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Dynamite Suggestions


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17 hours ago, Kickmofo said:

Simply leave it as it is. Learn how to defend

It's like you refuse to read any and all conversation about how this problem was brought up and why others (Including @Cjx0r, @ganein14, myself and hell even F00ker) are stating that it is in fact an issue . The only logical reason you're defending it so hard is because YOU are one of the people who do this.


To recap:



1. You cannot proxie mine every defense and it wouldn't be worth it if you could. The grizzly tank would just take the damage anyways. At least with main structures you have to go into the mines as a char.

2. Every other player is battling or fighting in field, or buying vehicles/busy in base. No one can (or more appropriately will) watch every single defense to try and prevent constant suicide spam.

3. This dynamite suicide spam means that even if you kill someone 8 times for points. They will be awarded a shit ton of points for 1 successful defense kill. God forbid they are able to throw their dynamites on 2 objects.

4. As said earlier, because this is a thrown object. There are some points where you cannot disarm unlike a beacon (Because you cannot throw a beacon).

5. Dynamites are unannounced which is a good thing, it would get annoying.. but it goes to show that it's harder to notice should a suicide/dynamite combo go through.

6. During large games it comes to the point where 2 if not 3 people are doing this shit and it's impossible to stop because the player base cannot or will not stay in base waiting to fight back against this annoyance or they're (the player base) is busy fighting against others in the field. Long story short no one is going to drive back to base because a grizzly was spotted near a defense. By the time they get there it is usually to late anyways.

7. During small games it comes to a point where you have to forcefully camp your base to prevent the grizzly/dynamite combo from racking up points and getting any defense kill.

8. There is no motivation to keep a good K/D or any reward for not doing this. That means if you have 2 kills with 34 Deaths in-game, you can have the most points and win the game for your team simply by using the same suicide tactic over and over.

9. The destruction of every single defense solely from this tactic (which usually happens) means that the game is almost always lost to an Orca/Amphibious Tank Rush, a constant suicide rush into a building using dynamite, you name it.

10. The only way to halfheartedly prevent this is to get a 9K22 Tunguska ($2,800 btw) and kill the Grizzly Tank with your missiles. The reason I say the Tunguska is because the range allows you to not have to camp your base all day, turret and engine speed is fast enough, the missiles can kill the tank in one go and you also have the 30mm cannons to kill the Tank Commander with the dynamite. God forbid you miss and have to reload.

11. You can of course buy another (Nod or GDI) tank to try and take care of this issue but typically the Grizzly will outrun your tank or destroy it. Further infuriating gameplay because if you die or even kill the grizzly suicide combo they will just do it again 10/10 times.

12. The best part about all of this is that if you get a tank and try to attack the enemy base conventionally, your tank will die to an AGT backed up by a Con Yard, an AGT period, or one of the other many defenses. Of course you can get an artillery and try to attack the enemy base with it.. but you'll die to a Grizzly tank that just blew up one of your defenses or is on its way. Further more, a dynamite suicide grizzly tank can just run up on a defense, plant a dynamite, fall back with a rep gun and !ammo to do it all over again while you're busy attacking the enemy base. What all this means is that you're FORCED to camp the whole entire game hoping that you never miss this fucking suicide tank rushing into your base or killing you.

13. All it takes is one dynamite on just about any building and it will one hit K/O it. There is no alarm or warning then bam you loose your WF or HON. So while proxie mines can prevent someone from running into your building. It ultimately is ALOT more difficult to defend it once they get inside because NO ONE is staring at the MCT and when they throw 1 dynamite instead of 2 timed C4's and a remote C4 (Which triggers an alarm notification to everyone) it makes it that much more difficult to defend. The base crew and ceiling gun stand a chance against a hotwire or Engi but just one throw from a GDI tank commander and the building is completely destroyed 1 hit K/O.



But the most important aspect of this whole topic is the fact that no one, absolutely no one wants to spend a whole entire 1 hour and 30 minutes constantly fighting back against these suicidal rushes because for some reason this tactic is spammed relentlessly by those who use it over and over and over.


I challenge you to tag anyone family, friends, whoever that is willing to join this server and continuously guard the base every single game against the same person doing the same tactic for almost every single map, FOR THE FULL TIME and actually find any enjoyment in it at all.

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56 minutes ago, aaaaaaaa said:

If you getting pleasure in "actual aiming" gtfo to play CS, this game is not about aiming. This game about destroying enemy base.

If you don't "aim", you won't live long enough to accomplish much of anything. Even destroying the enemy base requires you to AIM at their buildings 

56 minutes ago, aaaaaaaa said:

If there 20 noobs cant see 1 dynamite planted on their nose, it's their problem. Learn to defend and counter-attack.

