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Oh so that's how my team knew you were LST rushing. But even before I got their message, I was waiting at radar dome with a captain because I was like "they are LST rushing, I know they are LST rushing". And then you landed at helipad instead of dome. You evil, evil people :argh:

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Oh Silverlight, if only you'd played the next round of complex. Stole a pair of MADs as a spy and activated them right as they rolled of the assembly line. Second one nailed a demo halfway to the allied base. Was too busy to screen shot it though.

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Oh Silverlight, if only you'd played the next round of complex. Stole a pair of MADs as a spy and activated them right as they rolled of the assembly line. Second one nailed a demo halfway to the allied base. Was too busy to screen shot it though.

Ugh, that round was absolutely terrible. Sometime after you stole my minelayer and plopped those mines down in ore field, I figured "ok well, there's probably no more AT mines so I should go mine that tunnel entrance". Nope. *BAM* one minelayer down. "Okay, well, NOW there's probably no more mines" so I bought another minelayer to go do the same thing. *BAM* two minelayers down. THEN I bought an engineer and a third minelayer, went over there, saw one blue X on the radar...but also a blue dot in the tunnel signifying a Tanya. "No time to waste, must stop that Tanya now...and I can probably drive around that last remaining mine". *BAM* three minelayers down. :argh:


Also, you didn't just nail a demo truck, you got two. I bought a demo, drove towards tunnel, but heard combat ahead so I turned around...a teammate behind me also with a demo did the same thing. Then...MAD TANK DEPLOYED. "Huh? Did someone deploy MAD in tunnel?" Thought about turning back to base to get out of blast radius, or just sell demo, but then someone says "MAD in base". So then I drove towards bridge (where the hedgehogs were) to avoid my demo blast hitting our own base, while the other demo driver I think tried to go around the long way. Pretty sure I didn't take anything down with me when my demo blew, but the other guy's demo killed our Tesla Coil...although that didn't matter much since our power plant was already dead.

Edited by delta
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Oh Silverlight, if only you'd played the next round of complex. Stole a pair of MADs as a spy and activated them right as they rolled of the assembly line. Second one nailed a demo halfway to the allied base. Was too busy to screen shot it though.

Ugh, that round was absolutely terrible. Sometime after you stole my minelayer and plopped those mines down in ore field, I figured "ok well, there's probably no more AT mines so I should go mine that tunnel entrance". Nope. *BAM* one minelayer down. "Okay, well, NOW there's probably no more mines" so I bought another minelayer to go do the same thing. *BAM* two minelayers down. THEN I bought an engineer and a third minelayer, went over there, saw one blue X on the radar...but also a blue dot in the tunnel signifying a Tanya. "No time to waste, must stop that Tanya now...and I can probably drive around that last remaining mine". *BAM* three minelayers down. :argh:


Also, you didn't just nail a demo truck, you got two. I bought a demo, drove towards tunnel, but heard combat ahead so I turned around...a teammate behind me also with a demo did the same thing. Then...MAD TANK DEPLOYED. "Huh? Did someone deploy MAD in tunnel?" Thought about turning back to base to get out of blast radius, or just sell demo, but then someone says "MAD in base". So then I drove towards bridge (where the hedgehogs were) to avoid my demo blast hitting our own base, while the other demo driver I think tried to go around the long way. Pretty sure I didn't take anything down with me when my demo blew, but the other guy's demo killed our Tesla Coil...although that didn't matter much since our power plant was already dead.


Wow...I knew I was causing trouble, but not to that extent. :awesome:

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Soviets goofing around. And subsequently murdered.


post-10383-0-41331400-1459250586_thumb.pngpost-10383-0-08905900-1459250597_thumb.pngApparently you can do this now.





Who goes into the MCT room just to idle?



delta chasing Silverlight. While yelling at his team. Because he can't do jack **** about this with a supply truck and engineer.


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Because he can't do jack **** about this with a supply truck and engineer.


