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Showing most liked content on 03/22/2016 in all areas

  1. We know you guys want certain RA1 units in, but please listen to Lead Devs. These guys work with the engine and game the most and know what can and can't be done, also what would and wouldn't work. Delta's balance currently is pretty damn fantastic and all of it's units fit their roles perfectly. Adding in a unit just because it's not there would mean redefining every role linked to it, which could result in horribly destroying the game balance. As we have also stated before, APB isn't going to be going under any major changes here at W3D Hub.
  2. Do you read posts that are not yours? You can't balance a unit that can't fundamentally exist in this game in the first place. Balance is not the problem, its the "works" behind the unit concept itself (and the little tiny thing called a model). The mechanics are not currently possible and due to a cease in major development that has been referenced dozens of times already (yet somehow gets ignored), it is most likely that these mechanics will never get created. I really hate to bring it to this but..... These things (all of these requests that are piling up) must be made by someone if they are to exist at all. These things would take lots of time to even have a semi-functional mock-up. Nobody is getting paid to work on this. Nobody from the community is stepping up offering to do it, therefore.... These things must be made by the dev team. Pushwall is the dev team! If he says it isn't going to happen.... Is the writing on the wall really that faint? Again, I'm not being sarcastic with these replies. But folks, the reality is that if you suggest something that isn't a minor improvement to an existing feature, eg: "hey this texture looks like some guy made it in 2003, we might could make it look better", then it just has no way to get done.... A sad truth, I know. But truth nonetheless.
  3. >see first page of additional units for apb >see response against that >
  4. But it's on the same launcher as another free game that has a larger playerbase despite having the same degree of advertisement? Are you forgetting who owns the C&C franchise? We could always go back to gamma because that was further from Battlefield... oh wait gamma was a total flop like I've mentioned about a dozen times by now.
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  5. Instructions unclear....
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  6. I guess you could have a Hostile Waters-like map, with a bot cruiser or two (provided someone's made a model), where Soviets are trying to sink them and Allies trying to defend them? It wouldn't be a playable vehicle, but if you just want to see it in the game...
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  7. Helicopter assault. From their Helicarrier.
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  8. Am I the only one here thinking S E M should get slapped into the funnies group with Makintoke?
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  9. Let's take a look then. (continued) fin.
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  10. Apologies in advance for the orange text that I am about to use. Sometimes people flip out and try to use it against me later as a red herring logical fallacy-type thing, but I swear that I only needed a color to differentiate my text from other people's. You have been disclaimer'd. Once upon a time, there was a Sole Survivor mod that featured this gameplay. It was actually quite fun. Perhaps I'll resurrect this gameplay mode for an APB map sometime in april. Edit: The game mode involved two teams, each with an AI controlled MCV that patrolled the map. The two MCV's would essentially ride in a circle around the map, on the opposite side of the map. The game would end on the destruction of an MCV. The challenge in this mode came from making sure you kept your always-moving MCV safe, while taking out the enemy MCV. This required good team coordination to remain aware of where each objective was. Oh man, I remember that! That was a good one....moving on! they had identical speed (speed=6) and identical health (strength=600). however, the MCV had armor=light while the ore truck had armor=heavy. And, again, there's no point to adding a purchaseable MCV if it does nothing that can't be done by already existing units. Especially since it'll confuse new players into thinking "it can be purchased it's gotta do something right?" We could make it repair buildings, maybe some gamemodes or even have it deployable for repairing buildings. So you want it to be more like RA1 but yet you want things that were not in RA1? Also we already have a nice deployed Construction Yard that already does this. Otherwise you may use a technician or engineer. Plenty of things to repair buildings already in the game, right where they've been for over a decade now so I'd say that there's really no need for this. So if the plane was just a model than perhaps the same thing can be done for airstrikes or with other things. Nodlied already touched on this, but I'll try to clarify a bit further. The plane you see is a cinematic. In some ways, it doesn't even really exist. I like to think of it as being similar to something thrown on a green screen, like on the weather channel. The plane is there because 13+ years ago, the Renegade engine gods hung it there. It was never made pilotable because the engine is not capable of fixed-wing physics and until someone takes it upon thierself to heavily modify a 13+ year old engine to add one feature to a free game that is lead by a one man dev team, it will not happen. But i really would like to see all the non flying vehicles implemented in at least. Even if the 2nd turret of the cruiser is just AI controlled and doesnt shoot at buildings is entirely fine because it would need less balancing. See the above block of orange. Also, having the second turret be