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[Game Over] Game of Thrones Conquest Mafia RPG


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qs5GiTD.png?1 The Council Meeting - Day Six: Rebel Voting


During the Night, the Royal Combined Army eliminated TheIrishman!


VÃÃýsledok vyhÃÃþadÃÃávania obrÃÃázkov pre dopyt westeros battle result victory


Battle Result:


2005 Survivors returned to their Capitals based on the ratio they were sent to attack. 

Each Loyal House lost 485 troops apart from those that were sent to additionally support the Royal Army. 

Storm's End was destroyed. Pillagers did not find any loot.




The Rebel houses continue to raise arms against our King and are marching for conquest to overthrow our Kingdom. It's time again for all the houses to gather in this Council meeting to decide which House will be renounced from the Realm of the Seven Kingdoms and accused of collaborating to overthrow the Crown.

Use ##vote [playername] to select one player for elimination.

By the end of the day, the player with most votes will be put on trial. Ties are always decided by the King's vote (king's vote value = vote +1.1).

The most voted Lord will have his House and Faction revealed to public first. Then, during the Night, the King and the Hand will decide whether his Capital will be invaded by the combined Royal Army and eliminated, or sent to the Wall while their lands will be given to one of the Royal Houses. If there are any other Holdings in question, they will become independent. The army of the eliminated player will be split, one part will join the Wall and the other will either join Rebellion or Royal army (depending on faction of the flipped player).

Players who join the Wall will become part of the Night's Watch, with the Lord Commander as their Leader (Lord Commander is voted when more Night's Watch members are present). They will have their own Google Doc for communication and managing their own Night's Watch resources to fight and defend forces beyond the wall (once they come). The number of defending forces at the Wall will decrease the Winter Indicator Number (WIN), however, all the players guarding the wall are still in game and can still influence it or even abandon their posts and join independent army. They are not allowed though to own any lands or private armies, nor use their house night actions or perks anymore. They cannot own, receive or give resources away either. They can participate in day discussion and use ##vote king in case there is a vote for the new king.

Eliminating the player from the current game requires the King to use his royal army. The royal army will have a special army booster set for this type of attack and boosted by other Loyal House available armies equally only so that the royal army won't get depleted easily for eliminating players. More information regarding army management will be available next Night session as it's a little more information for now. Eliminating Houses will automatically set their faction to Independent.

A player who's House has bigger army than combined Loyal and Royal armies cannot be eliminated or sent to the Wall.



qs5GiTD.png?1 King's Landing Project Completion


A new project was completed today.




The Guildhall of the Alchemists is the headquarters and training center of the Alchemists' Guild in the city of King's Landing. It is located underground, beneath Rhaenys' Hill.

Beneath the guildhall are bare stone cells where Acolytes prepare Wildfireemploying the order's secret methods, which they boast is "ancient magic". However, should an Acolyte accidentally cause the wildfire to ignite, the roof of the chamber is "spelled" to collapse, releasing a large mass of sand to quell the fire by drowning it - and burying the unwary Acolyte along the way.


The Guildhall of the Alchemists provides extra night action for the Royal Doc. It also unlocks the Wildfire Army Booster [x2] that you can purchase next Night Phase from the Capital. Details on how it's used will be available in next night post.


qs5GiTD.png?1 State of the Kingdom

Each day you will see the current state of the Kingdom as well as current Winter Indicator Number here.


Holdings (HDM):

Kings Landing (Def: 2) 

The Eyrie (Def: 1)

Storm's End (Def 0) (rebuilding costs 1000 Gold).

Royal Army Total Units: 19,515 Morale: 100%


Army Boosters: Player Elimination Booster (PEB) [x3]


Resources (Income):

Provisions: 384 (+ 50)

Gold: 1205 (+ 500)

Faith Points (FP): 25 (+ 230)


Religion: Old Gods of Forest

Religion Tier: 1 (10% FP increase for all houses, ##Septon's Blessing - enables purchasing FP from Royals for Gold)


Current Capital Projects:

Great Sept of Baelor, Heart Tree, Maegor's Holdfast, Guildhall of the Alchemists


Factions & WIN:


Loyal 42505 54.42
Rebel 15597 19.97
Independent 20000 25.61



qs5GiTD.png?1 Current Vote Count (CVC):




Note: Standard Hammer time was moved by 2 hours.

Day 6 will end on Saturday, August 3, 2019 (UTC time). Click here for countdown.

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##vote Jeod

If rebels have enough balls to come out today, maybe we can even make it 3:3.1 in voting. It's almost like having a chance, i guess?

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15 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Is there a reason for the Voe vote?  I mean, I'm not opposed, I'd just like to hear your reason Jeod. :p

If he’s a rebel, wall. If he’s loyal, wall. Idgaf.

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7 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Looks like we'll hit WIN soon anyway so it'll be moot :v

##Vote Voe

If nothing else, the optimism will kill us in the end. :dance:

Anyways, there is this wall thing and them dead people are kind of chill. ;)

And even without any obstacle it should take some time to march south (unless they have Greyjoy ships).

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13 hours ago, Retaliation said:

So like, it's great and all you've avenged sunflower and stuff.

Shade managed to get himself lost/killed past the wall. Might have been nice to have someone else up here.

So you guys are playing some sort of mini game out there? Why do you say he is lost/killed?

Also, unless OrangeP47 is pulling an epic stunt, from my perspective, assuming another conversion has happened as claimed it would, Voe and Louis have to be rebels.

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31 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

So you guys are playing some sort of mini game out there? Why do you say he is lost/killed?

Also, unless OrangeP47 is pulling an epic stunt, from my perspective, assuming another conversion has happened as claimed it would, Voe and Louis have to be rebels.

For all I know it's you and Louis being rebels. I'd be infuriated if in the end it is revealed that Orange was scum from the start, just claiming to be unconvertible as a means of deception :doh:

In either case, why aren't rebels voting Jeod in a hope for a lucky flip? It's not like there is anything else they can do, unless the whole plan is to convert 1 every night and lose with an unsufferable delay.

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Unless the plan is to lynch me today and recruit the third member tonight? That would only work if Orange was one of them.

@Jeod what did you see with your religion night action?

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54 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

So you guys are playing some sort of mini game out there? Why do you say he is lost/killed?

Yeah, we get to choose roles when we get here. Either build up the wall, scout out the north, or become a diplomat. One person was made Lord Commander last night. Defaulted to me because Shade is missing.

I don't know what happened to shade. He's gone and we're missing 1000 men.

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