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Showing most liked content on 05/14/2017 in all areas

  1. I gotchu. Updated OP.
  2. #SpyLivesMatter
  3. Damn it, @Silverlight! DAMN IT! Curse you, and your bunny hopping AOE disarm!!!!
  4. [thumb]thumb_ar.3.png[/thumb] [blurb]According to NORAD we've got updates coming at us from all directions and renders pushing up through Mexico. I don't know how they snuck in on us.[/blurb] Dioptic manifold clear! Unit ready! Electrodes ready! Welcome to the Apocalypse Rising May Update! This month's update features the Allied Prism Tank, the Soviet Purchase Terminal, and the Soviet Shock Trooper. Prism Tank It's Einstein's Prism tech on wheels. The boys at the lab call it a Prism Tank. Careful not to burn yourself! - Lt. Eva Deployed late into the war, the Prism Tank is yet another shining example of Allied technological superiority. Developed by Professor Albert Einstein, the Prism Tank operated as the Allies' anti-structure artillery unit. Utilising the same technology found in the Prism Tower base defenses, the Prism Tank is effective against enemy infantry and structures alike. Powerful as it may be, the Prism Tank is not without weaknesses. It's light armour and low rate of fire make it particularly ineffective against heavy armour. Coordination with Allied Grizzlies and IFVs in the field combined with its long-range beam offers more favourable engagements against Soviet Rhinos and Apocalypse Tanks. "Intensifying light trajectory!" Model by @Romanov Soviet Purchase Terminal In the previous war, Allied and Soviet structures shared many similarities from external appearances to internal terminals. As the opposing sides' architecture began to take on more unique motifs, so did the individual aspects that made up the internal infrastructure. Soviet engineers stayed true to the industrial element that is the working class and designed accordingly. Putting aside the sophisticated and sleek features that their Allied counterparts possessed, the Soviet Engineer Corps set about and designed a straightforward and reliable Purchase Terminal for use throughout friendly bases. Serving the same purpose as its previous war iteration, Soviet units may access these terminals and purchase infantry and vehicles from the Soviet arsenal. Depending on the country chosen (Russia, Iraq, Cuba, Libya), additional units may be authorised for purchase. "(56k modem dial-up sound)" Concept Art by @Squid Empire, Model by @Romanov and @moonsense715 Tesla Trooper Always striving towards the next step in Tesla technology, the Soviet Union has introduced a new class of soldiers into their ranks: the Tesla Trooper. First deployed during the occupation of Washington D.C., these shock troopers are highly effective on the front-lines. Armed with a Tesla Coil gauntlet, the Tesla Trooper is particularly devastating to enemy armour columns. Shockingly, the Tesla Trooper has proven to be equally effective against enemy infantry, due in part to the armour they wear that their Conscript and Flak Trooper counterparts lack. Wearing an insulated combat uniform that also houses the back-mounted Tesla Generator, the Tesla Trooper also cannot be crushed by enemy vehicles. It is this heavy armour and deadly weaponry that makes the Tesla Trooper a threat to all Allied units in the field. "Commencing shock therapy" Model by @Romanov Screenshots Recruitment We are always hiring new team members to speed up AR's release! If you believe that you can help us out, you are more than welcome to help! The following positions are open: 2 Artists for modeling and texturing civilian buildings and props. 1 Artist for making nature assets (trees, bushes, etc.) 1 Character Artist 1 Texture Artist/Photoshop User (optionally Unwrapper) to help in texturing building interior objects If you wish to contribute to this project and believe you have the skills, give us a shout! If you would like to contribute to the game and believe you have the skills, don't hesitate to apply! If you don't know if you have the skills, send us a forum PM and we can chat. If you would like to help in areas not listed here, that is also more than welcome. To apply, just send @moonsense715 or @One Winged Angel a PM (Private Message) via the forums and let us know which position you wish to apply for. End Feel free to contact the team regarding testing applications for Apocalypse Rising and our other W3D projects and become an official W3D Hub Tester today!
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  5. A great video about the history of our beloved series.
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  6. nyeeeeaaah what about that pushy? give us yaks!
