Personally I wouldnt try to make a C&C 3 FPS thats anything like Renegade or Renegade X for the simple fact that..... a certain aformentioned group of people will begin complaining about how "x" stole "x's" game and ripped it off..... Kinda like what happened with Imperial Age. Since then, Kaskins's OFFICIAL mod, has taken a hit on players, but every now and again, you'll see a few players onlinr, its been a while since I saw more than 8 people on his server though.... As of now, I'd wait, ask EA what their plans for C&C will be, fuck..... dont bother Joe Kucan about it though, as (last I heard during an interview) he is done with C&C and does not want to be recast as Kane.
Ah you must have missed that time when like 3 days ago there were 22 players on IA official server. 4-5 match straight 18-22 players were playing it, but I drop out as I need to go out do something.