Could have tried to find a spot to ram/overtake, jump out and stick a C4 on it. That's what I did on Pipeline recently. Looks like there wouldn't have been enough time for that here though :v

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Mission: Protect Raap




I had the chance to play HW a few rounds over the past few days and I can't help but notice that, to win HW, your team needs to communicate and coordinate significantly more than on other maps, and that HW is very punishing to lone-wolf gameplay due to all units having hard-counters (you cannot destroy an enemy building as a lone Destroyer/Missile Sub, you need to bring support units to counter other units). It really does play very differently from other APB maps - and working as intended, in that regard. I am quite satisfied with the gameplay result as well, thanks to Pushwall's continued naval balance passes. He showed quite the ingenuity with the AI depth charges, as it leveled the playing field and skill ceiling for both team's main naval support units. I honestly wouldn't have thought of that, so props to him.


It's probably for the best, Silverlight, that you didn't make a screenshot of you dumping my Tanya into an ore mine hole at Ridge War the other day. You clearly had that totally planned out, the way you told me to follow you, and jump out of the still-moving Ranger as you jumped out, leaving my door exit on top of a hole. Tanya might be a good fighter, but she certainly cannot fly (perhaps we should file a bug report on this Tanya-cannot-fly matter).


The Allied commanders would probably have your driving licence revoked...

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He had a plan, and he nailed it.






So this is another time when i actually killed someone with Attack sub. However, it happened in funny way: Devil_Dog during a exchange of fire on icebergs backed off too much and fallen into... me swiming in the same time right there. Roadkills FTW.




Step 1. Buy flamer and naval transport.

Step 2. Use just aquired skills to land right inside Naval yard.

Step 3. Notice someone bought a gunboat just as you destroyed Naval yard.

Step 4. Claim Gunbote in the name of Soviet Union :v



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Because he can't do jack **** about this with a supply truck and engineer.


Could have tried to find a spot to ram/overtake, jump out and stick a C4 on it. That's what I did on Pipeline recently. Looks like there wouldn't have been enough time for that here though :v


Yeah I encountered him near the barbed wire fence near Allied SD. I tried driving in close enough for a ram and/or C4 but there was already too much distance between us. Also when we met other, I heard the detonation beep sequence begin, only for him to realize soon that I was just a supply truck. In hindsight I probably should have just called in the demo to my team and let them deal with it (they didn't :( ) and then just go on with minesweeping, which was why I was out there to begin with...but I ended up chasing him back to our base sorta just for the laughs and rage.

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So, anyone here remembers Sammy? That guy who kept asking for donations and clearing our own mines with demo trucks in base on Pipeline which Silverlight kicked out a moments later?


Because here comes the fresh quality rage in the comment section from one of APB videos of Irwe.






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It's probably for the best, Silverlight, that you didn't make a screenshot of you dumping my Tanya into an ore mine hole at Ridge War the other day. You clearly had that totally planned out, the way you told me to follow you, and jump out of the still-moving Ranger as you jumped out, leaving my door exit on top of a hole. Tanya might be a good fighter, but she certainly cannot fly (perhaps we should file a bug report on this Tanya-cannot-fly matter).


The Allied commanders would probably have your driving licence revoked...



Hahahaha, sorry Raap!

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MOre APB stuff. Silverlight will surely have more because of last under round.



But at first, some Hostile Waters. Destroyer rush.



We easily destroyed Advanced rubble Submarine Pen.



And now to main meme of the day. RA_Under.

After successful rushes from both sides, Allies were left with only Radar Dome, while Soviets had Radar Dome, Refinery and Sub pen. We managed to take out soviet barracks due to super pr0 strats of jumping on docks.





Rest of the match was pure combat with usage of LST (stolen from soviets), Shotties/Stars and Kapitans/Officers









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The teamwork begins...


TeamworkIsEpic {

Sarah = Medic

Raptor29a = Mechanic

Rantanplan = Tanya

Ginosaji = Supply Truck }

[14:14:30] 04Willy: Allies played like a fucking team of bawses

[14:14:38] 04Raptor29a: Wow that was the finest example of team work I have seen

[14:14:44] 04Willy: Seriously, 5 strike teams?!

[14:14:50] 04{AW}Silverlight: Teamwork ftw




Everyone trying to get to Alstar. (I believe they missed him?)


More teamwork!


Rantanplan about to die... :(


Naval traffic!


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the sad thing is my medic powers weren't even really needed, by the time of that rush noone was really fighting back anymore.


The ranger and then light rushes before that were epic, though. Teamwork is OP indeed.


It is, wish I'd taken screenshots from the light rush. :(

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