The thing is, dynamite not that much bigger than a charge of Timed C4. The fact that it can easily kill even upgraded base defenses without being directly attached to them is a problem. As I stated in the OP, there are places where throwing them WILL guarantee at least one kill and can't be reached in time. Hence, the suggestion of a delay to throwing them. 

56 minutes ago, aaaaaaaa said:

Only about 3% players have a comprehension that agressive attacks making enemy busy. And whan enemy is busy thay will less attack you. Make your enemy busy, do the same with them.

Attacking is all well and good, but if you do nothing more than just attack, you are effectively giving the enemy a win. if you don't make repairs, place proxies where they can sneak in, hell even setting up MSAs so you can see cloaked or false units, you're giving your enemy free access to the base. Even if you go down those angles yourself.

56 minutes ago, aaaaaaaa said:

If you can't do that ,then you just suck. , then you have to understand you need to improve your skills to be successful in doing game tricks like demolition work.

IA has a steep learning curve, Not to mention a lot of the maps are rather large and the bases in said maps are tend to be spread out from one another.

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I think 3 sec or even 3.5 is way too long. I think 1.2 to 2 seconds is long enough.

I would just like a delay to avoid the deadman throw scenario.

Because as it is right now I can dynamite any defense on death. (Which means if My opponent is not camping or fails to see the small object land on the defense I win. He only thinks I suck at attacking, till he notices he is losing a tower with each attack. BTW best places to stick on is on top of tall defenses or if you can in a crease/seam.)

Granted I love using it on my opponents; I absolutely hate it being used against me. So I’d rather not leave the deadman throw option.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/25/2019 at 5:26 AM, aaaaaaaa said:

Nobody listened to you.

It is 3 sec!

Dynmite has been worsed successfully 

Thanks for your all feedback!


Yes, it is not the first time. Let me tell you a story: I was in a car with friends and the driver was inexperienced at driving. Someone in the front shouted the road is flat and long let’s go 115! Full speed ahead! And others shout lets go 20 It’s safer! Then I am yelling both speeds are aweful! please between 55/70. So the driver went 25... 

Edited by Raptor29aa
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I am waiting for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow for the hotfix, a few issue, the next update will have the following in Dynamite case discussion.

Throwing time bomb take 1.2-1.8 seconds depending on how many sticks.

4 Sticks Dynamite throwing time is 1.2 seconds  - 2.2 seconds reload ( -10% rate of fire from 1.00 is default  ) - 0.8

5 Sticks Dynamites throwing time is 1.25 seconds - 2.5 seconds reload ( -25% rate of fire 1.00 is default ) - 0.75

7 Sticks Dynamites throwing time is 1.35 seconds - 2.7 seconds reload ( -35% rate of fire 1.00 is default ) -0.65

8 Sticks Dynamites throwing time is 1.4 seconds - 2.8 seconds reload ( -40% rate of fire 1.00 is default ) -0.6

10 Sticks Dynamite throwing time is 1.5 seconds - 3.0 seconds reload ( -50% rate of fire 1.00 is default ) -0.5


Dynamite beeping sound reduce from 30m to 22m, maximum hearing is at 2m.

Do note I am doing this is to prevent refill spam timed bomb.

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Some points for you to consider

  • Due to recent changes, the player count has dropped...
  • You make a change to things because 1 or 2 players complain?
    • Why not make changes so SBH cant pick up weapons?
    • Why don't playerslearn how to defend the Dynamites?


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20 hours ago, Kickmofo said:

Some points for you to consider

  • Due to recent changes, the player count has dropped...
  • You make a change to things because 1 or 2 players complain?
    • Why not make changes so SBH cant pick up weapons?
    • Why don't playerslearn how to defend the Dynamites?


Not sure who trigger this explosive device but before i made the changes to the dynamite the server was exploding left and right with player's pm me bout dynamite and player associated with changing their nicknames to dynamite. 

I do agree this new update there is some hiccups but rest assured I will try to patch it out.

Which makes me wonder whoa Dynamite is a real deal. :aaaaaa:

Kinda like super serious mega discussion.

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I like the new update, u dont need dynamites to destroy defences  easily, i think  destroying the defences with just one dynamite is ridiculous. and some players waited for the harvester and destroyed it with only one dynamite. the only bad thing is that they remove the grizzly and FWF tanks are useless LOL. sorry for my english D:

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42 minutes ago, LiMaDo said:

I like the new update, u dont need dynamites to destroy defences  easily, i think  destroying the defences with just one dynamite is ridiculous. and some players waited for the harvester and destroyed it with only one dynamite. the only bad thing is that they remove the grizzly and FWF tanks are useless LOL. sorry for my english D:

Can't believe I'm agreeing with you.

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