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A Game Night Beyond II


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Disclaimer: Technical difficulties arose in recording Event Ranks stats. Final stats for this game night may not be accurate.


Thanks all for attending and making this a blast! Extra thanks to you who joined on TeamSpeak and made the APB matches that much more enjoyable. Feel free to share your highlights of the game night and leave your thoughts on Canyon River!

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I just saw them, that was awesome :D man, I was so unlucky with the timing, got many exams and I'll still have a few till I get a vacation on the 22nd which sucks... I was hopping that I might be around for the next event in the next few days but man, 9 days till the next one? Don't know if I can make it but still, that looks awesome

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wait, he countdown is counting up, shouldn't it count down till the next event?

It's still counting down but the time is negative because this game night already happened. That's not to say, of course, that more game nights can't be scheduled in the meantime.
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Dig the shared videos, guys. Expect to see those on our Facebook and other media.


wait, he countdown is counting up, shouldn't it count down till the next event?

We should probably stop that "countdown". :v

And as ChopBam said, more game nights can totally be scheduled.

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