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  1. As we celebrate W3D Hub's 10 years, an idea comes to create a supercut trailer showcasing our games. We ask for your best clips, moments, memes, and anything that you would like to contribute to this video project! We want this trailer to show off the best moments and fun that made this community what it is! Rules of submissions (tentative) - Must be W3D Hub related - For videos > mp4. format and download link provided - For sound clips > .mp3 and .wav accepted - Images/gifs accepted - SFW (no excessive cursing, but one or two doesn't hurt) - Final decision left to video producer(s) Everyone is welcome to submit! Deadline for submissions is January 20th (also tentative) >>> This forum thread serves as a space for discussion, questions, and general brainstorming. I'll also be taking chats on Discord and encourage conversations there for quicker responses. Let's make something great for us! 1/14/25 Edit - To clarify some logistics on it: - Send me the clips and files that you want to see included, or post those in the forum thread - The clips can be sent as you want them presented, or in other words with your unique edits and styles. My part is piecing them together into one timeline - SFW is no excessive cursing, but otherwise "shit" and "fuck" are fine - Soft limit of 30 seconds for the clips you send, but multiple clips are also allowed. We'll just space those out throughout the trailer
  2. until
    Description goes here. Coming Soon™
  3. until
    Coming soon.
  4. Hello, I'm a new member and I'm having problems updating W3D Launcher from Beta 13 to Beta 14. After I click on the launcher there is a Windows message saying "This application cannot run on your PC." Is there a solution to solve this problem?
  5. Good evening It has been a few months since I've been banned from the W3D Discord server. I believe that my time in the Gulag has reconditioned me. I will be a proper, normal citizen of the W3D Hub Discord server from henceforth should I be unbanned. Respectfully greyson
  6. Hello, and welcome to W3D Hub! We are a community of hobbyists dedicated to the development of games on the W3D engine. Now that you know who we are, tell us about you! Perhaps you are new here, or maybe you played Renegade or one of our mods years ago and have found your way back? Introduce yourself! And in case you missed it, please look over the rules, which are located at the top of the forum, or can be found by clicking here. If you have any questions about how things work, feel free to PM a member of staff here on the forum, or find us on Discord, Teamspeak, and of course in-game. Thanks for stopping by, and again - Welcome!
  7. I never thought I'd have to be the one here to talk about something like this, but here we go. As of late, it seems like Voe has been on an absolute power trip enforcing rules that do not exist to a degree that has lead to the muting and threatened banning of established community members over trivial items. Prior to these events, frequent jokes in the discord (and, by extension, in-game as well) revolved around "Bodily Fluids and Excretion". While jokes are jokes, often times these jokes would extend to the use of gifs that would range from tame as hell to borderline explicit. In response to this, action was taken, and in regards to especially the use of the gifs where it it very closely toed the line of the "Do not post pornography/gore" rule, I can understand why the action was taken and why the moderators stepped up to put a stop to matters. Except, action did not stop there. The enforcement of this "rule" has extended to even the removal of a video from the chat simply because it was titled this: http://puu.sh/J8hfK/a6fb8edfa9.jpg. It has also extended to the 1-week timeout of Sith and Greyson simply because Voe had felt they had overstepped a rule that is not at all stated in the community guidelines and in which nobody else at that moment had any problem with. To make matters worse, Voe essentially admits to the fact that there was no actual rule being broken, and that Sith was muted with threat of ban simply because some people "wanted it" and that there's a witch-hunt involved, as seen in his DM's http://puu.sh/J8hp3/940c9a9314.png Enforcement is also highly inconsistent when you're basically allowed to post the vomit emoji, which is honestly pretty frontal and graphic. But, it's clear the rule was entirely only made to target one member and one member only, rather than actually and responsibly take care of a community. The enforcement of these sudden, vague "rules" that are not at all enlisted in the guidelines over perfectly harmless jokes that would be A-okay to see in a completely normal PG-rated film is unacceptable, furthermore that the mods then go to bend the definitions of existing guidelines in an attempt to justify this behavior. Hell, they're even equating making a poop joke to be on the same level as actual hate speech simply because they don't like it http://puu.sh/J8hqQ/ee0bf2ba1b.png. At this point, the mods are going on a full power-trip and being absolutely over-the-top and nailing down even just plain fine and innocent jokes, but also so far as to threaten with banning long-time established, even donating members as Sith when they haven't even broken a rule. If you can't justify moderator action on something with proper and clear-cut community guidelines such as posting porn/gore, actual hatespeech or flaming, and essentially listen to a couple people who have a vendetta to enforce a witch-hunt because they want to? That's not proper, responsible moderation, that's abuse plain and simple. Moderators need to either enforce clear-cut and rational rules, or if those rules are not adequate in covering behavior that would otherwise warrant a reasonable response, then craft community guidelines that are properly airtight and easily understood by the community, as well as give the community a proper chance to read and understand those changes. Otherwise, the moderators should back off, and if this community wants to be taken seriously as a community, then they need to be held accountable for their actions.
