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It does what now? (New Delta Features)

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Things I only found out through APB delta patch notes: http://pastebin.com/giZJhsAa I had no idea!


- Flamethrower takes 50% extra damage when shot in his fuel tanks.


- Medic Kit now heals armour if the target's health is full; however, it does this at 5% of its health healing speed.


- Engineers has EOD armour; compared to regular infantry, he takes 50% less damage from explosions and cannot be ignited by high-explosive/fire damage. Passive mine detector has been improved; enemy mines within 30m of the Engineer become visible on his team's radar, making them much easier to sweep.
- Shock trooper is now completely immune to Tesla splash damage.
Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees.
APC - Infantry that enter the vehicle will have all of their armour restored. However they will not gain ammo back like the Supply Truck.
Phase Tank - Secondary fires unguided rockets
MRJ can now carry a passenger.
Demos get destroyed in one hit by enemy MAD shockwaves.
Subs - Has an alternate "periscope" camera.
Shooting animated parts of buildings (such as doors) will actually damage the building now.
Refinery - Molten ore in the basement in the "tunnel" version is lethal if you stand on it.
Edited by des1206
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MRJ can now carry a passenger.

This is actually no longer true, it had to be removed because it interferes with the "has to be manned or deployed to do something" logic (iirc if a passenger gets out it would turn off even if it's undeployed with a driver or deployed period?) MGGs also had a passenger slot at the start of Delta and this was removed for the same reason.


Refinery - Molten ore in the basement in the "tunnel" version is lethal if you stand on it.

This is also true of the ore in ore silos.

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Just a few more useful tips of new features in Delta.

-Your radar blips that are above or below you will now tell you whether they are above you, or below you, rather than just getting smaller and you not being sure where they are.

-Standing still or crouching (including crouch-walking) will take you off enemy radar and make your name disappear.

-Tanks receive varying damage depending on what parts you shoot (hitting the back does more damage, so aim for that if you can, but settle for the sides if you can't).

-Supply trucks refill C4. Great for Engineer or Tanya rushes.

-Bases that use tunnel basements typically have team-locked doors to accompany them, but spies can assist their friends in getting through Soviet doors (an underused feature that's extremely useful on KOTG).

-Just a nicety, but gap bubbles can now be seen into from the outside by friendlies.

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Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees.

With all honesty, i hate that feature :v Makes my aiming with arty even worse because i cant freely move the camera without reticle moving left & right and forcing me to reposition to have clear shots.

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Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees.

With all honesty, i hate that feature :v Makes my aiming with arty even worse because i cant freely move the camera without reticle moving left & right and forcing me to reposition to have clear shots.



Possible to add a Q-deploy to "lock" the turret if desired? Just a thought.

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Artillery - cannon can now can now be rotated horizontally 1.25 degrees.

With all honesty, i hate that feature :v Makes my aiming with arty even worse because i cant freely move the camera without reticle moving left & right and forcing me to reposition to have clear shots.
Have you tried the alternate view modes? ;)
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Since when does a thief only have to get inside the ref, instead of the top floor, to steal credits?


Since uhhh willing to share what map this happens on since the changelog says they have to be on the MCT floor?

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Since when does a thief only have to get inside the Refinery, instead of the top floor, to steal credits?


Since uhhh willing to share what map this happens on since the changelog says they have to be on the MCT floor?


This happened on Stormy Valley afaik.

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