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Little known secret, Jie. Word of mouth. Give it a shot sometime!


And yes, I did try Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Unfortunately it would not update properly on the global rank settings nor give me the flag icon. For the best probably, 'lest we invoke the wrath of their venerable Chairman.

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Clicking add just causes the panel to hang. Is it preparing to show me a list of every single .exe file on my computer like the program was written in 1992 or something where people weren't expected to have a lot of .exes or to know how to browse?

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is the first time I've seen or heard of this Destroyer stuck bug.


If I had to make a guess, the driver disconnected on the edge of the gate trigger zone, lifting it up. Unoccupied vehicles are known to have some different physics behaviors, since if this happened while someone occupied the Destroyer, the door would simply push the Destroyer out, as this was actually tested. There is nothing there for the Destroyer to get stuck on, since the gate model has a collision mesh which is a simple box, so no hooks or odd corners.


The problem is, you do not want the gate to be lowered from the other side, because then Submarines could go inside the dock and block vehicle purchasing (This is also why Gunboats cannot turn while inside the dock, so they don't end up blocking two spawn zones).

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The problem is, you do not want the gate to be lowered from the other side, because then Submarines could go inside the dock and block vehicle purchasing (This is also why Gunboats cannot turn while inside the dock, so they don't end up blocking two spawn zones).


Would it be possible to make that zone the same as inside the War Factories, where the vehicles spawn, and when they spawn anything in that spot is instantly destroyed?

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The problem is, you do not want the gate to be lowered from the other side, because then Submarines could go inside the dock and block vehicle purchasing (This is also why Gunboats cannot turn while inside the dock, so they don't end up blocking two spawn zones).

Would it be possible to make that zone the same as inside the War Factories, where the vehicles spawn, and when they spawn anything in that spot is instantly destroyed?

That's the way it used to be, but too many friendlies purchased over premade units waiting to be entered and cleared.
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That's a different issue than the stuck one mentioned here.


To make ships clear out, you'd best go about it via making a script that starts a timer on unoccupied vehicles, destroying them after 30 seconds without occupants (resetting when someone enters). It would help thin out the Naval Transport "blockade" on the icebergs also, although they might need a minute instead of 30 seconds.


It's not like you can really enter an unoccupied ship in the middle of the ocean, you got no way of reaching the entry transition zones and pressing E.

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  • 1 month later...

This is the first time I've seen or heard of this Destroyer stuck bug.


If I had to make a guess, the driver disconnected on the edge of the gate trigger zone, lifting it up. Unoccupied vehicles are known to have some different physics behaviors, since if this happened while someone occupied the Destroyer, the door would simply push the Destroyer out, as this was actually tested.


I just tested this on LAN and managed to get stuck despite being inside the Destroyer. Surely an unoccupied vehicle would just not get nudged by the gate at all, and remain stuck in the gate at water level, since unoccupied vehicles don't get physics'd until they get bumped by another vehicle?


The issue is that the gate trigger zone doesn't actually overlap with the gate itself, so if the stern of a boat is touching the gate area and not touching anywhere inside the dock, the gate will rise. And sometimes it will push boats up instead of out.


The problem is, you do not want the gate to be lowered from the other side, because then Submarines could go inside the dock and block vehicle purchasing (This is also why Gunboats cannot turn while inside the dock, so they don't end up blocking two spawn zones).


Even if you could open the gate from the outside it would be impossible for submarines to get in anyway. Every below-sea-level part of the NY is shrouded in a collision mesh that I'm pretty sure you put there for that exact purpose (plus making it impossible for attack sub torpedoes to "miss").


I suppose there would also be the issue of LSTs being able to go into the dock just enough to block Destroyer purchases, but that's easy to solve.


There is nothing there for the Destroyer to get stuck on, since the gate model has a collision mesh which is a simple box, so no hooks or odd corners.


Pretty sure it's getting stuck on this thing I have highlighted here.




i.e. the collision mesh with two parts, one of which prevents boats from turning around in the purchase zone and the other I guess stops helicopters from blocking the purchase zone? The latter part is the problem and it doesn't need to block all vehicles to do that though (see also: how the water surface heli blocker works).


So all I need to do is:

  • Expand the gate trigger zone so that it overlaps the gate, and also extends about 1m above the gate itself just in case boats still get lifted by it.
  • Extend the boat blocker in the dock so that it runs all the way up to the gate. That way, in the rare instance that LSTs manage to block the gate, they at least won't be able to go far enough into the dock to block Destroyer purchases.
  • Separate the aircraft blocker from the boat blocker so that it can be made to block only aircraft, and not block boats if they still happen to get lifted.

I've done this and have failed to get lifted by the gate afterwards so I'm not sure if it's even possible now, but even if it is, it shouldn't pose as much of a problem as it did.

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Well then, good work detective Pushwaffles.  :v


One of the unmentioned concerns I originally had was "friendly" ships sailing backwards into the spawn areas and blocking the spawns, this is why I put so many safety-nets in place... Same with the Soviet sub pen. Ideally however, I would have had these vehicles auto-move on player entry until they were out of the spawn zones. But that wasn't really achievable.


For the sub pen I always had the option of adding an underwater gate for the same reason, but I figured that submarines are a lot less likely to panic back into the pen when they leave the pen relatively safely (depth charges aside), and if sub pen camping ever became an issue, then a protected multi-exit underwater extension was on the drawing board already. The naval yard was much more challenging to solve in this way, and I confess some mistakes were made, after all, these were untested waters. ( :aaa: )

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It's not like you can really enter an unoccupied ship in the middle of the ocean, you got no way of reaching the entry transition zones and pressing E.


I might just expand the entry zones for them even further so you can enter them from above, i.e. if you eject from a helicopter and land on top. Whether that's worth sacrificing the hindbow you need in order to actually do that is up to you. :v

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It's not like you can really enter an unoccupied ship in the middle of the ocean, you got no way of reaching the entry transition zones and pressing E.


I might just expand the entry zones for them even further so you can enter them from above, i.e. if you eject from a helicopter and land on top. Whether that's worth sacrificing the hindbow you need in order to actually do that is up to you. :v


Subs sink when unmanned and cannot be accessed. Instead of allowing Soviets to claim Destroyers in this way, why not create a script instead that auto-destructs unoccupied vehicles after two minutes or so? This would also clean up the naval transport storage yards.


Edit: Oh look, that's what I said in my old post that you quoted. Don't expect me to remember what I wrote more than a day ago.  :v

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Yeah, unless it could be applied specifically to naval units. And isn't the LST a "type" unto itself called "beaching" or something like that? Also, I believe that submarines are still type "VTOL", same as helis so that could also present an issue.

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I suppose it is easy for me to forget sometimes that not everyone knows how scripts typically work in W3D, but yes, this script would be applied on a per-vehicle bases, attached to the vehicle preset data, without "globally" affecting all vehicles. The sole purpose really is to clean up naval units that linger unmanned for too long.


You can go fancy about it too and add an alternate destruction animation to this way of removing vehicles, since them seemingly randomly exploding might be odd, where as phasing them out of existence via a fade effect would make more sense ("despawning")... An effect that APB vehicles in general should make use of upon creation rather than literally just popping up.

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You can go fancy about it too and add an alternate destruction animation to this way of removing vehicles, since them seemingly randomly exploding might be odd, where as phasing them out of existence via a fade effect would make more sense ("despawning")... An effect that APB vehicles in general should make use of upon creation rather than literally just popping up.


Every vehicle spawner already has ApplySpawnMaterialEffect ticked, is there something I'm missing here?  :? It certainly works for powerup crates, though those also have the "retooled chrono spark" spray...

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