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Alstar last won the day on December 3 2018

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170 Excellent

About Alstar

  • Birthday 07/04/1994

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  1. Me and my friends have never seen santa or his work despite all this talking, so usually its just me getting them gifts.
  2. If playing without hud enabled counts then no, i do not jest.
  3. You're expecting way too much of me. I dont feel like flexing with blindfold on like usually
  4. @Guard55for being everywhere where it was needed ice187dna for victorious cruiser meme Topazjuan for being absolute annoyance on Siege with his goddamn MIG @Pushwallfor explaining to me the actual idea behind design Hostile Waters in a way that made sense and made me change my opinion on it :V
  5. I only looked at tweet and it instantly forced me to open this forum just to say. Fuck that map. Seriously. Fuck it. Cant wait to play it again.
  6. Limited ammo makes me wonder about specific situations when you run out of it - will player be virtually useless or some sort of meele attack will be provided as a last resort combat method?
  7. I cant wait for retarded OT rushes with rifles at the start of the game on River Raid.
  8. Pushwall - I mean, if you ask for best preforming players and you dont mention Push, you are a filthy liar. Topazjuan - That was some sick flying on HW, i forgive you killing my MIG with yours Dghelneshi - Did way too much to write about. Just look look at stats of games that happened during evend, it speaks for itself.
  9. Then i would get asked to reveal my coords so someone can test me. If i lie, i only prolong my death.
  10. My thoughts exactly tbh. Once everyone started proving themselves i knew that neither me or KY can come up with a claim that would even partially clear us out. KY being unable to submerge, pen hauling me would not work. Allies would be unable to win without using Helicarrier - and we failed to summon that twice. We had no idea what would we even benefit from that until Vert wrote about that in scum doc. But that was around the time i sent the surrender post.
  11. You don't understand, i misstyped c2 as c3. And I haven't noticed that until verti said so.
  13. Okay, honestly we got absolutely no chances anymore. We cannot claim anything, none of kills went through. None of plans were successful either. There is absolutely no option for us to win this anymore. With that being said and me having absurdally less time with each day thanks to brain damaging work, i can only do this thing right now. ##Surrender
  14. Orange revealed his coords, Jacko fired at that, it got revealed as no hit, then at the start of night map reveal has a unit detection at the exact spot where Orange was asking to shoot - C2.
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