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T-62 range concerns


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I played Mt Bog earlier as GDI, and someone driving a t-62 was able to out range the AGT. Idk if the range was changed in the last update, but I am pretty sure I don't remember that being a thing before.
The t-62 has always been a pretty good tank all around, but there is no way that thing should be able to out range the AGT, that would negate the need for arty completely.

Also, IMO, having one, let alone two, obelisk guns on that map is pretty awful. When there is only a few players per team, its way too easy to, at the start of the map, find a little hole to shoot the enemy base with it and its so hard to counter.

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Looks like me mentioning it on discord finally got people to notice :v

T62 outranges not just the AGT, but every base defense and non-artillery unit in the game. It's the most broken element currently in IA.

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1) Cool info, but the T-62 has heavy armor, not like an artillery. That would be like the cannon mammoth outranging the Obelisk (please no ideas) 

2). It’s not a nerf if you up the armor or increase the damage to compensate

3). Some maps where not designed for the changes. Example U-lake was not designed for GDI and Nod to have equal air combat. (Hense why all hill entrances face Nod) Another Example Suspense was not designed for GDI’s new armor boost. Now all GDI has to do is clog up the cave. (Before the Nerf the Inferred tank was the best Clog buster, and yes I know someone will say no the EZ tank was but try to maneuver more than one or two of those wide loads and in a confined space and forget it. The narrow body of the Inferred was perfect). 

Anyways, I’ll rest my opinion here.

Edited by Raptor29aa
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39 minutes ago, Raptor29aa said:

1) Cool info, but the T-62 has heavy armor, not like an artillery. That would be like the cannon mammoth outranging the Obelisk (please no ideas) 

2). It’s not a nerf if you up the armor or increase the damage to compensate

3). Some maps where not designed for the changes. Example U-lake was not designed for GDI and Nod to have equal air combat. (Hense why all hill entrances face Nod) Another Example Suspense was not designed for GDI’s new armor boost. Now all GDI has to do is clog up the cave. (Before the Nerf the Inferred tank was the best Clog buster, and yes I know someone will say no the EZ tank was but try to maneuver more than one or two of those wide loads and in a confined space and forget it. The narrow body of the Inferred was perfect). 

Anyways, I’ll rest my opinion here.

Now that they have changed the price on the Infrared Tank ( I hope they didn't Nerf that too) it will another one no one will use 

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Do not touch t62, it is just 1 meter outragnes the agt. I was attacking an agt yesterday and someone told


Do not touch t62 pls, other Nod non-stealth tanks are useless. Also threre are other non-artillery vehicles which able to outrange agt. But unability to to find a player for few minutes while agt is being attacked by t62 for repair among ~10 players team is not a reason to nerf this unit.

Btw, currently non-upgraded t62 uses upgraded armor model. Please fix.

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I think the issue is that most other Nod tanks are useless and/or overpriced (black hand light tank, Bradley 75mm, microwave tank) or have glaring issues with their design making them hard to use or stupidly fragile because of the weakpoint system (Stridsvagen/Black Eagle respectively). 

The T-62 shouldn’t be Nod’s only viable tank. It should fulfill a role of being a Mammoth equivalent, as in pretty good at all things but not great at everything. It has great range damage and armor right now, with good speed to boot. The 1900 credit Mammoth is unused because it can’t outrange defenses and is slow and inaccurate. 

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To clarify. 

the T-62 is overstatted and frankly OP right now, because it has to be. It has to be able to fight Railgun Mammoths and Titans because Nod’s standup and fight ability is otherwise heavily flawed and unviable. It has is drawbacks, very weak side armor being about the only thing significant. Not as much health as GDI equivalents (though much more DPS and range). It and the Tick Tank Firebug/120mm are about the only heavy tanks Nod can actually use for tank work. And the Tick Tanks have to be deployed to be worth their price and can’t aim down when they do so heavily limiting their usefulness on quite a lot of maps as a result. 

For the T-62 to be nerfed, other Nod tanks would need to be buffed. 

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Yea I do agree, the microwave tank doesn’t really hunt down infantry or tanks or buildings for that matter. I still haven’t figured out it’s role, but it is a cheaper version of the Tesla tank.

As for the concern with Nod’s upper tier tanks. -The Stingray is a great option for putting the hurt on the average GDI tank (the three round shot is good).

I feel the backhand tank is a bit weak when it comes to attack power (the speed and armor are fairly average)

The Stridsvagen is like having the Nod anti-sniper in vehicle form. It’s not as good as a sniper like the prism tank which can harm, tank, driver, and building. At long range the tank sniping is fun, but at  close range it’s sad becoming an expensive GDI trophy. Lastly it’s more a defensive than offense weapon because of the lack of building damage)

Edited by Raptor29aa
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On 2/14/2020 at 7:21 AM, Kickmofo said:

Now that they have changed the price on the Infrared Tank ( I hope they didn't Nerf that too) it will another one no one will use 

Actually now it's medium range accurate flame tank and Nod versoin of prism tank in one. Left click fires high fire damage directly and fastly. It's burns buildings perfectly like flames. Right click now fires long-range powerful (Obelisk animated XD) beam. It's enough long-range to snipe vehicles and sometimes even infantry. Still not enough effective against aircraft.