  8. So i want to make game scifi WW2 or dieselpunk stuff, but because i'm still newbie on programing and 3d modeling might be really need help from professional modders in here, any of you would like the idea? (I made this picture using photoshop)
  9. Hello everyone, I'm a fierce and historic C&C player since the first Tiberian Dawn chapter. I share with you the strong desire to bring back the Westwood magic that EA managed to wipe out in the last decade. The latest boxing-ring-style game for mobile phones speaks for itself. You know, in real life I've been a corporation manager and I know very well how bureaucracy and lust for financial result can bring to a sharp decline. In this case the mistake made by EA was to consider C&C a cash cow rather than a growing star. But there has been a general decline involving almost every artistic aspect of our lives in the past decade or so, and the actual social clash the world is experiencing is dramatically bringing us back to a strong desire for real goodness... no matter how much money is involved in the process. This is a very strong demand... so strong that you are actually developing brand new C&C games for free. Even the actual Westwood developers are trying to bring it back with "Earthbreakers" wich is just trying to sell your FPS+RTS idea. I'm writing here because I have enough of all this. I think that what you created may easily become the best MMO game all-around - including non-RTS games (like RPGs) - just because of the two-folded nature of a RTS+FPS game. Why Renegade bombed? Because it was just a FPS and the C&C strategic thing was absent. There's something very little missing in all RTS+FPS approaches I watched till now - and it's role coherence. I think the final solution would be to make NOT just a hybrid RTSFPS but rather a game that can be played ALTERNATIVELY as a RTS or as a FPS. You know, in every army there are troops and there are generals. You rarely gonna see a General embracing a machine gun and never gonna see a Private ordering a tank delivery. Every task should be assigned to the right rank. Do you remember your position in the online ranking? Why let it be a trivial macho competition when it could be the key to ONLINE army rank unlock? This is my idea and I'm dreaming to make it true. It's very sad to see a great idea like RA2: Apocalypse Rising struggling to be completed because of the typical exponential difficulty to close a project - i.e. make that last 10% to go from 90% to 100% burning triple the resources required by the already fulfilled 90% ... which is typical of every pioneering endeavor. Well, my little dream is to fund developers to realize what I just said. But mind out, I'm not seeking for business since I already have my own source of wealth that makes me live well. No need for problems in my life. And first of all I'm wondering how you're managing to release games whose copyrights are held by EA. Are you simply ignoring it? Is it just "masked" as a fanmade mod? Well I'd like to make it the next C&C release, but of course it may require to buy back the rights from who actually dismantled the franchise. I'm writing this post down because it really is my very simple & sincere will and I really have no idea how else to ask this. Would you join the mission? I'd be glad to fund developers with true wages, buy everything necessary, bring back C&C magic and make it the next step in videogame industry. All the pioneering ideas need unlimited funding without return expectations - until art makes it. Whatcha think about?
