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[GAME OVER] CYOR - Supernatural Edition


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Okay, time for a nearly full role claim and to talk about what my Jeod level gambit today was.

I am indeed SCP-106, I fully expected to be scum or 3rd party with the role I picked. Instead, I'm town!

I have also been completely honest about my abilities. The only way to kill me is through a lynch, and I will be able to pick somebody who voted for me as the sacrifice. My other main ability is that I am completely immune to all other forms of damage. This is through both my insane durability/regeneration and my ability to go to my pocket dimension (that only I have access to) whenever I want. So yeah, nothing can kill me except a lynch.

I do have another ability, but it's relatively minor and involves making myself vulnerable. So I don't plan on using it anytime soon and I don't plan on revealing what exactly it is so that scum stay in the dark.

This all sounds pretty OP, and it would be if I didn't have several negative drawbacks. One of them is that because of my origins and eldritch appearance any investigation is going to turn up as a blank on me. There are a few other drawbacks, but I'm not going to reveal them since they could be used to take advantage of my blind spots and harm town overall.

With the role claim out of the way, here's why I've been acting the way I have. Due to my near invulnerability I can act however I want, and if I were to be lynched my other ability would kick in and I'd be able to target a player I think is scum. On top of that, I wanted to create some discussion and bait out some reactions.

First of all, a third party is a great scum target for a lynch. At best, a third party is a frenemy to scum and at worst they're just going to get scum killed. Taking out a third party removes a threat and gives scum brownie points with town. It's the second best thing to bussing your scummate.

Second, if there's any vengeful role scum aren't going to touch it with a ten foot pole. Why risk your neck when you know a player could possibly kill you if you have a vote on them? Let town take the fall, it's a win-win for you.

So, I first wanted to see who would latch onto attacking me as a third party. Obviously some town would target me since that'd be the right thing to do. The next part was to reveal my vengeful ability. Unless scum is feeling particularly crazy (and even I have done this sometimes) they're going to find some way to get their vote off and out of harms way.

This leads to who I suspect as scum and I will be working on this post while you all read this wall of text.

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Darn it, iLTS. I was halfway through a paragraph talking about how I thought that you were pulling a gambit, and there you go and lay it out!

Alright, with this in mind, gonna go back to the rest of what I was going to talk about.

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Honestly, I can see where you're coming from with that plan, but I think you should have acted more friendly to town.  Third party can hurt town just as much as scum, especially one as malevolent as 106. You were acting like a threat, so you get treated like a threat.

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

Well, I’m sure most of us have threatening abilities. The difference I saw was how loudly you were trying to figure out how to counter Snipe’s.

Here's the thing.  Before the game even started, he said we must lynch D1.  I so, very very much wanted to use the line "sounds like we have a volunteer, then", but I didn't get the chance to.  I didn't mind lynching ILTS, but I didn't want him to take down anyone else if possible.

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I can debate more tonight after my shift or in the morning, but I’ll wait to see if Snipe actually does suspect you. Still, it’s worth noting that you’re among a few to treat Snipe as an imminent threat before knowing all the details. For example, an ability to control a players vote would be a perfect counter. However anyone with such an ability obviously wouldn’t rush out to say so. I don’t think town needs to worry so soon.

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Just now, Jeod said:

I can debate more tonight after my shift or in the morning, but I’ll wait to see if Snipe actually does suspect you. Still, it’s worth noting that you’re among a few to treat Snipe as an imminent threat before knowing all the details. For example, an ability to control a players vote would be a perfect counter. However anyone with such an ability obviously wouldn’t rush out to say so. I don’t think town needs to worry so soon.

Maybe I'm a bit aggro on him in return too :p

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1 minute ago, Jeod said:

I can debate more tonight after my shift or in the morning, but I’ll wait to see if Snipe actually does suspect you. Still, it’s worth noting that you’re among a few to treat Snipe as an imminent threat before knowing all the details. For example, an ability to control a players vote would be a perfect counter. However anyone with such an ability obviously wouldn’t rush out to say so. I don’t think town needs to worry so soon.

Except I'm the SCP foundation, and I'm Town...

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I'm just going to be posting these in no particular order because I've always hated the new post system compared to old BHP.


