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[GAME OVER] CYOR: Nintendo Edition


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4 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I could honestly believe a random roleblock being a TP or Neutral role, but with the context of Orange being scum, I'm not sure I believe Shade being roleblocked is random.

Thoughts on KY? He really did decide to defend Orange too quickly for my taste.

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9 hours ago, Mojoman said:



So what do you think of 50/50 odds now huh?


8 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

why would Nodlied care?

Precisely, because....

8 hours ago, Mojoman said:

He yelled at me earlier for doing stupid RNG stuff so it's just a jab at that. Nothing serious.

... this kind of RNG isn't even related to wanting to enforce an RNG lynch. Bloody hell man, what drugs are you on?


8 hours ago, Louis said:

Also does someone want to explain what this mask do?

IRL, the mask is the main antagonist from Links Majora's Mask, a game for the N64. As for what it does this game, no idea.



In any case, Shade, awesome kill! Although I don't fully understand your case against him other than just wanting to kill him. In any case, I'd suggest we take a good look at Orange's interactions today and yesterday, which I will also do myself, although at a later stage due to work related things.


32 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:


>That avatar
>That player
Oh no 

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Just now, iLikeToSnipe said:

So, if I'm reading this right, Mojo has a roleblock that's completely random? We've verified the block exists, but does anyone know for sure that it's random?

We don't know that for sure.

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9 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I don't really understand the VERTi60 kill in that case, though.

Just got caught up to here after having a fresh read of D1. Reading through that I thought "Vertigo could be a doctor..."

Kinda felt like he was joke claiming one. Lo and behold, he flips doctor. If I saw that from skimming through somebody else (aka scum) might have picked it up. I don't know why he would do that though.

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34 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I might have missed it since I'm just getting caught up, but how would you know that?

The same way I knew initially that it was a backpack action. Orange asked me at that time "if I'm a goodie, not to share details." But with most recent developments, I don't see a reason to continue not sharing. And honestly I'm not sure why he asked me to keep it secret, considering all I know is that it is a dayblock and there aren't really secrets about dayblocks.

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If my counts are right we have the following claims/confirmed actions:

1x voteblock/vote steal

2x night block

1x day block

I've got a feeling one of these isn't true. We know for a fact that Nodlied's voteblock/steal is real and works. We have Shade claiming a night block, ChopBam claiming a night block on Orange, and ChopBam claiming the backpack is a day block.

I think it's fairly safe to assume Shade isn't scum (pretty sure he's not third party). Which means it's pretty safe to trust he was roleblocked. So now I'm a little suspicious of ChopBam.

I'll have to take some more time this evening to read back through it, but I'm getting the feeling that he and Orange were on the same team.

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3 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Just got caught up to here after having a fresh read of D1. Reading through that I thought "Vertigo could be a doctor..."

Kinda felt like he was joke claiming one. Lo and behold, he flips doctor. If I saw that from skimming through somebody else (aka scum) might have picked it up. I don't know why he would do that though.

Was he really playing with fire like that? It's already obnoxious enough that our doctor keeps randomly getting killed N1 without them baiting scum.

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2 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

Was he really playing with fire like that? It's already obnoxious enough that our doctor keeps randomly getting killed N1 without them baiting scum.

I don't know if he changed his avatar after the fact, but that combined with some if his posts made me think he could be a doctor role before I even knew he had died.

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Well then, work stuff's done, dinner is over, so I've gone back and reread Orange's posts, on which I actually have some thoughts as well as a few questions I feel we might need to think about.

Without further ado,
Day 1

On 9/14/2019 at 1:19 AM, OrangeP47 said:

A more generalized SK, maybe, but we rarely have those for some reason, so I'll hold off on putting any bets on it for now. That specific flavor I'd bet heavily against though.

Orange responds to Shade's post about a possible Thierd Party Serial Killer, he proclaims that it is very unlikely. Why is it unlikely? Calculated possibilities? Or does he know the true size and power of scum?


On 9/15/2019 at 1:01 AM, OrangeP47 said:

I'll reminds everyone this game that if you click the arrow you can see what people really said, rather than what some dishonest possible scum is misquoting you as :p

He provides a nice heads-up as to how scum can become fake news. Probably a joke though. 


On 9/15/2019 at 4:39 PM, OrangeP47 said:

TBH finding out might help scum more than town :p

Granted, I would like to nail scum more than anything. I'm a believer in D1 lynch succeeding, but I don't think we've done enough to really determine anything, and I'm going to be away most of the afternoon (but I'm pretty sure I'll be back before deadline)

Therefore, I'll start the formal ##vote no lynch training rolling, even though it's not really *my* idea.

He announces the start of the ''nolynch train''. What's interesting to note is that he actually wants to lynch more than nolynch. He refutes by telling people we don't have enough evidence on anyone for a lynch, which would be great if he didn't immediately denounce the fact that it wasn't ''his'' idea. Have we seen anyone else with such behaviour?



On 9/15/2019 at 10:08 PM, OrangeP47 said:

I'm warning everyone now, if this trend continues, I will defend myself, but I'd rather not out my abilities and give that info to scum this early in the game, k thanks.


On 9/15/2019 at 10:16 PM, OrangeP47 said:

I mean, I won't fault Shade for voting me, but like I said, I'll defend myself against any serious attempt to lynch me D1.  However what I expect more of is people putting forth courses of action instead of useless abstaining, in that, I do salute you, and your reasoning. I mean, to be honest, like I've said a few times, I want some more from Retal to explain that anger fist, though on the other hand I don't think a Retal-Irish combo would make such a blatant move.