  10. @CMDBob here, and I think it's time for a proper announcement for my W3D game; Cold War Confrontation. The Situation The year is 1987… more or less. The forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Warsaw Pact (WARPAC) are facing off. Escalating tensions between the two factions have led to a situation where one small spark will be enough to set off a war. Then, out of the blue, both sides come under attack. NATO forces begin tactical airstrikes, and WARPAC tanks begin pouring over the border. The cold war has gone hot. However, forces beyond both factions are moving, deep underground… At this point, neither side knows, though. Even if they did, neither side cares. Each believes the other struck first, and it’s now a fight to the finish, be it the Red Army at the Rhine, or NATO at the Russian border. Will this end in stalemate, a victory for one of the armies, or nuclear fire? That remains to be seen. The Game Cold War Confrontation is a W3D based FPS game, involving combined arms warfare, with a unique visual style for the engine. Use a large number of weapons and vehicles across a variety of terrains, from urban city centres, luscious islands, and cold winter mountainsides to destroy the enemy team. Not every mission is a search and destroy, however, as sometimes, your objectives will be things beyond simple destruction, and may require more strategy. At this early stage, the 2 main factions are the US Armed Forces and the Russian WARPAC forces. The initial release will be infantry and light airdropped vehicles, as to give people a taste of the full warfare that is coming. The plan for the future is a full US/Russia release with full land/helicopter combat/bases, then releases with more NATO/WARPAC factions (such as the British Armed Forces, Czechoslovak People's Army, Bundeswehr, Nationale Volksarmee and more), as well as fixed-wing air forces and naval at some point. Know Your Equipment - Issue 1 I'll be presenting some of the weapons, vehicles, buildings, etc, that make up Cold War Confrontation. For this announcement, here's the basic weapons of the NATO forces and the Warsaw Pact infantry. The Beretta M9 and MP-443 Grach pistols are the primary sidearms of all soldiers. Every soldier has one (except for a few certain classes, which get something with a little bit more of a bang...), and these have infinite ammo. They aren't the most effective weapons, but it's better than nothing. The M16A3 and the AK-74 are the basic rifles for the basic infantry class within Cold War Confrontation. Reliable, dependable and sturdy, these weapons are good starting weapons. They also have numerous variants within the game, which I will expand upon in later updates. Keep your eyes peeled for updates within the W3D weekly updates. A final word from @CMDBob So, finally an announcement. I’ve been working on this for quite a while (the first Git commit to the project repo is on the 15th of December 2018, but I’d been working on it a while before that point. Plus, a lot of the vehicle models date back to as far as 2014). Glad I’m finally formally announcing the project. I’m having a lot of fun making it, and I hope that people eventually have fun playing it! As for my plans: I hope that I can get a build of the game out to testers as soon as possible. The main thing that I need to do is content at this point, as I’m essentially building everything from scratch. However, the more content I make, the more stuff I can use in other maps, so it’s not all bad. 😊 I’m not sure on the public release timeframe, as I want a fair few more maps before any sort of release. Still, I’ll try and release some news as often as I can. Might only be a short update on a weapon, vehicle, building, or even a game mechanic, but it’ll be something to keep people's attention!
  11. Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season! So I’ve actually stopped by to deliver an early Christmas gift. So here it is..... Tiberian Sun Reborn and all asset owenership will be turned over to W3dHub with no strings attached. Effective January,1 ,2021. I’ll be in contact with the proper people over the upcoming Holidays and handle everything on my end and with W3dhub staff to go over details. Basically that’s it. Wish you all the best! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
  12. I was Banned for TH...didnt manage to see the reason sorry if i crossed the line. unban please
  13. Following on from a recent discussion about localising our launcher and games I've created this thread to crowdsource translations of various resources for the launcher. Right now this is going to be quite bare-bones and involve a bit of manual effort copying things back and forth and I'll need to add support for localising more parts of the UI, but I thought it would be nice to kick off the process by asking people to help localise those parts of the launcher which already support it. Translations Spreadsheet Thanks to @Jeod for creating a Google Docs spreadsheet, which I'll use as the primary source of translation updates going forwards since it allows me to diff it against the last version I updated the launcher from. If you wish to help with translations please use that document. I would strongly suggest subscribing to updates so you get notified when I add new translation tags and when other users change translations. You can see the history of changes by going to File => Version History => See Version History. When I add new translation tags I will highlight their rows in a different colour so that both you and I can find them when using the spreadsheet. Once I've got a good batch of translations for new tags I will remove their highlight colour. Forum Based Translations The below spoilers contains the original translation tables - going forwards I may not keep these up to date with new tags etc, but if for some reason you are unable to use the Google Docs spreadsheet please feel free to read this information and provide your translations as described and someone will copy them into the spreadsheet.
