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When i played on the main server it was before i made an account. I also see the main server mainly empty. most of the time i just play by myself or with a few friends.


sure even when being outnumbered its possible to win but regardless of my skill in how many times i keep killing them or stopping or delaying or even sneaking into the enemy base it just wasnt enough. Perhaps balancing should be the team that needs numbers should get it first. So for RA that would be the allies getting the player first. It was also before w3d obtained RA APB and i played both RA APB and TSR on their main respective servers.

This isn't the RTS man. The Allies don't need to rely on numbers in an FPS game because both sides are balanced against each other. On a perfectly symmetrical map, with an equal number of players for both sides, and all players having equal skills, there'd be a tie. The Soviets rely on raw firepower and armor, and the Allies rely on ranged assaults, stealth and speed. As long as the players know what they're doing, both teams have an equal opportunity to win. And for the server, I check it almost every day, and there's usually at least a handful of people playing. Peak time seems to be between 1:00 and 4:00 PM(EST)

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So the team that already has a slight edge in total games won (51.2% currently) needs to have a monopoly on new joiners when the teams are even, almost assuring their victory in small games. Somehow this will balance them out when they already have the edge. Ok :rolleyes:

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When i played on the main server it was before i made an account. I also see the main server mainly empty. most of the time i just play by myself or with a few friends.

If you and your friends play around or even idle on the main server, other players who have the launcher open will see a player count more than 0 and would be enticed to join in.


People are reluctant to join an empty server, and that's understandable. You would be surprised, however, how soon another player joins the server after you have, and another joins after that player, and another after another; before you know it, you have a proper game going!


You and your friends playing on the main server can draw a crowd.

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Fraydo is correct. The playercount tends to snowball upward if just one person decides to join the empty server. As for it always being empty? If you had looked a couple hours before your post, you would have seen 15 people before I joined. This is a normal occurrence too...

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my play times are different so i usually see no one around. I guess more people are starting to know the game now which is good. when i have time i could try out APB in multiplayer to see if it is now more balanced. the last time i tried even in an unbalanced match i faired much better in TSR than RA APB.


One reason why i tend to play privately is so that i can mess around and try different things so i can start with lots of cash. i used to mess around with games like css using things like the console, setting the AI parameters just to have different sorts of game modes.


I think there might be more balancing to do.


For this topic if tanya doesnt headshot than 4 shots to the arms/legs is fine but 2-3 shots to the body whereas 1 shot to the head should kill. I see some argue about hitscan but hitscan is a problem for games like robocraft that are lag friendly. If you buy good hardware and internet (assuming server isnt far away) than you shouldnt be penalised just because someone else is lagging. Even the missiles in robocraft are buggy because they rely on client to handle the missiles rather than servers doing the calculations. Despite how many times i try to tell the devs they dont seem to listen, the correct way should be player shoots to signal missile spawn, server spawns missiles and handles it instead using the data it has for hit detection and location rather than the client doing it.


In terms of lag i have not yet encountered the problem(not even for other players) whether playing locally, LAN or even on the main server. I dont see how tanya can be considered OP even when pistol is hitscan. Both tanya and volkov are expensive units that are considered higher tech units so they should easily beat the regular infantry. Its not like you can move in weird ways to dodge bullets (like how the characters in star wars kotor move their body in ranged duals). Realistically you cant dodge a bullet and it has been proven even using a handgun. As long as you keep the C&C tradition of machine guns, pistol, grenades damaging tanks even though it is unrealistic.

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I normally don't do things like this, but I think it's warrented this time. As I've said before, Tanya in the earlier days was OP against ALL infantry, with the possible exception of a soviet sniper. She used to kill infantry just as easily as you suggested, but when a rush of five of them came at you from an APC or popped out of medium/light tanks, there's only so much you can do to stop them before one of them takes at lease one building out. I've actually seen a multi-Tanya rush take out an entire soviet base with just one attempt.

Edited by ganein14
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there's only so much you can do to stop them before one of them takes at lease one building out. I've actually seen a multi-Tanya rush take out an entire soviet base with just one attempt.

