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Can mines have less health?

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Yeah, mines should be quicker to disarm...you have to stand completely still in order to hit the mine with the repair gun, and it's impossible to do if there's any enemy nearby.


Also I'm thinking, how about letting mines disappear after a set amount of time, say 15 minutes? Maybe also give Riot Troopers fewer mines, while decreasing their cost?

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Yeah, mines should be quicker to disarm...you have to stand completely still in order to hit the mine with the repair gun, and it's impossible to do if there's any enemy nearby.


Also I'm thinking, how about letting mines disappear after a set amount of time, say 15 minutes? Maybe also give Riot Troopers fewer mines, while decreasing their cost?


I'm just saying because if Riot mine's are going to be refillable, then it should be made easier to dis-arm them. It's Do-able for sure right now, but during combat its like impossible. Hiding behind your vehicle isn't a good option because people could steal it. And moving around to avoid fire makes it impossible to actually hit the repair beam on a mine.

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I agree to less health and a time limit. Especially if they're placed near base defenses or high-traffic areas (which is most of the time), where they're for all intents and purposes impossible to remove without sacrificing something to the mines to remove them. And with the Ghost Stalker having c4, possible medic support, and immunity to being crushed (including by stealth vehicles which emp counters), I think the cyborg commando should be given emp immunity just to balance it. Not fair that the GS can blow up a building by camping inside for 20 seconds and Cyborg commando gets stopped if there so happens to be a single mine at an entrance.

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EMP mines are very annoying, but i think less health, some vehicles immune to them and few of them per riot trooper should help. To balance the situation Nod could have some mines too.


50% less health. Cyborg commandos being immune to EMP would be a good idea too. Then 1 mine doesn't do him in.

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Try using a MRV on them. MRV's are immune to EMP mines and they repair them away very fast.


What if the mines are in an infantry tunnel like the one on Field?

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What I find more absurd is how GDI can just dump mines in Nods' own base, the worst offender being the Hand of Nod. Spam mines around the sole entrance, get a Riot Trooper to camp the door and kill any Technician or Engineer or any other soft infantry whilst the mines keep the Cyborgs away.


But yeah, EMP immunity for the Cyborg Commando would be great.


Also, the MRV has some tricky aiming when it comes to disarming mines, you literally have to get on top of said mine, which is harder than it looks.

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What I find more absurd is how GDI can just dump mines in Nods' own base, the worst offender being the Hand of Nod. Spam mines around the sole entrance, get a Riot Trooper to camp the door and kill any Technician or Engineer or any other soft infantry whilst the mines keep the Cyborgs away.


But yeah, EMP immunity for the Cyborg Commando would be great.


Also, the MRV has some tricky aiming when it comes to disarming mines, you literally have to get on top of said mine, which is harder than it looks.


when you got shit shooting at you from being outside their base entrance, it's easier said then done dis-arming mines in a timely fashion without getting killed. Right now it's so easy to shutdown Nods Cyborg game, or to hamper it. Nod has nothing on the Ghost-stalker. Not only does he do more damage, but he also has C4 and doesn't have to worry about EMP mines getting him killed.


You could always shorten the EMP mine stun duration in favor of a wee bit of damage delt due to the shrapnel.

Edited by Bayonetta
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If you wish to make the CC immune to EMP, make the GS immune to cyborg reaper web.


Don't compare two seperate things. EMP mines aren't specifically there to prevent Cyborg commando's, EMP mines weren't even in the Original TS. EMP mines if anything are designed to stop vehicle and sneak attacks. Saying prevent nets from working on the ghost-stalker is like saying make it so Cyborgs should be safe from Disrupter beams.


And and a big thing to take self note. Is that Reapers can't go in buildings nor can they go in tunnels. Unlike EMP mines which can be placed anywhere which can prevent a Cyborg commando from doing anything apart from camping a tib field. Once a Ghost Stalker is inside a building such as a CY or a WF he doesn't have to worry about a rogue Reaper.

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Then why not make it so the Reaper can enter buildings so that they can chase GS wherever he tries to hide Muhahahahahahaha! (cue lightning and thunder) :smug:[only a joke, before anyone get's their panties in a bunch]


Or create AI (anti Infantry) reaper web mines for NOD that slow Infantry that step on them.

And let the MRV place heavier Electro Reaper web AT mines that entangle vehicles preventing them from moving (but not shooting)


Or make them resetting traps instead of mines that self cloak and shoot short range reaper webs that ensnare the target preventing it from doing anything (same as a normal reaper web)

The plus side to dispenser version is that it will reset after firing so it can attack again and that it can hit multiple people from a short distance away, downside is that it can be killed by normal gunfire (but not explosions... that would make it too easy to remove) and less of them can be placed.

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...how about we tone down the crazy ideas please?


EMP Mines are going to be more vulnerable to repair beams next patch since they are spammable again. Please don't ask for a timeframe either on this.

Can we expect the patch by end of day Thursday?

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...how about we tone down the crazy ideas please?

GeneralKilljoy:P Let them brainstorm as much craziness as they like; who knows? Maybe something useful could pop up. And besides, it's fun to read these ideas and imagine how they would work.

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...how about we tone down the crazy ideas please?


EMP Mines are going to be more vulnerable to repair beams next patch since they are spammable again. Please don't ask for a timeframe either on this.


chill man, it was only a joke :|




Then why not make it so the Reaper can enter buildings so that they can chase GS wherever he tries to hide Muhahahahahahaha! (cue lightning and thunder) :smug:[only a joke, before anyone get's their panties in a bunch]


Or create AI (anti Infantry) reaper web mines for Nod that slow Infantry that step on them.

And let the MRV place heavier Electro Reaper web AT mines that entangle vehicles preventing them from moving (but not shooting)


Or make them resetting traps instead of mines that self cloak and shoot short range reaper webs that ensnare the target preventing it from doing anything (same as a normal reaper web)

The plus side to dispenser version is that it will reset after firing so it can attack again and that it can hit multiple people from a short distance away, downside is that it can be killed by normal gunfire (but not explosions... that would make it too easy to remove) and less of them can be placed.


oh... I just realized, the part where I say only joking got moved up somehow :sweatdrop:

it was meant to go at the bottom as I realize that those ideas are unfeasible and got canned ages ago in another topic thread + way too much work and probably horrid to balance.




...how about we tone down the crazy ideas please?


EMP Mines are going to be more vulnerable to repair beams next patch since they are spammable again. Please don't ask for a timeframe either on this.

Can we expect the patch by end of day Thursday?



he's already hidden the patch within the last patch and you just don't know it yet... patchception :tinfoil:

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...how about we tone down the crazy ideas please?


EMP Mines are going to be more vulnerable to repair beams next patch since they are spammable again. Please don't ask for a timeframe either on this.


chill man, it was only a joke :|

I'm sorry, your awesomeness just intimidated me because I cannot be nearly as awesome as you are. I realize my response was rather rash and uncalled for though, I am sorry.

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I'm sorry, your awesomeness just intimidated me because I cannot be nearly as awesome as you are. I realize my response was rather rash and uncalled for though, I am sorry.



Apology accepted, although I may be forced to put this in my sig :laugh:

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