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Showing most liked content on 01/26/2016 in all areas

  1. Soviet Soldier Volkov does not need your parachute. Soviet Soldier Volkov can fall great distance and still crush Allied dogs. Be like Soviet Soldier Volkov.
  2. This topic is where I will post when I livestream TSR or APB...I hope no one minds. I am streaming right now.
  3. Rocket Soldiers on barracks destruction (as well as sargs/caps) was a 2.1 thing that happened most likely because all the small-arms users were completely helpless against vehicles and riflemen alone did not have the firepower to reliably bring down a building at the weakpoint. But I wasn't the developer at that point so I don't know for sure, just speculation. Nowadays, however, all 3 small-arms users stand a much better chance against vehicles and riflemen aren't a complete waste against buildings, so yeah, perhaps permanent rocket soldiers aren't "needed" anymore.
  4. For when it gets shot down.
  5. Now, I do intend for this topic to be more.... level headed then my last one. The purpose here is to offer constructive feedback, and give pushwall and other developers something to work with. Here we go... 1.) Overall review of the patch: Pushwall and the other devs did a great job here, with the naval buffs a definite step in the right direction, along with most of the changes. If pushwall can supply us with the win ratios, I'm sure they are more balanced then they used to be, although players learning how to play soviets, along with teamwork, also has an effect. 2.) Potential balance concerns, but if a more experienced player can offer a solution, that would be great as well. a.) I fear there may be some imbalance in air-to-air combat, in favor of the longbow. I would like someone to test this with, to confirm, or put this issue to rest. b.) This is not imbalance at all, but more of a personal question: I feel that soviet mines really stifle allied infantry play. Does anyone have a suitable method for dealing with them? 3.) Map issues a.) The coastal influence arty problem is still there, but it can be countered by heavy teamwork. Still, is this being worked on? tbh though, naval control is far more important on this map... This is my preliminary assessment. As I would like this to be a structured forum/topic (If that is not to much to ask) please put a 1 for overall patch comments, a 2 for balance concerns, and a 3 for map problems, and 4 for misc. This is just so I may assemble a grand list later on. (Sorry if this fells like backseat moderation, really sorry.)
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  6. Check out the latest explosive trailer for Red Alert: A Path Beyond! With the release of the new APB patch, we thought it would be a good idea to make an awesome trailer to show off the fun, uniqueness and nostalgia that the game brings to the table. Not enough people know about Red Alert: A Path Beyond, so now with this trailer we can begin to stretch out and show other gaming communities what they are missing out on. You can watch the video below! Please feel free to repost this video in any other gaming communities that you frequent, since the more people we can get to play the game, the more information we can get on how to improve it!
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  7. Only if you make them soldiers - only soldiers can be run over AR did have trees that screamed and died when you ran over them for a while as an experiment... It wasn't AR, but one of BogdanV's projects.
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  8. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....... Dirt Pizza (drools)
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  9. Nope. I actually asked for that before to make it do something on non-radar dome maps, sadly it can't be done.
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  10. Because the RA timeline units are all babies. TS units are all men who ride their broken plane into the ground while playing a sick guitar solo on a flaming guitar Actually they can just fall from space and walk away ;p
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  11. Because the RA timeline units are all babies. TS units are all men who ride their broken plane into the ground while playing a sick guitar solo on a flaming guitar
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  12. Only in Red Alert, at least. Tiberian Sun doesn't have/need them.
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  13. Destroyers/missubs have 160 range and the Redeye/Strela have 170. By staying far enough away to hit parts of the building that rocket soldiers can't stand on, botes can narrow their range disadvantage a bit. Also, the Redeye/Strela do not hurt submerged subs at all, only surfaced ones. But anyway constant rocket spam shouldn't be an issue if it can be stopped by destroying the barracks right?
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  14. There is really just one issue here I would like to be addressed. I think Destroyers/Missile Subs should outrange rocket soldiers. I'm sure that there is some file in the game where you can either confirm or debunk this observation that they have the same range. But my personal experience with this was on Coastal Influence. I was Allies with a Destroyer. There was a Soviet with an RPG in the Subpen (which wad already destroyed). I tried to edge just into range where I could pick him off, but I could not seem to get into range without putting myself vulnerable to his shots as well. Perhaps I am just poor at aiming, or whatever, but my opinion is that a $300 infantry that is available after the Barrack's destruction should not be able to have the same range as a $1500 boat.
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  15. That would be lovely. That's really all I was asking for honestly. At least talk it out with others and see where everyone stands. Thank you, sir <3 No problem. Always a pleasure to discuss balance in a civil manner such as this.
