apocalypse Rising hits it's first public release then we should bring in another wealth of new players.


We're really on track to building a community that we can all be proud of. :)

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Well, hopefully we won't make a new renegade. What was done till now it's just amazing. I think every ideea is good and this won't stop in the next years. You made Tiberian Sun Reborn something that i couldn't imagine few yeas ago. This good job started from friendship and cooperation (I don't want to be like a star of a weird animation film). This knowledge shearing improved this game. I give a shit to what engine we use, to Renegade X and to what other people think about us. We are what we are and what we want and this community is great as it is. The game is cool. Players are friendly. What do we need? More players! Yea, probably. That's why I started this topic :) . Players are easy to found. All C&C fans should try a piece of us. If we will be loyal to this work everyhting will be good. Good night!


Well said Andrew. We're all working together to create games that are unlike anything else that's out there. The w3d engine helps us to do this with it's unique quirks. The infrastructure that aim to build around our games should hopefully keep them alive and running for another good 10+ years. A website and wiki hub paired with a brand new stats system as well as a wealth of new maps and content for TS Reborn should help us to achieve this. Also when Apocalypse Rising hits it's first public release then we should bring in another wealth of new players.


We're really on track to building a community that we can all be proud of. :)



TBH i think EA are missing out, there's a clear demand for another type of this kind of game.

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Companies are missing out on a LOT of opportunities these days.


Amen to that




Well, hopefully we won't make a new renegade. What was done till now it's just amazing. I think every ideea is good and this won't stop in the next years. You made Tiberian Sun Reborn something that i couldn't imagine few yeas ago. This good job started from friendship and cooperation (I don't want to be like a star of a weird animation film). This knowledge shearing improved this game. I give a shit to what engine we use, to Renegade X and to what other people think about us. We are what we are and what we want and this community is great as it is. The game is cool. Players are friendly. What do we need? More players! Yea, probably. That's why I started this topic :) . Players are easy to found. All C&C fans should try a piece of us. If we will be loyal to this work everyhting will be good. Good night!


Well said Andrew. We're all working together to create games that are unlike anything else that's out there. The w3d engine helps us to do this with it's unique quirks. The infrastructure that aim to build around our games should hopefully keep them alive and running for another good 10+ years. A website and wiki hub paired with a brand new stats system as well as a wealth of new maps and content for TS Reborn should help us to achieve this. Also when Apocalypse Rising hits it's first public release then we should bring in another wealth of new players.


We're really on track to building a community that we can all be proud of. :)



TBH i think EA are missing out, there's a clear demand for another type of this kind of game.



Part of me fears that if Electronic Asshats did announce Renegade 2, that they would then try to kill off TSR, APB, RA-AR etc. as they would view them as competition, no matter how absurd that is.


especially as I can almost guarantee that unless BHP and W3d staff were all involved the end result would be worse than the FREE standalone titles currently available (I have quite a low opinion of EA these days)


Knowing EA they would probably take out base buildings from Renegade 2 and make it capture the control zones or plant bombs on objectives or Team death match, and let's not forget the day one bugs that will take them four to six weeks to fix (compared to W3d staff fixing bugs in a day... and adding more content via the bugfix patch too)


Oh and micro transactions and vertical progression, don't forget them.

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Companies are missing out on a LOT of opportunities these days.


Generally kickstarter has shown there is still a lot of interest in specific genres of games that normally wouldn't get the backing nor the money to fund from larger companies. For exmape. I'm screaming for a new Dungeon Keeper Sequel or reboot.

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There is already an awesome dungeon keeper remake, look up "war for the overworld" on steam ;)


Yeah, but even though if they managed to get the guy who narrated Dungeon Keeper. And even if its inspired by Dungeon Keeper, and even uses the prototype name for the Third official game of-the series before it got canned by EA. It isn't No dungeon Keeper, i want my Bile Demons and Horned Demons. I wanna Bitch slap my Mistresses, and torture those pesky dwaves and turn them into skeletons. I want Dungeon Keeper III dammit.

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There is already an awesome dungeon keeper remake, look up "war for the overworld" on steam ;)

Yeah, but even though if they managed to get the guy who narrated Dungeon Keeper. And even if its inspired by Dungeon Keeper, and even uses the prototype name for the Third official game of-the series before it got canned by EA. It isn't No dungeon Keeper, i want my Bile Demons and Horned Demons. I wanna Bitch slap my Mistresses, and torture those pesky dwaves and turn them into skeletons. I want Dungeon Keeper III dammit.


I've played around with it a bit and it actually does "feel like" a real DK game. A lot of things were re-named or modified slightly to avoid copyright infringement (ie: "Underlord" instead of "Keeper" and micro piglets instead of chickens) but the game mechanics are similar

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Don't hold your breath. Dungeon Keeper Mobile pretty much killed the series, in a similar way to Medal of Honour: Warfighter or C&C 4.

Warfighter was ahead of it's time in terms of FPS gaming imo. It almost completely broke away from Rambo styled and relied heavily on teamwork and player based skill, not on fancy perks or certain weapons being overpowered.

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