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57 minutes ago, AZ-Stalker said:

So, I was having dinner and ate some funky food... I think it got me hallucinating or something... what in the actual...

I have more! plus a few from other games a while back



A little easter egg in the radar dome that reads...

"STATUS REPORT: Who reads this text anyway? I mean seriously.

  1. Remember to defend the base!
  2. Don't buy demolition trucks when your base is under attack.
  3. Look out for anything suspicious.
  4. We are out of toilet paper.
  5. Are you seriously reading this?
  6. Go out there and do something, don't camp here."


AA shock trooper


From the same game earlier today...



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Here are some screenshots.

Here comes the ¿ rush!

Nice parking, Schwartz.

Thanks for the truck, Silverlight. :v

FRAYDO and Pyryle are Captains and I am a Medik. We killed many troops and shot down 3 or 4 Hinds before dying.

Angry Tank > MAD Tank.

I don't know what to say.

The Tanya clone abomination has been defeated.

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2 hours ago, NodGuy said:


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FRAYDO and Pyryle are Captains and I am a Medik. We killed many troops and shot down 3 or 4 Hinds before dying.


You should've been on teamspeak where testament was being so salty :v

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So this was 3v3 on StormyNight, I think

I quickly noticed that Silverlight and Totd had set out to hunt each other down all game

After some wild soviet attack, I saw Silver crouching into our Barracks, most likely waiting for Totd to spawn or trying to hatch some plan to kill Totd anyway

The thing is; it didn't seem like he knew that I saw him getting in there

So the first thing I did was go on teamchat, notifying everyone that Silver was purposefully hiding in our Bar

Once Totd was available (IE: right after the 'he's still there' message) Totd crouched down, slowly moving into our bar himself

Figuring that this would be a showdown between 2 legends ambushing each other, I thought I had to come up with some way to distract Silver from Totd's arrival

I guess you can see how it went




Edited by GaryOak
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Needs more V2.

Nice parking, Forget.

I stole Silverlight's Ore Truck, while another Soviet Ore Truck watched helplessly. Thanks for the free Gem dump! :)

Don't... don't ask.


Must you two do this in public?

Zwei and myself decided to do another MAD rush (the first with three MAD tanks got a few buildings) however it was just two of us. Thankfully 'Player' purchased a Demo Truck before our MADs detonated and Zwei was able to destroy it, so when our MAD tanks detonated we destroyed a few vital structures. :D

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17 hours ago, AZ-Stalker said:
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Today was... wait, why is there a gray landslide coming down... oh-- (Allies slid down the hill in barely visible gray uniforms)


Before we went, I asked Swirly how the hell we would get past the FTs

He had a nice solution lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, ganein14 said:

LOL, forget assault gap, I think you've topped that with the assault MCV.

What's funny is that I used a spy and got in with the MCV regardless of the two flamers hitting me. And forgot to take the first screenshot. So I went and got another MCV and did it again and got the shots you see above. Pretty fun stuff. But yeah, the MCV actually has a big role to play if used strategically. It's the tankiest vehicle out there and can do laps around bases no problem. Two seats so it's great for a slow infiltration or as a cover element to shield a demo or assault force. I wish it were on more maps.

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On 27-8-2017 at 9:27 PM, AZ-Stalker said:

What's funny is that I used a spy and got in with the MCV regardless of the two flamers hitting me. And forgot to take the first screenshot. So I went and got another MCV and did it again and got the shots you see above. Pretty fun stuff. But yeah, the MCV actually has a big role to play if used strategically. It's the tankiest vehicle out there and can do laps around bases no problem. Two seats so it's great for a slow infiltration or as a cover element to shield a demo or assault force. I wish it were on more maps.

I agree; especially against the soviets -- flame tower takes ages upon ages to take the damn thing down

Like 15 hp per shot? And it has 600/600 :biggrin:

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