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Showing most liked content on 03/03/2016 in all areas

  1. 7 likes
  2. Five Grenadiers jumping out of a Chinook = Parabombs
  3. i like buying them so i can jump out of helicopters and become a human bomb, since they explode on death
  4. Hmm... With that detailed info you would be like an APB sports analyst. Looking at the team, the attack strategies, the amount of players on the field, and the play-by- play of unit purchases.
  5. Many of you may be familiar with this post at the BHP forums. It somewhat boiled down to a discussion on the rather incomplete political and economic climate that would have enabled Red Alert to take place (I mean, sure, we know the basics: Hitler dies before coming to power thanks to Einstein, the arms race happens considerably sooner, war breaks out between the Allies and Soviets). But really, that doesn't explain all of it. It leaves out important notes on the political climate of China and the Orient, Africa, South America, and other such factors. It fails to explain how Poland is a Communist country by the beginning of the GWWII. I happen to be a bit of a history nut. I don't like discrepancies like this, so I did my best to answer some of the questions raised in the linked thread. Here's what Cat5 asked and what I wrote (respectively): Here's my answer: Also keep in mind that my explanation is just one of many plausible possibilities based on what I know of history and the political climate that surrounded the times.
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  6. True, but almost all units are multiples of 20, and all of them are multiples of 10
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  7. Very carefully. I like to imagine that OWA was physically an APC that somehow was able to talk and communicate with humans and that's iLikeToSnipe hanging out of the back end there.
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  8. If there were more programming contributors, all things used on W3D could be improved. W3D is quite an "open book" for most people here, but most people do not have the "writing skills" to add to it.
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  9. well if you know you speak the truth and i know i did it means we still have a logn way to go. also how just wondering how do we lynch an apc?
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  10. Well, that explains why he posted a clip from a movie about Russians defecting to the US... Wow, sorry it posted OWA's post multiple times. Not sure what happened there. :-/ Moderator note: Sometimes the forum bugs up during posting and can cause multiple copies of the same thing to get posted. Fixed
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  11. I don't want this to come off as an abrupt "NO!" because thats not how I mean what I'm about to say at all. I'm just going to summarize (nicely) the past 3-4 WARS discussions that have already been had on this exact topic. It isn't feasible at this point to do what you're suggesting. The main reasons being that 1.) the Renegade X engine simply was not constructed for this type of gameplay (nor was any other engine aside from W3D for that matter) and 2.) when the games have come this far on the W3D engine already, switching engines would likely re-create all the hurdles we've overcome thus far. Don't get me wrong - there are benefits to using other engines as opposed to the odd bird that is W3D. But W3D is "home" to our devs. Its what they know and its what they're comfortable with. If the people we have developing our games don't want to all but completely start over just to make some things more visually appealing, and at the cost of years more time....I can't think of why anyone would blame them for sticking with the W3D platform. We do want the games to get finished after all. Moving engines would likely keep that from ever happening, just because of the amount of change and the amount of time that it would take to properly do it all. I do not want to discourage any of you reading this from going out on your own on a different engine and making an awesome C&C game! If you have the power to do it, then by all means do it! But the general feeling here is that we will (at least for now) stick with W3D.
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  12. That would remove the point of them being W3D projects.
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  13. Huehue. I'm assuming that you've realised thine mistakes? Going for a last ditch effort shot and vote won't solve any of that. Oh, and in case the final scum tries to murder me tonight, good luck with that. I dare you.
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