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  7. The new file system, powered by IP.Downloads, is now live! The power is now in your hands to upload your custom files, mods, audio, maps and textures for Red Alert: A Path Beyond and Tiberian Sun: Reborn! Categories Here's a quick overview of the categories that we have currently implemented. W3D Hub - Contains useful programs and tools that will assist players in playing our games! This is where you will find the W3D Hub Launcher! Only W3D Hub Staff can upload to this category. Red Alert: A Path Beyond - Contains user generated content and mods for APB! Any non-banned user may upload to this category! Tiberian Sun: Reborn - Contains user generated content and mods for TSR! Any non-banned user may upload to this category! Other C&C Files - Contains other C&C files from around the wider community! Only W3D Hub Staff may upload to this category, but please feel free to make suggestions for any files that you think should be in this category by messaging @OWA, or by using the idea box on the W3D Hub homepage! Submission Guidelines Here are some guidelines and rules for uploading files to the W3D Hub File system! Be descriptive in naming your file and in your file description. Keep the latest updates, news and known issues to the top of the description so users see it first. Keep the description updated with known issues, caveats and walk-through installation guide where possible. Feel free to ask other users and staff members for help when writing walk-throughs. Upload screenshots. Create a preview image for your file (a square 200x200 image is the size limit). We will release marketing templates of all the game's logos in .png format for your use soon™. Avoid generic names. Do not post “test” files to the public, our Moderation team won't approve these types of files. When you update your file, please post what changed in the Version Notes. Files have an upload limit of 100MB. If this is a problem for a specific file that you wish to upload, please message @OWA. After uploading a file, a member of W3D Hub's Moderation team will verify it's contents before it becomes public. Once your file is public, the forum will automatically start a public thread devoted to it in the "Community Project Releases" forum and will link to it in the description; so that you can get feedback and bugs from other users. Please note that files are subject to removal at the discretion of our Moderation team. Reasons for File Removal Examples of reasons to remove files include, but are not limited to the following: Do not upload files that include cracked/pirated software or games. Do not upload files that include copyrighted material. Do not upload files taking content from other games, mods or files unless you have permission from the creator. Do not upload files featuring nude or sexually explicit material. Do not upload files that include hate speech, malicious content, or content that slanders/harasses other members. Do not upload files that include private information. Cheers! Thanks for reading! Please enjoy using this awesome community resource once again! Also, a big special thanks to those of you who have donated to us over the last few months! This new feature is one of a few new things that were were able to get up and running with your support!
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  8. Can I just say that I'm completely hooked on your videos? I expect at least one every week like any other show I'd watch. It's very funny and interesting to watch, quite enjoyable. Plus your APB skills are amazing, you land such good shots. Puts anything I can do to shame.
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  9. Yaks? That thing did appear on the very first soviet mission and the second one (where the map Guard_Duty is based on).
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  10. It's a tech level 1 map, of course not.
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  11. This soundpack converts a lot of the engine start and idle sounds of the ground vehicles in Red Alert: A Path Beyond into (almost) perfect loops of Retrowave/Synthwave tracks. The vehicles affected by this soundpack use the following songs: Light Tank: "Telecom" by Power Glove Medium Tank: "Raining Steel" by Perturbator Heavy Tank: "Built to Kill" by Lazerhawk Mammoth Tank: "Death Squad" by Perturbator Phase Tank: "Flightwave" by Com Truise Tesla Tank (and MRJ): "Chaos" by Lazerhawk APC (and Minelayer): "Access Point" by Stoned Presidents Artillery: "Rampage" by Kavinsky Ranger (and Soviet Ranger): "Silver Screen Cruising" by Robert Parker V2 Launcher (and Ore Truck, MGG, special/prop trucks)**: "King of the Streets" by Lazerhawk Supply Truck (and Demo Truck): "Resemblance in Machine" by Phaserland ** Note: The pitch factor has been adjusted in alignment with the V2 Launcher. Depending on the vehicle you are driving, the music pitch/speed may be higher or lower than normal. You must drive at the vehicle's top speed to be able to listen to the loop as you normally would the actual music track. Otherwise, enjoy the sound of warble-y music DOWNLOAD THE SOUNDPACK HERE! Modified 2017/05/13: Removed phase tank engine sounds due to server anti-cheat detection. INSTALLATION Download and open the RAR, and place the files in the following directory:
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  12. Give the Supply Truck a loop of "What is Love?" by Haddaway. Then do an infantry rush with it.
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  13. Beautiful, yet tragic, to watch from start to end. This is a good find.
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  14. If i enter the championship and die Day 1, I will be the perfect representation of this community and its traditions.
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