After the second vote on him, he suddenly became very defensive. I mean, there was less than 2 hours remaining, but really? Second voter on point was Fraydo in case anybody wonders, which would implicate Fraydo not being scum due to the timeframe. He threatenes with retaliation (not the player) should ''the trend continue''. 



On 9/15/2019 at 11:33 PM, OrangeP47 said:

Let me introduce you guys to an acronym I picked up over at Mafia Universe:  DADV.  It means Dead Air Dead Villager.  In other words, if there's no serious discussion going on, chances are the person on the chopping block is a townie.

This actually kinda makes me want to see the Mojo angle pushed, as that dedication to chaos might be a more consensus bad/scum play we're ignoring in favor of digging our heels in over Retal.


On 9/15/2019 at 11:37 PM, OrangeP47 said:

It's that, and Mojo was actually trying to be helpful earlier, and isn't that generally a sign he's scum?

I'll cast the first lot.  I don't expect everyone to get down off their high horse if I don't first.

##Vote Mojoman

Suddenly wants to push Mojoman to get the votes away from him. The timestamp should indicate as Mojoman not being scum.


On 9/15/2019 at 11:49 PM, OrangeP47 said:

The real question is can we muster more than 2 votes for anybody... though if you truly do control Mojo's vote, I guess we can, if we can agree to something reasonable, but I'm not going to lie, that skeeves me out just a little bit but I'm going to let it slide for now.

Mojo is really the only one I could see having a case against them at this point unless Retal somehow starts waving a flag that says "I am scum" in the next 10 minutes, but I could still go back to no lynch.

Here he agrees with my reasoning for a no-lynch (different reason than Orange's no-lynch idea) but also keeps throwing shade (not the player) on Mojoman. Either option would prevent him from being lynched. Furthering my belief that Mojoman is not scum.

And on to,

Day 2

20 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

Giving details about my ability would help scum more than anything.  Let's just say I did try to investigate you, but there's some complicated mechanics behind it.

Here he tries to softclaim cop/watcher/etc. The fact that there was no counterclaim would have helped him if it wasn't for Shade's (the player) handywork.


20 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

The flavor of the block/whatever was that I got "sucked up" and then "spit back out" at the end of the night.

So what are the chances that this is actually bogus?



18 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

Your entrance is two things that are not good looks for you :p


18 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

I mean, it could also be said the kill takes the heat off of you, which is convenient, and it's also sometimes said by game theorists that the first to really start talking about the kill is the one that did it.

Here he attempts to somewhat indict Retal for his earlier post as well as the fact that he talked about the NK. A possible attempt to try and get a Retal train started, be it for a lynch or for time? If so, Retaliation is unlikely to be scum.



And that leaves me with my list of people and possible suspect, which I dont really have at this very moment in time, but I guess my list will be useful anyway.

Verti60   -   He was Doctor Mario but didn't save our lives. (Probably doctor)

OrangeP47   -   He was Banjo-Kazzoie, his abilities aren't exactly known

Killing_You   -   I haven't got a clue as to who KY is or what his abilities are.

TheIrishMan/iLTS   -   I haven't got a clue as to who Potatoman is or what his abilities are.

Mojoman   -   Iceclimbers! Can randomly block people. Town.

ChopBam   -   I haven't got a clue as to who ChopBam is, nor what he can do.

Louis   -   Absend and focussed on TheIrishMan/iLTS. Nothing on her.

FRAYDO   -   Toon Link, wants my mask (you better pay for it!). Can try and steal items during the day. Town.

Category 5 Hurricane   -   Probably generic anime character #1945. No idea as to what he can do.

Retaliation   -   Psyduck. Not much else on him.

Shade939   -   Lucario, can attempt to daykill somebody.


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7 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I don't know if he changed his avatar after the fact, but that combined with some if his posts made me think he could be a doctor role before I even knew he had died.

Verti's avatar was something other than the 1-up mushroom before he died.

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Leave it to Verti to be reckless like that.

2 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

That or he's gonna "respawn" cause of a 1-UP mushroom.

And I could definitely see him pulling something like that.

2 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

If my counts are right we have the following claims/confirmed actions:

1x voteblock/vote steal

2x night block

1x day block

I've got a feeling one of these isn't true. We know for a fact that Nodlied's voteblock/steal is real and works. We have Shade claiming a night block, ChopBam claiming a night block on Orange, and ChopBam claiming the backpack is a day block.

I think it's fairly safe to assume Shade isn't scum (pretty sure he's not third party). Which means it's pretty safe to trust he was roleblocked. So now I'm a little suspicious of ChopBam.

I'll have to take some more time this evening to read back through it, but I'm getting the feeling that he and Orange were on the same team.

Looking back, Chop appears to be claiming a combo night block/ability cop. Given the provided flavor, I think it's likely that he's a town Kirby.

Either that, or it's an elaborate ruse on scum's part, but I don't think that's the case.

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Actually, since we've got people here, I want to ask an open question: Who here has abilities with a 50/50 modifier? We already know about FRAYDO and Shade, anyone else? A simple "I" will suffice; I don't need or want details.

Also, a question specifically for Shade and FRAYDO: Are your abilities used up, or will you be able to use them again?

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