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Kane000 last won the day on February 13 2021

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About Kane000

  • Birthday 05/28/1992

Member Title

  • 3D Vehicle Artist

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    UK, Essex
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  1. I'll be there! I missed the last one and a Players vs Staff game does sound interesting :D
  2. OWA's 31st Birthday Game Night Screenshots! Yaks amassing in the distance. Yaks attacking barracks: Yaks attacking Ref: A MAD amount of tanks:
  3. Yeah, sorry for the confusion, Raap. I just hadn't gotten around to modelling the Missile pods yet. I personally don't think the pods themselves are too weird. I mean here's a Naval missile launcher in real life: The stem on that is tiny, and I assume would have to be manually reloaded by personnel. We could toy with the idea that the Missile Sub could only reload it's Missile pods if surfaced perhaps, I'll mention it to the guys.
  4. Hey! I'm not dead... I'm just sleeping.
  5. Sorry, it sounded like you were saying that APB needs a new model AS WELL, so I thought I'd just clarify that
  6. Actually, that's the model that will be replacing the current AK in APB. The finished model looks great btw.
  7. Aww, so my b-day didn't get mentioned in the blog :/ lol. Nevermind, awesome logo and War factory, can't wait to see what you do with the interior
  8. Sweet blog, I'm liking the C4 and the finished drill texture . Also, OWA's crate is epic lol. Bonus-bonus points for TS:Firestorm Kane's mask on the first huge robot thing lol.
  9. Lol, thanks mate, go Britain! I did post a topic on the APB staff section actually but nevermind...
  10. Awesome blog, the interiors are looking nice. Also I wish both OWA and r34ch good luck at their Uni's .... I do however feel a little left out for not getting a shout out lol :/ I am starting college this week you know lmao!
  11. Awesome knife And damn! I had to turn down the opportunity of going to V-fest this year :/ Got work that day lol.
  12. AWESOME blog Really love the stairs in the reactor lol. But I guess I'll never know what the video was about now though lol :/
  13. Sweet blog! TBH, while testing, I never noticed that the old wheels were that blocky either, good job though Also Muse are awesome, I love Matt Bellamy's voice. And WOOT! Frank Klepacki is still rocking out that tune hehe .
  14. Awesome, can't wait to test the IFV, also @Xiphias6, the latest test build we got, the mirage fired a laser but thats all due to changes.
  15. Awesome blog dudes, the Conscript looks great! /me likes muller corners Lol toilet.
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