AI would make balancing worse because anything it destroys does not count points for the driver of the bote. This would also mess up other things like stats because if the AI turret was the thing that actually landed the kill, that means that you didn't get it. Then suddenly we have OVER 9000 people begging for the cruiser to be removed because its stealing its own driver's kills!!!! Not good. And while the reason not to implement the tech center would be space you could always place some buildings next to each other for more open space. In every C&C game its not uncommon the build buildings next to each other. If this was RA1, I would whole-heartedly agree. But this is a FPS game that is designed in the likeness of RA1, not intended to be an exact copy of RA1. While doing such a thing would be hilarious because we would all get the joke that the commander ran out of building space, it is not functional whatsoever in a FPS environment. Perhaps the fixed wing aircraft could be implemented as VTOLs assuming that kind of gameplay is acceptable. See the second block of orange text. The feature would have to be coded from scratch. Not happening unless we get some awesome volunteers to take that on and open a big ol' Version "2" was many years ago. We are now in major version 3, which will be the last version unless Pushwall goes full-on April fools on us or something More maps. This is something that is not only possible, but also planned! I hope that I didn't come across as sarcastic in this. It was not my intention. My intent was simply to clarify and elaborate on some points and reasons as to the "why" behind some things. I would like to ask you and others though that you read the multiple many dozens of posts in several threads about exactly these type things that outline the reasons why they simply can not be accomplished. Whether it be because of a severe lack of manpower to make it happen, or otherwise just because the Renegade gods did not deem it so. There is a reason for everything. Until we get a larger-than-one-man dev team on this project that has already been labeled as FINISHED though, I just don't see much if any of this ever happening. That being said, anyone with the necessary skill is welcome to make helpful contributions if they line up with the current design and direction, as always.
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  11. Well since there's been some delays getting the patch out I decided it would be a better use of my time to cram more fixes into it instead of repeatedly explaining things that I've already explained to certain people. So in addition to most of that stuff you put up on the bug tracker, and some other things, here's something I've done that's relevant to the thread: next patch hinds are getting a 20% damage reduction to main buildings (this may sound a lot but it still leaves them killing buildings considerably faster than in Nuclear Winter where I remember a LOT of stronk hind rushes) and longbows are dealing 90 damage per rocket to heavy vehicles instead of 80.
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  12. When i see all those people either specially saying it or ignoring what has been said, i think that Pushwall is doing this with ya all in his mind
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  13. Do I really need to expound on this for you? Unfortunately over the span of 2015 the dev team has dwindled down to just me and a couple others who just don't have the time to do much, and everyone else at W3D Hub is either too busy with their own projects which are in development and actually have teams, or are again too busy with real life. "Version 4" is a pipe dream, stop thinking about it. Before you pitch any more grand ideas for APB in future, you should really ask yourself how long you think it would take one person to do it, if you would like to spend that much time doing it, if the game ABSOLUTELY needs this change, and if it would be worth all the time you spend on it. I'm just here to do bug fixes, minor balance adjustments, fix up another couple of AOW maps, and maybe include a couple of features that we already have most of the framework for, because anything bigger is a massive timesink for one person working on a free game.
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  14. Not quite, many of these things are planed or already implemented! Navy is a bit out so I won't comment on that but will post this: The Chrono miner works like you would expect it too. You can toggle between the normal IFV turret and your current infantry turret The game currently has support for country specific units. I'll leave the rest for a producer to answer.
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  15. I am not a dev but, half of these have already been answered with no. So just read the rest of the topic and AR news forum for your answers.
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  16. I'm afraid someone has already beat us to version 2.
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  17. Sometimes at night, when I lay in my bed, I still dream of driving around my chronotank, waiting for the intermittent GPS uplink to reveal AP mines, spy infiltrate the subpen for the one time sonar pulse to reveal Soviet subs, and planting cruiser strike beacons while fighting off paratrooper reinforcements.
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  18. they had identical speed (speed=6) and identical health (strength=600). however, the MCV had armor=light while the ore truck had armor=heavy. And, again, there's no point to adding a purchaseable MCV if it does nothing that can't be done by already existing units. Especially since it'll confuse new players into thinking "it can be purchased it's gotta do something right?"
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  19. Sorry for offtopic but this sounds damn funny. Delta's gamma being too high.
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