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  16. I dont really see Coolrock needing a warning here, he is just being his regular sarcastic self.
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  17. What's fun in an RTS can be irritating in an FPS. In this case, since you cannot rebuild buildings (or build multiple of the same types), losing a structure is 100% permanent. Plus, in an RTS, you can mass hordes of units to take out a crippled opponent without much trouble, but in an FPS you're limited to who is on your team. Those are just couple of the many factors that go into the decisions we make when transitioning. Plus, it's not like you have specialized units like Engineers, Flamethrowers, or Medics without a barracks.
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  18. How much weed do you smoke?
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  19. It is certainly possible, but why would we use them.
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  20. And you the big head, JUST YOU
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  21. Soviets have more ways of dealing with Longbows than Allies have ways of dealing with Hinds. Therefore the fact that Longbows have an edge in Air to Air gameplay is a good example of asymmetrical balance design at work. Besides, Hinds got a good way of a guaranteed kill on Longbows; Kite, longbow missiles time out while bullets do not.
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  22. 2a) This is probably due to the fact that Longbows are anti-vehicle, whereas Hinds are anti-infantry/defense. Perhaps Hinds need an anti-air secondary, but then again Soviets have plenty of good counters to Longbows.
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  23. Just making my rounds again, thought I would say hello to all the new ones who have joined up recently. Welcome!
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  24. AFAIK some tweaks are in the works for naval balance, although Coastal Influence is more of a land balance problem. Although I know a map that would probably feel any naval imbalances quite noticeably...
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  25. Just to clarify for anyone else this "arty problem" is related to the way the map is laid out and not a problem with the arty itself. If the bases were swapped there would be the exact same problem with the V2.
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  26. Make no mistake, there's definitely a balance discrepancy (31 allied wins to 13 soviet is nothing to sneeze at... though since my last post it's evened out a bit to 35 vs 18...) It's just not quite as bad as you make it out to be. However, it's true that a good allied team will usually overcome a good soviet team, this has been the case in a lot of prior versions because the allied units demand more teamwork and intelligent play. Giving the Soviets a mobile repair vehicle, in addition to going completely against RA, would turn it completely around and make the Soviets even more likely to win than the Allies currently are, because seriously what advantage do the Allies have left at that point? A commando unit that gets thwarted by easily-placed mines?
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  27. The allies use a variety of specialised vehicles to do their duty in the field. Mediums against heavy armour, lights against lighter armour, rangers and apcs against infantry. They strictly rely on their unit composition in the field in order to be successful. Removal of a singular element, like an apc or a medium tank can completely cripple the entire allied force from performing their duty. Soviets, on the other hand, have the freedom of utilizing all-purpose non-specialised units. Mammoths are good against anything, tesla tanks are good against anything. Additionally, when said vehicles die, soviets also posess all-rounded infantry like shock troopers and volkovs, which can continue the fight no matter what the allies are throwing at them. In other words, vehicle survival is crucial for allies in the field, while soviets can maintain their firepower and utility even on foot, as their vehicles die.
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  28. Funny, of the games I've played, the split between soviet/allied victories was almost equal - though several maps seem skewed towards a particular side. However, looking through the server's last 100 game logs and excluding the "empty games" there are 31 allied victories and 13 soviet ones, which is a bit troubling. Some of those soviet victories have someone named Death_Kitty ingame, so that's some nice hyperbole with the whole "allies won every single game i played!" thing going on there... Why is it that people only pop in to say something's OP after it gets nerfed? I remember it happened with the golden wrench in Pyryle's patch after its repair rate was cut in half, and it happened again in this version when its repair rate was cut in half again. If we reverted to the Gamma stats for the arty you'd be complaining even more because its splash radius and DPS to buildings were much higher back then. Guard Duty now has Soviet rangers which are a counter to arties, which previously did not exist on that map which was one of the biggest places that the arty shined. The only map I can see them being straight up "OP" on is Coastal Influence, and there are plans for that. Most Allied stuff has only gotten more expensive since Gamma/Beta. Gunboats and Destroyers are 750/1500 when they used to be 500/1000. Medium Tanks are 900 when they used to be 800. MGGs are 1200 when they used to be 600. Rangers are cheaper but that's being reverted in the upcoming patch where they will be 600 again. lol On most maps they have 950 or almost 950 credits when the first dump arrives anyway, is this really needed? Not to mention medium tanks cost 100 more than they used to so the Allies have less options for what infantry to put in them early on... Ah yes, that thing that was responsible for a lot of the hate towards Gamma. Let's not. Your feedback is appreciated though but I think you're finding all the wrong ways to balance the game.
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