And this was in the pre-Delta days where Tanya couldn't even use a supply truck to get more C4 in the field, she was stuck with the 1 C4 she had (or in some versions, 2 C4 which both had to be used to take out 1 building anyway).

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there's only so much you can do to stop them before one of them takes at lease one building out. I've actually seen a multi-Tanya rush take out an entire soviet base with just one attempt.

And this was in the pre-Delta days where Tanya couldn't even use a supply truck to get more C4 in the field, she was stuck with the 1 C4 she had (or in some versions, 2 C4 which both had to be used to take out 1 building anyway).


I remember that, Cold Fusion days. On maps like KOTG it was painful for tanya to take out enemy building that wasnt conyard due to small delay between both explosions in which conyard always repaired that 1% of hp resulting in failures.

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there's only so much you can do to stop them before one of them takes at lease one building out. I've actually seen a multi-Tanya rush take out an entire soviet base with just one attempt.

And this was in the pre-Delta days where Tanya couldn't even use a supply truck to get more C4 in the field, she was stuck with the 1 C4 she had (or in some versions, 2 C4 which both had to be used to take out 1 building anyway).


Yeah, I remember those days as well. And if you were REALLY unlucky, some would escape and try again with more of them. So not only did you have to run like chickens with their heads cut off trying to defend your base, but there was always the possibility of having a second, or sometimes even THIRD wave of Tanya/Meds coming to beat your ass red once more.

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Yeah so that's basically what the deal is; Tanya used to be really strong but her building destruction ability was very hit-or-miss due to her only having one shot at it and having to accurately land a C4 on a floating target that is smaller than the little wooden crate props (which is harder than it sounds since C4 throwing is server-side).

I knew that when we got the new MCT implemented, the "oh hey your C4 failed due to lag" thing would be a non-issue, which combined with supply trucks refilling C4 (a thing that got added to give engineers and supply trucks more purpose) would make an already incredibly powerful unit even stronger - so her pistol got nerfed to compensate.


So now she's a little weaker in combat, sure, but she's worlds more reliable at knocking out buildings.

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Agreed Pushwall. I mean, all you really have to do is get an engi into the room where her C4 is and gold wrench it while moving and jumping to minimize the damage you take until the C4 is gone now, if you're close to/in the building that you're about to lose. If you do lose it, at least you'd have a better chance killing the tanya nowadays since she doesn't just LOLRAEP the entire team that's on foot.

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I typically avoid being a Tanya because Soviets do a lot more tank work than foot work. Her bullets are useless against tanks (unlike every other allied unit).

Also I find captains kill Volkovs faster than Tanyas. I prefer spraying from a distance while avoiding grenades is easier than trying to get a head shot on a fast & jumpy target.

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Also the status of any vehicle (that doesn't explode nuclearly) as "best infantry killer" is highly dubious when they can't enter buildings or reach a lot of other places that infantry can in order to actually kill them.


Well, except Reborn cyborg reapers since they can web through walls and that's basically an instant death that's worse than death because it prevents you from respawning.

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i forgot about SEALS. I think they might actually be stronger than tanya as they use machine guns rather than pistols and have C4 and can swim (i hope they will be able to swim when RA2 AR comes out). I think even tanya can swim. In RA2 tanya outranged infantry which is why she was stronger but not much more than a SEAL.


Being able to C4 a vehicle would be nice and its a move done in the army on non moving enemy vehicles and in movies/games where someone would throw a C4 on a vehicle and detonate. Realistically i dont know if a C4 placed on the outside of a tank would do any damage.

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Being able to C4 a vehicle would be nice and its a move done in the army on non moving enemy vehicles and in movies/games where someone would throw a C4 on a vehicle and detonate.


This is totally a thing that you can do already, it's just difficult to sabotage a vehicle in motion without getting run over. But since one C4 is enough to destroy any light vehicle (i.e. everything with 200 or less HP except minelayers) and Tanya C4 ups the ante a little by also one-shotting minelayers/aircraft and inflicting great damage on heavy tanks, it can be worth it. Regular C4 is pretty worthless against actual tanks though, much as I imagine it is in real life.

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