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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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2 hours ago, Killing You said:

##nominate Cat5



1 hour ago, OrangeP47 said:

##investigate Chaos_Knight



Chaos_Knight is one vote away from being hammered!

Day ends in two hours.

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To be clear, I'm not totally sold on anybody. But for the purpose of narrowing down my targets, I extended my D1-D2 argument to today with the assumption it is correct. When I did that, I noticed a high correlation between people who seemed confused about WT and people I currently trust for other reasons. People I don't trust didn't really bring it up, and the one I least trust seemed to know how it worked. I can always backtrack later if something turns out wrong (or more like when, as there is always something wrong). I do have alternate theories, which for now I have to discount because they effectively mean that scum is leading me around.

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The day has come to an end and it is time to tally up the votes. Looks like Chaos_Knight is going to be investigated. His real name is Gavrilo Nanusevski and he is a Serbian national.


He currently has no items. But what about his status. Is he a spy? Well, he's certainly Suspicious. You gather around and decide that it is best to lock him up during the night. He won't be able to perform any actions tonight!


Additionally, you've nominated Category 5 to gain access to the vault tonight!


Good news, we have found new evidence!

''Lead on the culprits''
''During the interrogation of the assassin Gavrilo Princip, we have discovered that a rogue Serbian faction within the military was behind what we think is known as the ''Black Hand''. To uncover the scale of the organisation, we should see to it that the investigation is completed.''

It has been transferred to the vault to await your further judgement!


Sleep well everyone. Oh, and don't forget to send in your night actions at least one hour before daytime!


~24 hours remain until the end of the night!

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My status has been changed to Suspicious due to the grenade. Also, I still have the grenade action in my list, so it's not one-time use. Thanks to the evidence we've found (and a name to go with a 'suspicious' player), I'm more inclined to suspect FRAYDO. However, I don't think we can kill him yet. If we try to use the grenade, it will only raise world tension and there's only a 25% chance of kill. I agree with OrangeP47's angle and suggest we continue the search for evidence.

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Boo yeah!

Seems like we're lucky catching Black hands (members?) holding evidence. How many more there can be? If each holds a evidence, then maybe we could indeed win without kill but I kinda doubt it will be that easy.

We may want to resort to using or passing that Grenade to make sure the thief won't steal it Jeod.

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Alright, since it's already turned into my meta, guess I'll do another table. Can't guarantee I'll always do one though. But if I'm bored, maybe I will. Anything in parenthesis is unconfirmed and the Town/Scum column is based on my current feelings. If I missed anything, please let me know.







Town/Scum %



Initially Innocent

Currently Suspicious







Category 5





Navy Officer?






None that I know of







Black Hand Book








“No Evidence”

“Locked till X%”






More Black Hand stuff





















“No Evidence”








“Locked till X%”


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27 minutes ago, VERTi60 said:

Boo yeah!

Seems like we're lucky catching Black hands (members?) holding evidence. How many more there can be? If each holds a evidence, then maybe we could indeed win without kill but I kinda doubt it will be that easy.

We may want to resort to using or passing that Grenade to make sure the thief won't steal it Jeod.

Don't get your hopes too high up. I may be suspicious but again. I am not scum or thief so you aren't all clear yet.

I start to suspect that actually a lot of people might have evidence on them without any prior warning. Which in turn means that even FRAYDO as "unknown" as he is, might be not a scum member.

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Just now, Chaos_Knight said:

Don't get your hopes too high up. I may be suspicious but again. I am not scum or thief so you aren't all clear yet.

I start to suspect that actually a lot of people might have evidence on them without any prior warning. Which in turn means that even FRAYDO as "unknown" as he is, might be not a scum member.

I would be willing to get investigated tomorrow while I'm still innocent and see if I have evidence on me -- but I should know if I have one no? I don't but I would like to test this theory anyway. Although if we could catch the thief or somebody more dangerous that would still be better then doing experiments. I think we get evidence only from suspicious people...

