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[GAME OVER] CYOR: Nintendo Edition


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1 minute ago, Louis said:

Have you asked why ILTS wants what Chopbam has?

Have I asked him? No, though through our discussion he sees ChopBam as 100% scum so I can rightly assume he wants the 1-up to effectively be able to lynch him.

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Just now, Louis said:

@Killing_You I'd like to know your thoughts right now please.

Right now? I trust FRAYDO, and I somewhat trust iLikeToSnipe. I do think there's a case to be made for you and Chop to be on a team, but I'm waiting for Cat5 to respond to my question before moving forward. I want to keep my options open.

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5 minutes ago, Louis said:

See, right now I am siding with Chopbam because he's the only one who believes in me, but if later turns out to be to scum later and do this to mess with me to get suspicious off of him, props to him.

We won't know until the end then, won't we?

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Just now, Killing_You said:

Right now? I trust FRAYDO, and I somewhat trust iLikeToSnipe. I do think there's a case to be made for you and Chop to be on a team, but I'm waiting for Cat5 to respond to my question before moving forward. I want to keep my options open.

What's the case, please enlighten me?

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1 minute ago, FRAYDO said:

No, though through our discussion he sees ChopBam as 100% scum so I can rightly assume he wants the 1-up to effectively be able to lynch him.

This is also why I have a hard time trusting iLTS. If he's that bent on lynching me, I, personally knowing I'm town, have an absolute right and even a duty to fight back. Similar to Cat5, if he's having trouble exploring alternate options right now, I cannot trust him.

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Just now, Louis said:

What's the case, please enlighten me?

The only two players Chop has blocked this game are you and Orange. Chop didn't reveal that he had a 1UP, and when asked about it he didn't give straight answers.  The train of thought here is that Chop has been working with his scummates to falsify claims in order to "clear" them. I'd gather the evidence right now, but as stated above, I want to put it on hold for a second. I want to see what Cat5 has to say.

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5 minutes ago, ChopBam said:

Similar to Cat5, if he's having trouble exploring alternate options right now, I cannot trust him.

I'll leave him to explain himself on this one. The idea of "If ChopBam were town who would be scum etc" came up before he took off.

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Can we afford a mislynch today? If Louis was lynched, she would probably not be happy at all, but if I'm reading her right she would flip town and would I be confirmed even then? Or would iLTS continue with his lynch boner for me? I really think that is useless though in the first place. Don't lynch her. Let's find a baddie today.

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16 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

The only two players Chop has blocked this game are you and Orange. Chop didn't reveal that he had a 1UP, and when asked about it he didn't give straight answers.  The train of thought here is that Chop has been working with his scummates to falsify claims in order to "clear" them. I'd gather the evidence right now, but as stated above, I want to put it on hold for a second. I want to see what Cat5 has to say.

I had an epiphany while writing this. The crux of the case against ChopBam is based on the idea that the 1UP he possesses was Verti's that he took when he killed him. Here's the thing; we don't know any of this for a fact. We're assuming that it was Verti's in the first place solely because he was Dr Mario. This looked strong at first, but if we consider the 1UP coming from somewhere else, it's a lot flimsier.

I've got another direction to go in. I'll be back soon.

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31 minutes ago, Killing_You said:

I've got another direction to go in. I'll be back soon.

Actually, I'll get to this in the morning. I want be thinking as straight as possible so that I don't miss anything. For now, all I will say is this: We've made plenty of assumptions and ran with them. Specifically, I've been writing Cat5 off as Town because that's what he usually is and because there have been other, more obvious cases. I want to take a second look at him and challenge my own reads. Maybe the answer is somewhere in there.

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3 hours ago, ChopBam said:

Why are each of you so convinced the other is town? I'm not trying to sow doubt, but I want to explore some angles that might have been previously glossed over.

I'll sleep on this and come back with a refreshed mind.

4 hours ago, ChopBam said:

I swear, if Louis comes in here and denies being sucked in and spat out, she's confirmed baddie in my book.

I have to wonder though, what would have happened had Louis denied it? I can't think of a reason now as to why she would have, other than to throw you under the bus. However, to confirm for you and everyone that she was being sucked in and spat out, it does leave a hint of suspicion still.

Not saying at this time it's you, or Louis, or anyone else (certainly not Mojo, poor guy), but someone is lying about their night action or not performing one at all. I'm not keen on casting suspicion on my mason buddy but I must consider him too. If ChopBam no longer has the inhale ability and has instead copied another, but the Mask remains on ChopBam's person, only iLTS should know what ability he currently has - and it would be there someone will be caught in their lie.

