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APB Changelog

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Nice patch, though I can't say I like the following two changes because I believe they make the game less fun:

Grenadier: Despite what some forum members were complaining, he was a great artillery unit with a good amount of tactical depth - not in terms of throwing the nades, but in terms of figuring out where to hide and launch your nades. On many maps I spent a lot of time to figure out all the positions with cover from where I can launch my grenades against Allied base defenses. There were a lot of "trick shots" you could make once you experiment with the maps, but not so many that it's hard to find the nader.  I still think people complaining about the nader should just play him more and figure out where his spots are. I'm really sad to see a fun to use unit with tactical depth getting axed. 

APC: See my latest reply to APC thread. The change basically prevents APCs from being a "MBT with machine gun" (since Soviets have a lot of AT units in high-tech maps) and limits it to a base rush unit. As a MBT there was more strategic depth to this unit in helping Allies counter Volkov/Shocks/RPG that pops out of destroyed Soviet tanks, and in ferrying/protecting Allied infantry in the battlefield. I'm afraid now the only time APC will be used is for rushing buildings, as opposed to be the main part of an attack force.

Radar Dome airlift: Maybe 30 seconds recharge is too short.

Flametower/turret ROF increase - need to test but we should make sure they can still be C4ed by engineer, and in FT's case using a vehicle as cover (jump out to C4). It was a valid strategy for higher-skilled players.

Edited by des1206
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A good read for sure.


Sad to see the grenadier basically gone. I still think that giving him a trail for his grenade or something alike would have been a better solution. Perhaps a ROF reduction as well to reduce close range effectiveness, or a minimum range/timer for explosion.

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I have a question: Who made the Yak model? Because I love it when the aircraft takes off the wheels go inside the vehicle, so I'm thinking the same should happen with the Hind. In real life it's wheels also go inside. The Longbow does not and I don't believe the Chinook we use does either.

I just think the Hind would look a lot better and sexier if this were to happen.

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APC.gif APC :siren:

  • Armour class upgraded to Mammoth, which affords it slightly more resistance to flame weapons than its former 400-health "Heavy" self had, and making it almost as resistant to small-arms. Doesn't help against real anti-tank weapons though.


Does this mean that the mammy will now have the unintended result of also doing the +66% to the APC now? ... That could be a problem?

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2 hours ago, SirJustin90 said:

Does this mean that the mammy will now have the unintended result of also doing the +66% to the APC now? ... That could be a problem?

No, des is wrong about that. The heavy tank will do 40% less to the APC (but only its shields) therefore the mammoth tank will appear to do 66% more than the heavy, but it won't be doing any more damage than it already did before because it and every other non-LT/HT anti-tank weapon doesn't care about armour strength.

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3 hours ago, NodGuy said:

I have a question: Who made the Yak model? Because I love it when the aircraft takes off the wheels go inside the vehicle, so I'm thinking the same should happen with the Hind. In real life it's wheels also go inside. The Longbow does not and I don't believe the Chinook we use does either.

I just think the Hind would look a lot better and sexier if this were to happen.


Sir-Phoenixx, 12 years ago. The landing gear was left unanimated though, I got that working. The helis don't have any place to retract it to (except the Hind where it wouldn't even fit inside the compartments!), plus their suspension is pretty noticeable when landing and folding it would preclude that suspension. Plus it would be much harder to detect "ground" for them since they can land anywhere large enough to fit them on whereas the Yak can only land at airfields. Plus applying this logic would cause Volkov to die when falling out of a heli even if he could survive the fall damage.

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57 minutes ago, Pushwall said:


Sir-Phoenixx, 12 years ago. The landing gear was left unanimated though, I got that working. The helis don't have any place to retract it to (except the Hind where it wouldn't even fit inside the compartments!), plus their suspension is pretty noticeable when landing and folding it would preclude that suspension. Plus it would be much harder to detect "ground" for them since they can land anywhere large enough to fit them on whereas the Yak can only land at airfields. Plus applying this logic would cause Volkov to die when falling out of a heli even if he could survive the fall damage.

Fair enough. I just thought it worth mentioning, I love the look of Hinds when the landing gear retracts.

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Another patch is being pushed. Hopefully this resolves at least the majority of the crashes; if not we will have to return to for a while.


  • Fixed a typo in scripts which may have been responsible for various crashes.


Grenadier.gif Grenadier

  • F1 Grenade splash damage up from 40 to 45.
  • F1 Grenade direct damage up from 12.5 to 15.
  • RPG-7 arc halved.

pt_al_officer.pngpt_so_officer.png Officers 

  • Magazine size/reload time reverted to what they were before.

pt_al_sergeant.pngpt_so_starshina.png Shotgunners

  • Primary armour penetration down from 62.5% to 50%.
  • Primary burn effect up from 2.5 damage over 2 seconds to 2.5 over 1.
  • Remington slug damage to vehicles nerfed; is now identical to primary fire without the penalty against shields. (So damage down from 30 light/20 heavy/12 mammoth to 25 light/18.75 heavy/12.5 mammoth... not that it can really do anything to the last category anyway)
  • TOZ buckshot damage to infantry down from 100 to 80.