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1 minute ago, VERTi60 said:

I would be willing to get investigated tomorrow while I'm still innocent and see if I have evidence on me -- but I should know if I have one no? I don't but I would like to test this theory anyway. Although if we could catch the thief or somebody more dangerous that would still be better then doing experiments. I think we get evidence only from suspicious people...

I had no evidence on me as well according to my PM. Yet, look at that, an evidence.
Maybe all Serbs have some since Black Hand is serbian after all? Might be worth checking out.

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Well I'm at a loss now.

2 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

I had no evidence on me as well according to my PM. Yet, look at that, an evidence.
Maybe all Serbs have some since Black Hand is serbian after all? Might be worth checking out.

That's an interesting idea actually.

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*Readying myself for the barrage of suspicion for asking this*




Okay, so I think we should just get everyone's nationalities out in the open. Why? Because it seems that although the game may not be historically accurate, the nationalities do seem to be quite important in regard to the evidence we have. Bonus, if anybody lies about their nationalities and we investigate them, there's more reason to suspect them. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just can't see how outing this information would hurt town. I'll start, although I've had the flag this entire time as my profile picture, I'm Bosnian.

5 minutes ago, Chaos_Knight said:

I had no evidence on me as well according to my PM. Yet, look at that, an evidence.
Maybe all Serbs have some since Black Hand is serbian after all? Might be worth checking out.

And maybe that's true. If it is, then Cat5 would be lying about Mojoman's lack of evidence. But to me it seems like all suspicious players have evidence, even if they don't know it. If I'm right then Mojoman, are you suspicious or innocent?

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I don't necessarily think that's a bad idea, though I'd want to make sure we're all agreeing on said course of action before I just throw my own nationality out willy nilly, but I'd be willing to, and to discuss my role further, if people think it's time. I'm just naturally very cagey about said info.

(Also, do we have the 2 night post restriction this game, people seem awfully chatty at night lately)

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A sad morning it is indeed. Jeod, also known as Joe Bronson, an American, has been murdered tonight! After a medical investigation, we have discovered that he was Town aligned and had the objective to find all the evidence or to eliminate all warmonger players.


A suspicious person, he could investigate targets at night to see what their actions were. His items, a Grenade and a Typewriter, have been transfered to the vault. In any case, with a potential murderer on the lose, we must move quicly to uncover the truth and find the killer!


There is nothing new in the newspaper today.




In rememberance of Jeod, we'll have a slightly sad theme today.


~48 hours until the end of the day!

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RIP Jeod. I guess we could expect that, but it's still too damn early since we can't lynch.

So the thief was either a one time action or it didn't happen, otherwise I would suspect the thief would go after Jeod. Has anyone lost anything tonight?

@Category 5 Hurricane the evidence jumped by 6%, did you put both of the items on the evidence table?

Has anyone else anything to report? 

This is what we should do today:

@TheIrishman should complete his table, so everyone who hasn't claimed yet should do so.

We should investigate either me to see if all Serbians have extra evidence on them, but I'm still innocent and I think there won't be any.

I would be much rather to investigate someone who is more suspicious though, so that we have evidence ensured.

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The WT jumped by 10%, food for thought would be if the night kill itself was worth all of that or there were multiple actions.

I had nothing happen to me but if anyone did an action or can report one happening that could help determining how much the NKs are worth WT points.


@nominate Category 5

Once again I don't like to have more people in the vault.

also #vote Inspect Category 5 (for now, Jeod would want this to be done)

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Ok, I just did a ton of number crunching, and here's what I think.

Evidence collected is worth 10%. Right now I think that If it is true and placed in the truth box, it's worth 6 more.

This could mean five pieces of true evidence and two fakes, adding to 100%.

I placed both pieces of evidence in the truth box, and it increased by 6. If I'm right, that means one is true, and one isn't.

This math works as it stands right now, but I arrived at it through pure guesswork. It very well could be wrong for reasons I don't know.

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