5 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

If your goals aren't town goals, maybe we do need to put you down early, even if that means taking losses.  We can more easily absorb said losses now than later.


4 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

As I said, if there's a time for taking one for the team, it's now, when it's early :p Hence you should be number 1 priority. It's quite possible we can't afford to leave you to linger for longer.

There hasn't been too much content from the orange man today, but his main focus in his actual content posts have focused on the importance of taking me down today. Interestingly he's not too eager to be the first volunteer on the lynch train. Also, any bulletproof role that isn't scum is always a major danger to them.

4 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Here's the thing.  Before the game even started, he said we must lynch D1.  I so, very very much wanted to use the line "sounds like we have a volunteer, then", but I didn't get the chance to.  I didn't mind lynching ILTS, but I didn't want him to take down anyone else if possible.

Then, as I'm typing up this post we get this from Orange. Seems like a lame cop out. You didn't want to lynch me that bad because of the risk of sacrificing somebody? Hmm, doesn't match the content of your previous posts.

Overall, Orange is near the top of my suspicion list today. More posts to follow.

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1 minute ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I'm just going to be posting these in no particular order because I've always hated the new post system compared to old BHP.



There hasn't been too much content from the orange man today, but his main focus in his actual content posts have focused on the importance of taking me down today. Interestingly he's not too eager to be the first volunteer on the lynch train. Also, any bulletproof role that isn't scum is always a major danger to them.

Then, as I'm typing up this post we get this from Orange. Seems like a lame cop out. You didn't want to lynch me that bad because of the risk of sacrificing somebody? Hmm, doesn't match the content of your previous posts.

Overall, Orange is near the top of my suspicion list today. More posts to follow.

If we could help it.  If we *have* to, the time to do it is now, rather than at LYLO or MYLO.  This is literally the same argument we had last game.

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4 hours ago, Sunflower said:

I'll admit it. I'm too chicken to vote for Snipe. I won't stand in the way of those who are braver than I though. =P

Mildly suspicious. Always saw her as being a town player who isn't afraid to take risks. But, I haven't played with her enough to make a meta judgement.

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The crux of what I wanted to examine was iLTS' gambit, and it was all a bunch of speculation. He knows what he was looking for, though, and as such I'll let him pick that pile apart. Other than that, onto the "r u scum" thing. Let's look at the responses, shall we?

23 hours ago, Shade939 said:

Surprisingly not actually. :v


23 hours ago, Jeod said:



23 hours ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I am not scum. Are you scum?

My Bonnie lies over the ocean...


23 hours ago, Sunflower said:

I don't know! I haven't gotten my PM yet. 


23 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:

No, I am not scum.


21 hours ago, ChopBam said:

Hi all!

KY, no I am not scum.

Host, change thread title pretty pwease? 😄


13 hours ago, Nodlied said:

Well, considering that there's no Voe or Fraydo around.... ##Vote Jeod
Get that hat of that food! :v

Nope. :v

The question is though, are you able to drive a train up a steep slope in cold and snowy conditions? And then, why (not)?

This time, I wasn't looking for anything in particular. The meta that it's supposed to sift out scum by seeing if people respond with a joke or a straight answer or a joke is well known and hasn't been effective, so this was more of a "throw-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks" situation. Mainly I was wondering if everyone would respond the same way, if there were any patterns, if there was any challenges to my method, etc...

Full disclosure, I expected this to be a dud. It's too stupid and to well known to work. The only challenge I got was iLTS, and even then it came from a town perspective, which made me immediately rule him out from being scum (and also a clue to me that he was pulling a gambit).

But what's really interesting is the lack of response from either Cat5 or Verti60. Odd that they would ignore it entirely while everyone else was fine with responding. Why would they flat-out ignore this? And sure, maybe it was due to them not being around at the time, but neither were ChopBam or Nodlied, who had no problem acknowledging the question while I was away.

One of these two stands out to me more than the other. More on that momentarily.

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4 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

As a rule, none of the O5 are allowed to interact with the anomalous or be an anomaly at all. They're supposed to be protected from any kind of otherworldly influence.

Multiple instances of 05 members life's being protected or prolonged by anomalous objects and the likes.

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