Rifle_Soldier.gifpt_so_rifle.png Rifle Soldiers

  • Primary accuracy penalties up; 0.75 standing/jogging, 0.25 crouching, 0.5 crabwalking, 4 jumping. (Was 0.5 stand/jog, 0.2 crouch/crawl, 3 jumping).

Tanya.gif Tanya

  • Jumping accuracy penalty down from 1.5 to 1.

Volkov.gif Volkov

  • Fixed jumping accuracy penalty (was accidentally 2 when it should have been 1)


Hind.gif Hind

  • Fixed damage buff to Mammoth-class vehicles (was only applying to their shields; now does more to health as well)
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50 minutes ago, Raap said:

Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Whatever happened to him?

Perhaps it could be worth it to reach out to other former developers and contributors, and see who has spare time these days?

He had moved on a long time ago, I think he was going to school for 3d modelling and something also happened in his personal life. I really enjoyed working with him and he was a really great dude and a great modeler so I hope he can return one day.

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Just now, Venom said:

He had moved on a long time ago, I think he was going to school for 3d modelling and something also happened in his personal life. I really enjoyed working with him and he was a really great dude and a great modeler so I hope he can return one day.

You may see some other previously unimplemented things of his eventually. I think he really liked to plan for the future. :v 

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19 minutes ago, Pushwall said:

You may see some other previously unimplemented things of his eventually. I think he really liked to plan for the future. :v 

Awesome! Are any of them textured or unwrapped? Sir P, Exdeath and Darkblade are the ones who taught me how to texture many years ago, and it was usually Sir P's models. I really enjoyed working with his stuff. I'm considering texturing some of Ice's models once I have my computer available and if he bribes me with enough chocolate :v

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1 hour ago, Pushwall said:

Sir-Phoenixx, 12 years ago. The landing gear was left unanimated though, I got that working. The helis don't have any place to retract it to (except the Hind where it wouldn't even fit inside the compartments!), plus their suspension is pretty noticeable when landing and folding it would preclude that suspension. Plus it would be much harder to detect "ground" for them since they can land anywhere large enough to fit them on whereas the Yak can only land at airfields. Plus applying this logic would cause Volkov to die when falling out of a heli even if he could survive the fall damage.

Not only that, but the RA1 Hind is consistently shown as flying with its landing gear deployed, so it's possible that, given the likelihood of subtle design differences due to the alternate timeline, the landing gear may not even have been retractable. Just a thought





Edited by Ice
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True enough. Who knows, maybe the landing gear mechanisms were unreliable at first so pilots just left them deployed. :v

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10 minutes ago, Ice said:

Not only that, but the RA1 Hind is consistently shown as flying with its landing gear deployed, so it's possible that, given the likelihood of subtle design differences due to the alternate timeline, the landing gear may not even have been retractable. Just a thought

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I believe the early versions of the Mil series of Hind had fixed landing gears. Take the Mi-24PN for an example; " The PN version has a TV and a FLIR camera located in a dome on the front of the aircraft. Other modifications include using the rotor blades and wings from the Mi-28 and fixed rather than retractable landing gear.  a prototype of which carried out its first flight in 1999. THe Mi-24VM was more ambitious, but too expensive for the Russian Army. Mi-24PN is equipped with Raduga-III, a night observation sight system, integrated into a Zarevo infrared imager. " straight off the globalsecurity.org site. but I'm assuming since the game is based in a technologically advanced and alternate WWII, the Hind either didnt have a retractable landing gear, due to tech reasons or practical reasons, or had a fixed landing gear because reasons..... the Mi-35M also had a fixed landing gear, so maybe this one is the one they based the Soviet Hind off of. 2440858.jpg?v=v40

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Wouldn't changing the "That's a real threat" to "That's real, disarm it!" make the command being used less? Since it is not general to be used on more situations. It's the closest thing to "enemy spotted!" when I need to relay enemy presence quickly.

And wouldn't changing the MRJ price makes it used less if the enemy still has a War factory, it feels like denying vehicle airdrops is its primary role now but I like the idea of players forcing themselves hunting a hidden MRJ to get out of a handicapped situation.

Besides that, other changes are great.

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21 minutes ago, harvester said:

Wouldn't changing the "That's a real threat" to "That's real, disarm it!" make the command being used less? Since it is not general to be used on more situations. It's the closest thing to "enemy spotted!" when I need to relay enemy presence quickly.

The problem is some commands were voiced by different people it seems. Gamma replaced all the Ctrl and most of the Ctrl+Alt commands but none of the Alt commands and the difference gets pretty jarring when flipping between the radio commands that came from different people. I didn't want to get rid of "that's a real threat" but it had to be done because there was no way to convincingly splice "that's a real threat" using the voice that at one point in the past consistently extended to all of the radio commands - "that's real, disarm it" was the command that was in its place back then.

Maybe someone can eventually voice some new radio commands and then we can have them be whatever we want, not being bound by the limitations of words among existing ones anymore.

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