Some scenarios come to mind:

A) ChopBam has lied about copying another ability, thus iLTS still must have the ##Inhale. For obvious reason, we know the action didn't work. He should still be able to use the action on someone else though. This assumes the mask remained in ChopBam's possession, as Chop stated to have not been able to pass it

B) ChopBam did copy another, thus taking up his night action and absolving him of the N3 NK. Perhaps he didn't read his PM, otherwise iLTS should know what new ability ChopBam has with the mask still in the latter's possession, which will also be iLTS' new ability. iLTS can then verify this new ability and someone must recognize it as theirs. Ideally, this would clear two people for me: ChopBam for copying and blocking somone, as well as whoever's ability was revealed. These two could not have committed the kill

C) ChopBam has told the complete truth and so suspicion must be shifted to iLTS for wanting the ChopBam lynch so badly, going as far to attempt the ##inhale which would have either taken away the Warp Star or 1-Up (assuming the latter can even be stolen, as ChopBam stated not to be able to pass it). It should be noted also that iLTS has claimed to have forced ChopBam to pass the mask to himself, thus explaining the earlier statement in scenario A. Paranoia must add though, "What if the mask acted of its own and the mask itself chose to stay with ChopBam?" It was noted from Nodlied that you could feel that there's something with the mask. Were that the case, iLTS' claimed action of moving the mask absolves him of the NK since he was busy with forcing ChopBam's hand.

However, evidence may indicate otherwise.

On 9/19/2019 at 4:36 PM, Nodlied said:

The only thing about it is that I wanted to hand it to Fraydo, but it forced me to give it to ChopBam instead.


On 9/19/2019 at 4:47 PM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Wait, are you saying the Mask itself decided where it went?


On 9/19/2019 at 4:53 PM, iLikeToSnipe said:

I don't want speculation to derail town today, I was the one who had the masked moved to ChopBam. It's mine and I can control who it goes to if I so choose. I am town, I am NOT third party, neutral, scum, whatever.

After all, iLTS moved quickly to dispel speculation of the mask's movement. Choosing where the mask goes could be the biggest lie we have believed.

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I won't repeat the PM word-for-word, but it goes something along the lines of the mask convincing me to hold onto it for the time being. This may just be flavor for iLTS controlling to have it stay on me. Which does bring up a very good point on his whereabouts last night. He couldn't have done the kill if his action was to keep the mask on me.

If Cat5 is scum, and I'm willing to allow for that possibility, we sure wasted a whole lot of effort and a Nodlied to take the vote off him yesterday. I'd still like to look at others before looking at Cat5, but I am happy to hear KY if he has a case for that. Still, at some point we had convinced ourselves thoroughly that Cat5 is town, and that speaks for something.

We've confirmed Mojo doesn't have any items, and he claims to be a vanilla town without his hammer. But what if he's now a vanilla mafia without his hammer? It might have been wiser for me to suck and spit him last night, to block him and ensure he doesn't have night actions. If he was town, he'd confirm and since we definitely haven't been buddy-buddy this game, it'd look better than Louis confirming. And if he was scum, well the NK might have been blocked?

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Unfortunately I chose Shade as my target again. I thought he might get killed, but he also seemed like the only person I could safely target that was likely to use an action that would be beneficial. The only other person I considered was Louis.

Who has the Wind Waker now?


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To get my full thoughts on the game I would need to do a reread, which I might not get time to do until tomorrow. However, I can do a lightning round right now.

Killing_You: Still have some lingering suspicions regarding early defense of OrangeP47, but in general your role masonry role appears to be confirmed and there is little reason to think scum would have one. Has it been done? Yes. Do I think that's particularly likely this time around? No.

iLikeToSnipe: I'm actually still pretty suspicious of this guy. In my mind he's somewhat linked to ChopBam in that if ChopBam is scum, then iLTS is not, and vice versa. Right now I favor ChopBam as scum due to things I've already talked about, and thus iLTS has fallen off my radar. However, I still don't like the feeling of this mask that can control it's owner and we don't really know to what extent he can exert control. The actions that eventually got me suspicious of iLTS himself may actually have been an additional attempt to get attention off of Mojoman.