Edited by shoverno2
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Whew. A lot here.

Infared tank is exactly how Shoverno2 said. Tank is incredibly powerful against everything. But can be 2 shotted by almost anything with a barrel. Can 1v1 almost anything but will die or live with barely any health depending on skill. I love it, haven’t had people complain (yet).

Blackhand tank is due to be revamped. Don’t use it.

The microwave tank actually zaps the fuck out of infantry with slight damage to Tanks. However, if you zap a tank 3 to 4 times in a row. You’ll *disable* the tank and kick the player out for 20 seconds.

Stridsvagwen doesn’t make any sense because T-62. 

T62 is currently invincible because it has the upgraded armor plating straight from the factory despite not buying the upgrade. It needs to be fixed. As DMB said it really is a necessary evil because Nod doesn’t have anything else that is Noob friendly for everything. I believe personally that $1,800 is too little. I think the tank should be $2,500 or around. As Kaskins said however in discord.. this approaches tick tank and Ezikel stealth tank territory.. so. Another solution I offer is to make it slightly slower, maybe a slight reload nerf and turret speed. The T-62 can also be killed by the Mammoth 36 inch with ease. Although a $6,000 tank shouldn’t be purely needed to kill this $1,800 tank (hence why I believe it’s under priced).... of course let’s do any of this after the armor situation is fixed. Then let’s see.


The Stingray is ok. It can destroy any light armor threat with some lucky infantry kills.. but by the time you get the Stingray, GDI only has Mammoth Tanks, Titans and such which ether will kill you or resist your shots. In addition, all the Units at this price point can kill light vehicles AND take on heavy threats (Tick Tank 120mm, Ezikel, Tunguska, Infrared, T-62). So kind of confused but I would skip this unit in favor of ones I just said above. Said units probably have the same/better armor anyways if not weapons for heavy threats.

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1 hour ago, Threve said:

The microwave tank actually zaps the fuck out of infantry with slight damage to Tanks. However, if you zap a tank 3 to 4 times in a row. You’ll *disable* the tank and kick the player out for 20 seconds.

All time i used it it disables enemy vehicles only at critical health. It's like finisher, low range finisher.

And then it's really effective against vehicles with low health or light armor.

Cause of it's low range and not AoE shots it's not really effective against infantry, but can use some left click to increase chance to damage infantry.

(but left click is really doesn't effective against vehicles, it's like dealing 50-70% of right click damage)

Still im not sure how really disable effect works. It need testing or something else to research this.

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T62 is currently invincible because it has the upgraded armor plating straight from the factory despite not buying the upgrade. It needs to be fixed. As DMB said it really is a necessary evil because Nod doesn’t have anything else that is n00b friendly for everything. I believe personally that $1,800 is too little. I think the tank should be $2,500 or around. As Kaskins said however in discord.. this approaches tick tank and Ezikel stealth tank territory.. so. Another solution I offer is to make it slightly slower, maybe a slight reload nerf and turret speed. The T-62 can also be killed by the Mammoth 36 inch with ease. Although a $6,000 tank shouldn’t be purely needed to kill this $1,800 tank (hence why I believe it’s under priced).... of course let’s do any of this after the armor situation is fixed. Then let’s see.

I have noticed a huge difference between front vs side damage received, so I guess that would explain it.
I agree about Nod not really having a cheap slugging tank, other than the t62.  I think if its nerfed much at all Nod will suffer.  I still believe it shouldnt be able to out range the AGT, which also means you can engage enemy tanks from further than they can.  Other than range, maybe making its reload a little slower will balance it.  i feel like it is already a bit slow, too much more and it would be tedious to drive.

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10 hours ago, Threve said:


Stridsvagwen doesn’t make any sense because T-62. 

No. It was nerfed too much when got a new 3D model. And now is just has useless armor and firepower, not able to destroy railgun mammonth, not to mention its few times overpriced for current state.

10 hours ago, Threve said:

T62 is currently invincible because it has the upgraded armor plating straight from the factory despite not buying the upgrade.

It doesn't have upgraded armor, just using upgraded model but it still has ~750 hp as before. @Kaskins please fix non-upgraded model.

10 hours ago, Threve said:

I believe personally that $1,800 is too little. I think the tank should be $2,500 or around.

What? 2800$ railgun mammonth easily destroys it. And 120mm mammonth has an insane range as T62 and splash damage. I think it is able to outrange obelisk. Look the range:


I suggest you to turn the attention in ajusting GDI titans, a Railgun titan foremost. I guess, overcharged beam should be suppoused to deal superrior damage to tanks and infantry than a normal beam, but currently charged beam is not able to kill a simple Rifleman and dealling rediculously small damage to vehicles. 


