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On 5/29/2017 at 10:49 PM, NodGuy said:

I kept some of the longer sniper clips due to his in chat reaction and then falling down later on, but I guess I can speed those up slightly. I don't speed more than 4x because then sound is lost. I'd either have to put something in or cut the journey, i.e, when in the nook.

On this newest video that's about to be up, I was able to retain sound on clips sped up by 10x. But for some reason, when I speed it up to 15x, the sound was lost on the export even though it was there in the timeline. I worked around this by recording from the timeline in Audacity then replacing the timeline sound with the .wav export of the same thing.

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10 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Speaking of.


Bah! Yes, I didn't check behind that damn crate. However the same round I believe I killed another Thief hiding behind the whatever they're called to the right, in the darker area.

Also, YES! Stole your snipe kill with my V2.

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So FRAYDO, Testament and I were trying to recreate some RA1 cutscenes, of course things will get out of hand quickly...




If you actually did this in RA1 you'll know why this was done...


another view


A Jenga of Mammoth Tanks. What can possibly go wrong?


what can go wrong, will...


Hell, let's add MAD Tanks in the mix too!


In observance of June's End Boss Month, why not have some fun attacking the Level 10 Tesla Coil?

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A few more screenshots from the shenanigans yesterday:


Just like old times... Allies with a gapgen in Under.


The soviets ran out of fuel as a result of a recent fire ant infestation :v


Caged fire ant.


Let it be known that the turrets are commandeered by absolutely nobody. Perhaps a precursor to RA2 robot tech?


SSH! I'm gonna spook somebody, K?

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More screenshots from Beta times, part 2.


This guy was afk in the Soviet war factory on Canyon River.


Help :(


*insert 70's disco music*


Your avarage game as Soviets on Camos Crossing...


No Allied captains allowed!




Guess the map


This is from RA_Glacier. This was a bug in the War Factory: if you stood too close to the MCT when someone bought a vehicle it would kill you.


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On 11. 06. 2017. at 2:32 AM, Silverlight said:
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This one was good, AZ pushed the HT (it was standing on flare) so we could disarm it.


The heavy was moving back and forth trying to squish anyone who tried to disable it, and I saw two engineers standing on the hill crouched just inside the GAP radius waiting for their chance. I went closer and the idea hit me... I'll wait for him to swing his tank forward a bit and I'll ram the back to stop it from covering the flare for a few seconds. To my surprise, it worked perfectly. It was a pretty cool team effort. Just goes to show that you can do big things even with unarmed units and fire support.

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