  14. Hi guys. My username for about a decade and a half was ||Justice|| but unfortunately the W3D hub does not accept the || characters when I input my nickname. It only allows my to type justice. I know there are bigger issues for the w3d hub folks (thanks for all the hard work btw!!) but I'd really like to be able to use my old username again. For now it's just 'Justice'. Any chance someone could put it on the list to look at for the next update so that I can go back to my old nick? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hello, and welcome to yet another development update from the Ground Zero team! It's been a little while, but we do have some stuff for you! LauncherYou may have noticed that Ground Zero has made an appearance on the launcher. Yes, we got some things sorted over the past week, and can now start testing on a regular basis. Development is on the verge of kicking into high gear, and this is part of the process! Asset CollectionFor those of you paying attention to Discord a few days ago, Synaesthesia AKA The Artist Formerly Known As Aircraftkiller shared a bunch of source files for Tiberian Dawn buildings he had made in the past. This is going to give us quite the leg up in development. Unfortunately, they're not *quite* ready to show off just yet, but as soon as they are, you'll see them here! GDI BarracksEven before this happened, however, @Ice took the liberty of starting on a new GDI Barracks! Even at this early stage, this is a good indicator of the art direction that GZ is taking; drawing inspiration from multiple sources (the original game, the remasters, real life equivalents, etc...) to bring the best blend of realism and C&C accuracy possible. IconAnd that's not all! @CCHyper has generously crafted an icon for us to use! This will show up on the GZ tab on the launcher, and I have to say, it looks amazing! ConclusionThat's all we have today, but fret not- development on GZ is beginning to ramp up, and we'll have more stuff coming your way! Until then, have a good one! [blurb]You may have noticed Ground Zero on the launcher recently! Well, we've got some news to go along with it![/blurb]
  16. With C&C Remastered right around the corner, it's time to share those friend codes. Let's add one another and play!
  17. On behalf of all the staff and testers, I would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Wyld1. We have only now received word of his passing, but it appears that he left this world some time in February. He was a long time player and member of the Renegade community, as well as a tester here at W3D Hub, and on top of that he was a great guy. He will be missed by many. At this time we do not know any details, and we would ask that there be no speculation on this subject. We will pass this information along if/when we learn more.
  18. I just installed Renegade with Origin, and i have no idea how to import it, please, i need help!
  19. Hello, and welcome to another update from the Ground Zero team! We're not beating around the bush this time around, we've got some stuff to show you, courtesy of ICE! GDI Medium TankIn between heavy work on TSR 2.0, ICE has been chipping away at converting the Allied Medium Tank into a GDI Medium. For starters, he's removed some props that are unique to the Allied Medium, and will soon move to modernizing the base, adding some cool GDI props, and wrap it in an awesome texture! Here's an sneak preview! GDI MP5SDMan, this MP5 model has been getting a lot of use. Originally intended for AR's Navy SEAL, it has also seen use in APB as the Medic's weapon of choice, and now ICE has modified it for GDI's Commando. This will be ideal for infiltrating the enemy base, where you will be able to plant some C4 and blow Nod to kingdom come. Original model by @Ric, texture by TheBeerinator, model/texture modifications by @Ice Conclusion Well, I'm definitely happy to have shown off something tangible. We're one step closer to seeing this dream being realized! I'll have more stuff for you next time, so see you then! [blurb]The Ground Zero team has stopped idly talking, and have unveiled a behind-the-scenes look at the new Medium Tank, as well as the MP5SD! Come check it all out![/blurb]
  20. Hello, and welcome to another update from the Ground Zero team! In this update, we go over limited ammo mechanics, supply depots, the new Heavy Gunner class, and more! Limited AmmoYes, you read that right. As we push ourselves in a more realistic direction, we are reintroducing the concept of limited ammo for all weapons, including those mounted on vehicles. But fret not! While you won't have the traditional unlimited ammo, you will have plenty of ways to keep yourself supplied. For starters, you will always be able to resupply at your base, either from purchase terminals or service depots. As for resupplying outside of your base, don't worry. We have some options there. Supply Depot In Ground Zero, there will be several neutral structures that you will be able to capture, but one of the most important will be the Supply Depot. While we haven't hammered out the specifics of how it will work *quite* yet, we do know that it will resupply your ammunition. Aircraft, vehicle, or infantry, you can rely on this structure to keep your munitions in top stock. So you'll have your home base, supply depots, and of course supply trucks to keep you supplied in Ground Zero. But wait, there's more! In addition to dedicated structures and dedicated vehicles, we'll also have an