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Isaac The Madd

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Everything posted by Isaac The Madd

  1. Is their no way for the scripts guys to change the A.I. to account for the drop?
  2. The super cruiser first would have to: become a building when deployed, force all players in the vehicle when undeploying, move all the spawn points and such somehow, and have the turrets be separate enterable vehicles. The Soviet Super submarine would have to do mostly the same as the cruiser and only be able to deploy or fire when on the surface. Water only is a bit of a stretch as there would be large rocks in the way of where the cruiser and super sub spawn. Oh, and you start with only the super ship and sub, which you can get basic infantry and engineers from, the islands which provide protection from the other side could have captureable shored defenses.
  3. This idea is crazy, but it could be interesting. What if we made a large naval map with no land and have the cruiser be a mobile naval base. (It could deploy to build a limited number of gunboats and then act as normal building for a while.) It could have only one turret active in movement mode and have several controllable turrets when deployed. The Soviets would get a giant submarine that does the same thing except it can not deploy underwater and is a submarine. I would be really hacky and look odd but it could be neat. (Since this is my idea I would make a the stuff for it, if it is not impossible.)
  4. (Insert generic please add dogs request to be denied here)
  5. I meant these sorry for the misinterpretation. (There was a big long discussion about Yuri I don't remember the outcome.)
  6. I am not a dev but, half of these have already been answered with no. So just read the rest of the topic and AR news forum for your answers.
  7. Disclaimer: This following idea will most likely not work. We could have the Construction Yard build base defenses.
  8. Why don't we make an animation of a tech center building up and being sold in the first five seconds of the match.
  9. The round that I have been hinting at for a month and keep forgetting to make the thing for. For this round all normal rules apply, except this time it is a 3d model instead of an image. (Please post preview renders after each edit.) (The image links to a download package with it in both .blend and .3ds)
  10. Looking at the review makes it not seem worthwhile, then again everyone hates DLC.
  11. Run away while you still can, The Commandurr is on the lose. (And yes this still is the nickname I gave Jerad2142)
  12. I would be interested, does it work with the Ultimate Collection version of C&C Generals?
  13. To clarify this round is for giant edits, but you have to run it through dreamscope. And canceled this round as no one seems interested. I will make a new post with the original idea for this special round later now that the model is ready.
  14. What if we brought back the renegade single player objective "screen" (it just overlaid the view when you pressed tab) to give players tips and rebound to H. A map is entirely plausible, but I don't have the time to right it out.
  15. I forgot to make the first edit. Sorry for the double post as well I meant to add it as a edit for the one above this one. Just to clarify you can touch up your images after running it through the site.
  16. Well the GUI elements are all in one texture I think you can change it per-map but you can't change the layout. I tried this once on one of my five maps that I made to play around with stuff.
  17. A wild ChopBam Appeared! All edits have stopped would you like to move on the the next round? Never mind that is edit number six. New round shortly. All drastic changes are allowed this round. The only rule is that you use dreamscopeapp.com or Ostagram.ru (If you can get into it). (For some reason it has be turned into being just a Facebook page again.) These combine images using neural networks It is recommended that you play around with using images as filters before you upload.
  18. Maybe we could have attack dogs...no really wants those do we.
  19. UV stretches and such, there is a lot of them. All screenshots were taken on the only release and on the public server. http://imgur.com/a/yZRa1
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