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The important thing to remember with the Colt (and other pistols) is that its bullets are hitscan, no need to lead the target like you do with other small arms, just click directly on the enemy and there's your hit.


The M16 secondary is nowhere near as good in close quarters due to needing to lead the target, having about half the rate of fire, and having much heavier jumping penalties than the Colt.

THATS WHY I CAN'T AIM! I'm not really good with leading targets that constantly running/hopping around and dance like they are little kids trying to avoid Jared from Subway.

granted I notice that I'm slightly better with the HitScanned weapons like the pistol only on FOI for some reason. I should probably try to teach myself how to lead my shots to counter soldiers who stay in "Bounce House" mode for firefights....

granted i suck with Manya...... because >>>> Bad with gunfighting

Edited by MPRA2
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Yeah if you're not bunnyhopping then the only weapons with enough random spread to actually be a problem are the machineguns/MP5/sniper rifles (all solved by crouching, captain/medic can also solve it by getting in closer) and shotguns (and if you're using them at the range they were intended for, the spread will barely be an issue), That's about it. In fact, when not bunnyhopping, pistols get the best deal; the Beretta/Makarov have a negligible spread cone (about the size of a character's hand at max range, if that) and the Colt has no spread whatsoever. So it's not even an excuse with those.

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Does the random spread on the machine guns mean that rifle soldiers have an advantage over captains at longer ranges?

This CAN be true. A running soldier is going to have an accuracy advantage over a running captain. However, the Captains have a range advantage, a RPM advantage, a magazine size advantage, and I believe a damage advantage.

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Yeah if you're not bunnyhopping then the only weapons with enough random spread to actually be a problem are the machineguns/MP5/sniper rifles (all solved by crouching, captain/medic can also solve it by getting in closer) and shotguns (and if you're using them at the range they were intended for, the spread will barely be an issue), That's about it. In fact, when not bunnyhopping, pistols get the best deal; the Beretta/Makarov have a negligible spread cone (about the size of a character's hand at max range, if that) and the Colt has no spread whatsoever. So it's not even an excuse with those.

What I meant was that the bullets going everywhere but where I want them to within that cone. There have been times that I've aimed at an enemy with the machine guns for the killing blow while on death's door myself, only to have most of my bullets wiz past them off to the side and die to them.

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Does the random spread on the machine guns mean that rifle soldiers have an advantage over captains at longer ranges?

"solved by crouching"


If you're wanting to bunnyhop, though, I say glhf.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[15:38:46] delta: hax

[15:39:10] gammae102: i love the old "shoot a tanya with a tesla tank and she dies" hax

[15:39:41] delta: tanya should totally be able to bounce the tesla beam back at the TT and kill it


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