infantry class whose job it will be to keep you supplied. Heavy Gunner While our original roster was mostly well-rounded, it was determined that we could use a class who could resupply his comrade's ammunition. Thus, we have decided to add the Heavy Gunner class. Here's how he works; His primary weapon will be a machine gun, and his secondary weapon will be an ammo cache. His machine gun will have a high ammo capacity and high rate of fire, but low accuracy. He will also be able to deploy his MG to a stationary position in order to greatly increase his accuracy at the cost of movement. His ammo cache, on the other hand, will be able to be deployed and resupply any ally in a short radius for a limited amount of time. All of this heavy equipment will make him a bit slower than his squadmates. This will hopefully keep him from being a "better Minigunner," while still giving him an important role to fill. At 200 credits, he will more than pay for himself in the field. Now, there is one more thing that will keep him from being a better minigunner. I hope you're sitting down, Commander. RecoilYou read that right! The scripts team has made a monumental breakthrough and implemented recoil into the W3D engine. While it's up to the heads of the individual projects whether or not to use this feature, you can expect Ground Zero to make extensive use of it. Check it out in action! (NOTE: None of the models, textures, or sounds are final) Big thanks to the entire scripts team, but especially to @Yah-Nosh and @CMDBob for putting in the work to make this happen in the first place. ConclusionThanks for reading! We'll have more juicy stuff in the next update! [blurb]The Ground Zero team has provided another update! Check out details on the new infantry class, limited ammo, and more![/blurb]
  21. Hello, and welcome to another Tiberian Dawn: Ground Zero development update! Like last time, this is more like an outline for the gameplay. However, this should be the last one before we get into the real meat of the updates. As in, some of the stuff we've been cooking up under the hood. To start us off, huge shout out to @CCHyper! He made us a new logo, featured above, and it's super awesome! OverviewAs mentioned, vehicles won't have quite the same amount of focus as they have in the past. Don't expect to see, for example, large battalions of Medium Tanks rushing the enemy base with the same amount of regularity as in APB, TSR, or IA. Rather, they will be designed to play a supplementary role. Furthermore, expect them to have a few more weaknesses than in the past, namely closer cameras, slower turret turning rates, and a more advanced weak point system. The compensation, however, is the sheer amount of power they will pack. They'll be able to both take and dish out a significant amount of punishment, and in the right hands, can turn the tide of battle. In short, while you probably won't see Mammoth rushes, just one Mammoth can do a lot of damage in the right hands, but a skilled and coordinated team can take it down. Shared VehiclesSUPPLY TRUCK Standard affair here. Supply Trucks, much like in APB, are low-tier, cheap transports that will allow players to refill their armor and ammunition after being inside for a short period of time. HARVESTER You gotta get money somehow. The Tiberium Harvester is the most important vehicle in your arsenal, being the source of your income and all. TRANSPORT HELICOPTER Flying buses. Take yourself and up to 5 friends around the battlefield. I'd love to say something more interesting, but you guys already know what's up, so I dunno what to add. GDI Vehicles HUMVEE Your basic scout vehicle, this low cost option is the perfect choice for getting the lay of the land early in the game. Lightly armored and armed with an FN MAG, this is also a good choice for chasing down enemy infantry... provided they have no Rocket Soldiers or vehicles. ARMORED PERSONNEL CARRIER Similar in visuals and function to APB, this is a squad's best friend. It's armored shell can protect up to 5 passengers, and it's deadly M2HB machine gun can ward off infantry and lightly armored targets. MEDIUM TANK If you want to go hunting enemy vehicles, the Medium Tank is your best friend. While a slower turret rotation means it won't be able to hit infantry as well as past W3D games, it's range and firepower more than makes up for it. Any GDI team would do well to have a few of these escorting the team. MULTIPLE LAUNCH ROCKET SYSTEM GDI's artillery unit subscribes to a single philosophy: "Paint an area with death until it dies." While it may not be the best choice for destroying vehicles, it is good for taking out bases from afar, as well as devastating dug-in infantry. MAMMOTH TANK The vehicle that has become the face of C&C. Armed to the teeth and heavily armored, this is GDI's go-to siege unit. While it's slow speed and slow turret rotation might not make it ideal for taking out enemy vehicles, it's more than capable of taking on Nod defenses. And let's not forget the TUSK missiles, which will help give it an edge against pesky infantry and aircraft. ORCA As the First Tiberium War raged on, GDI quickly realized that it needed a fast attack unit to counter Nod's hit and run tactics. Enter: the ORCA. Chase down enemy vehicles, drop a bunch of Hellfire rockets on their faces, return to base to re-arm, rinse and repeat. Nod VehiclesBUGGY Lighter, faster, and squishier than the Humvee, Nod's classic buggy makes for a good early game scout unit. It's machine