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[GAME OVER] CYOR V (Anniversary Edition)


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1 minute ago, Mojoman said:

But just imagine all the sudden all the votes are switched around and locked.

"Oh wow hey!" Say all the other players.

"Our plans have been foiled, gadzooks!" They state in exasperation.

What would you like for your last meal?

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2 minutes ago, Mojoman said:

But just imagine all the sudden all the votes are switched around and locked.

"Oh wow hey!" Say all the other players.

"Our plans have been foiled, gadzooks!" They state in exasperation.

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Just now, Mojoman said:

But just imagine all the sudden all the votes are switched around and locked.

"Oh wow hey!" Say all the other players.

"Our plans have been foiled, gadzooks!" They state in exasperation.

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Ninja Kong has joined the game.

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Might as well get people to summarize the day while I'm here.

So what's everyone's reasons for believing iLTS, Louis, and FRAYDO were being truthful? Let's say that apart from my admission, what reasons did they give to be believed?

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Good golly, it's fortunate you got Mojoman sooner rather than later. Turns out he's Mystique!


And he's Mafia! Of course, he's dead now. His two abilities were called Morph and Mirage. So long, Mojoman!

As usual, two night posts per person. You have 24 hours.

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Just now, Jeod said:


Good golly, it's fortunate you got Mojoman sooner rather than later. Turns out he's Mystique!


And he's Mafia! Of course, he's dead now. His two abilities were called Morph and Mirage. So long, Mojoman!

As usual, two night posts per person. You have 24 hours.

No mention of Mastermind. As I suspected.

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Neither of these abilities seem like they're used to redirect the NK or "always crits".

2 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

No mention of Mastermind. As I suspected.

 I'll be honest, half the reason I believed mojo was because I didn't think he'd be smart enough to make up that kind of claim. It's not like we lost anything entertaining the idea.

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Just now, Shade939 said:

@Category 5 Hurricane, do you want to explain things, or should I?

Or can I force @OrangeP47 to explain things since he clearly understands what's going on here. :v

I can't say I know any more than anyone else does. The thing that's bothering me is that, lie or not, I can't see what he stood to gain by telling us all of that.

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We actually do have a Mastermind in game, but they aren't Mojoman.

Instead, they're actually iLTS.

My reasoning is also based on the two abilities I know he has, for starters he has his own personal masonry, which he basically fell silent in and didn't actually help me with Scum hunting at all after Mojoman was caught, so I suspect he's scum who wanted a Town players viewpoint to help him discover who Scum was. That entire day 1 gambit was to find a Town player to contact.

And the other ability is the one we've all seen, the perfect tool for forcing a lynch against Mafia so they would be eliminated.

Also, I'm still stating K_Y or Retaliation is the other Mafia member.

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26 minutes ago, FRAYDO said:


A good ending to this day. See you all tomorrow.

Why is he holding one of Mr. Compress's marbles? Is there a crossover? Is he actually Mr. Compress!?

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2 minutes ago, Louis said:

Wait that also means that Mojo didn't kill Chop since he didn't have that ability to obliterate Chop and destroyed everything

Why are you assuming that Mojo didn't kill Chop just because he was lying about being TP? He still flipped mafia and you still tracked him to the player who died.

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On 5/4/2020 at 4:40 PM, Jeod said:


Rise and shine, bilge rats! It appears ChopBam was obliterated last night. There's absolutely no trace of him, so you have no idea who he was or what items he held if any.


This is my last post for tonight and just a thought for the next day for everyone to sleep on. Here we start with D2 and right away we know that this isn't a normal mafia kill because we would know who Chop was and what items he got.

On 5/4/2020 at 7:22 PM, Mojoman said:

So, I'm actually TP mafia aligned. How does that work? Well, I'm a Mastermind.

The scum and I are in a doc together, all anonymous. My job was actually to let scum have just enough leash to win, without killing me. See, if scum wins while I'm alive, I technically win and they don't.

I did use my ability last night to kill Chop, we had actually agreed to kill FRAYDO (20/20, shoulda went with him), but I used my special night kill to override the votes. I was hoping by killing Chop (who was kind of jokingly on my case) I could make myself seem at least semi-innocent through the old scheme of 'Why would I target the person who voted for me?'.

Why not wait until we naturally killed Chop? Well, again, as long as I didn't kill someone who was scum, I was happy. How did I know Chop wasn't scum? I said in the doc I was going to check on Chop to see if had he a night ability I wanted to steal (my second ability is a morph, that copies a night action), and no one objected

Here we have mojo saying he used his special ability to override all of scums votes to take out Chop

3 hours ago, Jeod said:


Good golly, it's fortunate you got Mojoman sooner rather than later. Turns out he's Mystique!


And he's Mafia! Of course, he's dead now. His two abilities were called Morph and Mirage. So long, Mojoman!

As usual, two night posts per person. You have 24 hours.

But here we know that Mojo has only two abilities as stated here which is Morph and Mirage but on his previous post he States that he has a special ability to kill with no objection

1 hour ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

Why are you assuming that Mojo didn't kill Chop just because he was lying about being TP? He still flipped mafia and you still tracked him to the player who died.

And this is why I assume he didn't kill Chop but took the fall for it

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A lot happened last night! Firstly, it appears that Chopbam's identity was uncovered! He was Fraydo Baggins and Town with the abilities Follow and Withdrawal Tremors. Second, you're not sure why, but iLikeToSnipe is dead! He was Theodore Roosevelt, and Town with the abilities Big Stick and Speak Softly. Finally, Retaliation was killed last night! He was EnforcerTown, and had the ability Protect n' Serve.

Geez. Who do you blame for that mess?


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