Mojoman: I think he's scum and is the player I'm most likely to vote for today. The DK event probably an event designed to give mafia a day where town was likely to lynch them and turn it around, and Mojoman had plenty of reason to suspect he was going to be voted up again.

ChopBam: This is the guy I most need to go back and reread on. The fact that he has the 1-UP is suspicious sure, but perhaps there really is a reason for the transfer that we don't know about. The excuse that ChopBam could have used, but never did, was that he was trying to hide the fact that he had the item so that he could use it to his advantage were he to be targeted by a NK (presuming the item protects from that, I guess. I don't know what it does yet). That would totally have made sense, but he never said it. I will add here as I saw someone mention maybe the 1-UP came from somewhere other that VERT, but again I asked earlier in the game if anyone started the game with an item that didn't belong to them, and nobody said anything. Turns out ChopBam did start the game with someone else's item, Nodlied's garlic. Do we really know for sure where the 1-UP was on D1? (Did Nodlied see it in VERT's inventory N1? Another thing I need to go back and check)

Louis: My stance on Louis is mostly going to depend on how this interaction of roles between Louis/ChopBam/iLTS goes. Why did iLTS use inhale when that shouldn't be the action that ChopBam has anymore? I noted that Louis didn't use the correct term to describe what happened to her. She said she was warped, not sucked up and spit out.

FRAYDO: I don't like the direction his cases have been going today, but all in all he's probably the most townie player left standing. He volunteered as sacrifice, afterall. Unless ChopBam was his buddy that was quite dangerous, and OrangeP47/FRAYDO/ChopBam doesn't seem like a partcularly likely scum pairing.

Myself: You guys should suspect me. I haven't managed to do anything verifiable and frankly I think if I were on the outside of this situation I would be going after me.

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Still reading through, but wasn't to clarify one thing. Inhale is a day action that I believe Chop would always have access to, even if he copied another ability.

Maybe it's GM error... But I was not notified of any changes to the abilities I'm copying off of Chop. Either he didn't copy Louis or I just don't get his copied ability.

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Typing this up real quick cause I'm heading out to work soon.

The only item that anybody has claimed they started with that wasn't their own has been the Garlic. Nodlied's victory condition required him to have that item, so that would make sense that it would start with a random player. Nowhere else have we seen a random item start with a random player. So, we can cross this alibi off the list for ChopBam.

That leaves getting the item randomly because Vertigo died. However, out of all the other players that have died I would think at least one of them would have an item. Has anyone gotten an item randomly after a player died? I haven't and I haven't seen anybody claiming this either. So that's another alibi off the list.

At this point the only other alibi I can think of for ChopBam is that mafia passed the 1-UP to him in order to frame him. That's semi-plausible, but I don't think they would have done that. I'm assuming it's worthwhile item to have and also that scum wouldn't know that Vertigo had been blocked at the time. So they could have juts claimed that Vertigo gave it to them.

In other words, I don't see any plausible way that ChopBam could have gotten the 1-UP as town. On top of that, I'm not getting a town read off of him. He seems pretty scummy to me. So with all this in mind, why some of you being wishy-washy on him? He's already a player who's had a few suspicious reads and has been caught with some hard evidence that he killed Verti or he's affiliated with somebody who did.


That being said, here's what I'm thinking for who could be scum.


To start, I'm pretty sure FRAYDO is town. He's been very helpful, talking with him in his masonry I don't get any scum/suspicious reads off of him, and his offer of sacrifice seemed legit. He's solid town to me. 


I've had a town read on him the past two days and FRAYDO vouches for him. I don't think he's done anything suspicious and his abilities are verified by FRAYDO. Another solid town read.


That leaves Cat5, Louis, Mojoman, and ChopBam as scum. And with that, I've got to run and don't have time to finish this list. To quickly summarize the rest of my thoughts, I don't think Mojo and ChopBam can both be scum. Having two roles that can avoid a lynch on scum team? That's pretty OP. So it comes down to Cat5 and Louis for me. I don't think ChopBam would "verify" a scum mate unless he thought they wouldn't be lynched and they could win the next night/day. I'll need to read through some more, but Cat5 is irking me with his behavior.

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6 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Unfortunately I chose Shade as my target again. I thought he might get killed, but he also seemed like the only person I could safely target that was likely to use an action that would be beneficial. The only other person I considered was Louis.

Who has the Wind Waker now?

I figured Shade was the obvious mafia kill. Who did you think it was going to be last night?

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