gun makes it ideal for taking out squads of infantry. Against vehicles, though... Nod has a solution. RECON BIKE Now for the other half of Nod's early game Dynamic Duo, the Recon Bike. The fastest unit on the battlefield, and armed with missile launchers, this is the perfect hit-and-run vehicle, as well as the best choice for chasing down enemy ORCAs. Be careful, however, because with it's fast speed comes the lowest health of the vehicle roster. LIGHT TANK Since the announcement of GZ, some of you have raised concern about our decision to stick with an upgunned Bradley as opposed to looking for a different tank. Well, the decision wasn't made purely on visual merits. Nod's Light Tank will pull double duty as an APC, able to carry 3 passengers. This, combined with the 76mm gun, will help secure Nod's footing in a war against superior firepower. ARTILLERY Nod's preliminary field support/siege weapon, this mobile howitzer is ideal for shelling the enemy base or taking out dug-in infantry. Not that it won't do considerable damage to vehicles as well; there's just more optimal choices for it. Oh, and don't worry about trying to line your hull up with your target; Ground Zero will be using the Raad-2, which means you will have some limited access to a turret. Said turret will have a traverse limit, so you'll need friends to watch your back. Literally. FLAME TANK Heavily armored, short ranged, and packing a ton of literal firepower, this is Nod's battering ram. If you can get them into the GDI base, they will happily burn it to the ground for you. It's a risk/reward unit, especially since it won't have a turret and will be outranged by most other units, but it will have a high DPS and could be crucial for destroying the base. STEALTH TANK A natural evolution of the Phase Tank, this is perhaps the perfect ambush unit. It waits in silence on the highway's edge, waits for it's prey to pass, quickly launches it's anti-tank missiles... and then disappears as quickly as it arrived. Bear in mind that the Lazarus stealth shield will be your only defense against the enemy. If you're caught, your low health will drop fast. SSM LAUNCHER A lot of thought went into making sure the SSM didn't overshadow the Artillery. Ultimately, in my mind, it came down to comparing them to Age of Empires 2. Hear me out; the Artillery is the Scorpion, the MRLS is the Onager, the Flame Tank is the Battering Ram... and the SSM Launcher is the Trebuchet. Slow and steady, somewhat squishy, packing serious firepower (as in, two napalm-tipped Honest John missiles), and sporting incredible range. Be mindful of your surroundings, though, as the SSM will not be able to fire at close targets. APACHE Nod's air support unit is focused less on hit-and-run tactics and more on staying power. Armed with an autocannon and frag rockets, this will serve as an excellent support unit for Nod, and will be able to reasonably engage GDI infantry and light armor. Skilled pilots may even be able to soften enemy defenses and do some serious damage to ORCAs. ConclusionYeah, this took longer than usual, but I've been busy in my real life. Plus, development has kind of slowed to help focus on Reborn (2.0 HYPE!!!). Next time, we've got some cool stuff to show off, so stay tuned!
  22. Hello there, I'm from Russian Renegade community. We mostly promote Command and Conquer news in our segment, but when it comes to convenience and trouble free gaming experience, we take it with all the seriousness. We would like to cooperate with W3D Hub and contribute to the common goal - making the Renegade great again. If speaking more precise, we want to make Russian translations of W3D Hub Launcher and all games it provides, so our players would not face the problem of long game learning process ever again. Surely, it would be much better, if there would be more languages support, so that's why this thread now exists - if you want to contribute to the Renegade community by making the games more accessible for non-English speakers, don't be shy to begin from here! Waiting for the answer from W3D Hub and its community members, who are wishing to help!
  23. Endgame is upon us! Get hype for the Avengers movie and choose your favorite MCU character! Note to the players in the Marvel Endgame Mafia. If you are choosing your profile picture to reveal your ingame character, you are either making a bold move or you are a fool. That said, my chosen character is Rocket Raccoon. Thanos did nothing wrong. Discuss. [blurb]Monthly Avatar Theme! Avengers: Endgame is upon us! Get hype for the Avengers movie and choose your favorite MCU character![/blurb]
  24. Good evening all. I believe the site or at least W3Dhub mobile got updated. However i’m Currently getting a weird message on almost every topic and was wondering if anyone else was getting the same error as well. I tried logging in/out and exiting out on my Mobile App but it’s still there. Thank you for any help. @danpaul88 Maybe it’s something on my end? it says it on some topic titles and some without. Just happened today.
  25. [thumb]custom_thumb_ipb.png[/thumb][blurb]Monthly Avatar Theme is back! This month is a simple one. Anything green![/blurb]Alright, so bringing this back - the Monthly Avatar Theme! March's theme is easy. Green! and it can be anything you like, so use your imagination! Also anyone who doesn't have green on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, will be banned. Okay bye!
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