I still believe there should be a class of high-armor tanks which should be able to outrange agt/obelisks and deal small damage to them. (t62 and strdsvagn for Nod, 120mm mammonth and 105 mm titan for GDI).

If it's necessary to nerf t62, so nerf its damage, not range and speed characteristics. Becasue basically Nod should have lower armor and more agile vehicles then GDI.

And GDI, in turn, has huge firepower and armor, but slower vehicles.

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the main reason I find the microwave tank useless is twofold. One, it’s gimmick relies on you hitting the same tank multiple times at close range in a tank with very little armor and some hefty weakpoints. 

Two, it relies on the enemy being exposed and in a position where you or your team can capitalize on its success. Or finding someone solo. Often times you simply get focused down and die before you can shock anyone out of their tank, and even when you manage to shock someone out it’s not exactly easy to do so when they’re in a spot that actually matters against a GDI deathball. It’s incredibly hard to use the tank effectively, due to its design. If it simply acted as an EMP grenade instead, immobilizing the tank when you hit it, with a longer reload time and perhaps a shorter EMP duration to boot, it would be an effective support unit. 

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7 hours ago, fgd56 said:

It doesn't have upgraded armor, just using upgraded model but it still has ~750 hp as before.

Whilist the upgraded hp does not apply. The protection against it's weakpoints does. You're making a tank that has really incredible front armor even better right out the gate. So yes, it does make a difference.


6 hours ago, notDMB said:

the main reason I find the microwave tank useless is twofold.

Asking Kaskins the Microwave Tank apparently only stuns a vehicle if it's at %30 of it's health.. so yeah.

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7 hours ago, fgd56 said:

What? 2800$ railgun mammonth easily destroys it. 


This is implying that the T-62 isn't just kiting the Mammoth Railgun. Which in all applications it does. 1v1 Close combat, the Mammoth Railgun will win.

Edited by Threve
Sorry for double post.
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8 hours ago, notDMB said:

the main reason I find the microwave tank useless is twofold. One, it’s gimmick relies on you hitting the same tank multiple times at close range in a tank with very little armor and some hefty weakpoints. 

Two, it relies on the enemy being exposed and in a position where you or your team can capitalize on its success. Or finding someone solo. Often times you simply get focused down and die before you can shock anyone out of their tank, and even when you manage to shock someone out it’s not exactly easy to do so when they’re in a spot that actually matters against a GDI deathball. It’s incredibly hard to use the tank effectively, due to its design. If it simply acted as an EMP grenade instead, immobilizing the tank when you hit it, with a longer reload time and perhaps a shorter EMP duration to boot, it would be an effective support unit. 

Microwave tank doesn't supposed to be "The Great Warrior".

It's support tank. If Threve really know the truth about disable effect, now it's even more usefull. It just slaying every tank at 30%.

For example at Winter assault i used it somewhere near base. With someone else, we destroyed every tank that was trying to ride through. It just works.

And just imagine that some tough GDI vehicle successfuly retreating from your team with about 30% durability. It's just time to microwave rip it...

Or even steal it...

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13 hours ago, shoverno2 said:

Microwave tank doesn't supposed to be "The Great Warrior".

It's support tank. If Threve really know the truth about disable effect, now it's even more usefull. It just slaying every tank at 30%.

For example at Winter assault i used it somewhere near base. With someone else, we destroyed every tank that was trying to ride through. It just works.

And just imagine that some tough GDI vehicle successfuly retreating from your team with about 30% durability. It's just time to microwave rip it...

Or even steal it...

It would just be better to have an Extra T-62 to your assault rather than a tank that has to stun another tank and only can when it's at 30%. In addition the tank has a low range and low armor.

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16 hours ago, Threve said:

It would just be better to have an Extra T-62 to your assault rather than a tank that has to stun another tank and only can when it's at 30%. In addition the tank has a low range and low armor.

Well, actually damage and fire rate of high microwave is pretty cool. This vehicle just need to be covered.

And even if there something better then microwave tank, just why you need to pick OP, when you can take something interesting to use.

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I’ve tried using the microwave tank and it’s just not useful. 315/315 means you die in one shot to stuff like the Sheridan, AVRE, Titan overcharge, you go down in usually 4 railgun shots from mammoths, PICs and Prisms melt through you. It’s flimsy and has very low range. If a tank is under repair your damage is comparable to shooting at the tank with a humvee, meaning you’re not helping your team beat out repairs. My point was against a GDI deathball, the microwave tank is useless. Because it is. A proper GDI deathball could likely even ignore you because once you die fruitlessly in a microwave tank you’ll just buy something more useful instead, that can actually get a tank down to 30% health and doesn’t need to be within grenade range to do so. 

You can slap down disorganized GDI rushes without repair support with practically anything in Nod’s arsenal. When it comes to serious games with actual coordination the Microwave tank does not stand tall. 

Edited by notDMB
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