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TS: Reborn News Update (3 October 2019)


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17 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

New Arms
CMDBob has completed new arms for our brothers of Nod. Kane has been loathed to attack America, but I feel it's time, and you're the one to do it is pleased with these changes.




[blurb]TS:R news coming up! More on scaling, new arms, introducing the new Mobile EMP prototype, and discussion of the GDI AAPC.[/blurb]

Yes, arms change more quickly than some people think.

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18 hours ago, Jeod said:

Does Reborn 2.0 have many maps that actually work well for the AAPC's amphibious advantage?


10 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

We're actually removing all maps from Reborn 2.0 so no one has an advantage or disadvantage. The Second Tiberium War will be fought on a flat plane.

Nod has no way to fight the AAPC while it was in water aside from Banshees. My initial reaction then is why does the AAPC need a gun when it has such a great water advantage? If Reborn has enough maps that use the AAPC's advantage, then I don't see much need for a gun. If not, though, I can see the AAPC getting a gun to be useful on land. I haven't played TSR 2.0 in the test server in a while, so this is purely conjecture.

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Two things to consider:

1) Something that hasn't been brought up yet in public as it is still in private discussion is which maps will ship with Reborn 2.0's release. Our mappers are hard at work nailing everything down for this, but at this point I can't tell you which maps are in that use the AAPC's advantage.

2) Those arguing for putting a gun on reason that it is not fun enough for players to simply drive the AAPC and drop off infantry. They assert that more should be given to the AAPC so that after dropping off the infantry the driver can still contribute to the assault, albeit a marginal difference. This ties in to your reasoning of it being useful on land on maps where water routes are not available or the driver opts for a frontal rush.

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2 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

Those arguing for putting a gun on reason that it is not fun enough for players to simply drive the AAPC and drop off infantry. They assert that more should be given to the AAPC so that after dropping off the infantry the driver can still contribute to the assault, albeit a marginal difference. This ties in to your reasoning of it being useful on land on maps where water routes are not available or the driver opts for a frontal rush.

Shooting things isn't everything in war though. I could really go either way with regards to the gun/no gun debate, but a compromise might be to up the AAPC's utility by having it restock inventory for infantry who are near it or inside it, boost the armor a bit, and allow it to be built if the war factory is dead via dropship so infantry assaults are still viable.

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@AAPC: Interesting concept by the way. It never occurred to me that maybe the same unit could have a different weapon layout. Just hear me on this/suspend judgement for one moment, instead of having one gun why not add some variation and increased choice? Not saying this would be a TSR 2.0 thing, but it could be a future asset. Think about it not just selecting the unit/tank but also selection it’s payload/weapon type. Think about it incendiary vs armor piercing vs Tiberium. And not just tanks but for infantry too. Or maybe it could be a veterancy perk for after 2.0?  This could be a cool future feature.

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The AAPC depends on the devs vision. Some FPS games are more like chess or  some are lore like cards. 

Chess: set pieces/units, set game-board/terrain, heavy focus on bilateral conflict, tactics, movements/formations, and key targets. 

Cards: varying decks/units , wild cards/power ups, heavy focus on multilateral conflict, strategy, chance, and lining up hands. 

It all depends on the level of randomness and variation the devs want the units to have in the in-game environment.

Edited by Raptor29aa
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Some context for the GDI APC gun, which is still in concept stages.

It is most likely going to be an auto cannon weapon, something no TSR unit has right now.

Damage-wise it will be worse at anti-infantry than the Wolverine, and worst against vehicles and structures than the Titan. It would be a sort of "sub-par jack of all trades, master of nothing". Useful to help finish off low health enemies, but mainly to help make the driver have something to do while driving. It's also a decent tool for communication; Being able to fire upon the intended target so the crew knows, without having to directly communicate, what the intended target is.

Being an auto cannon, it would mean it has a relatively low RPM (something like 1 round per 0.75 seconds, give or take).

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13 hours ago, forg0ten1 said:

because i'd like to see reborn stick as close to tiberian sun as possible, within reason.

We're trying to not limit gameplay design for a shooter based on arbitrary restrictions such as "the RTS didn't do it". Remember, this is not an RTS.

We will respect the source material in terms of visuals and high level gameplay, but a lot of the combat and control mechanics must be tailored towards being suitable for FPS gameplay, otherwise you'd be left with a bunch of niche units only a few people would enjoy playing. Perfect example: The old Mobile EMP.

This should come to no surprise for long-term Reborn followers, as the game always deviated from source material for gameplay purposes. See for example the expanded infantry character roster. The only difference now is, TSR isn't getting more new units added, but the existing ones will be more refined and more fun, to more people.

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7 hours ago, forg0ten1 said:


im not saying it has to be an exact clone of TS. I just don't see any need for a gun on the apc. I find the gdi apc to be a very fun unit to play, even without the gun, just because its so good at squishing people. Plus, if you add a gun to the gdi apc, wouldn't you have to add one to the Nod counterpart as well?


I think my main gripe is that you'd be changing the look of an iconic tiberian sun unit, even if it is only slightly

The Nod APC can dig, a very useful function that is difficult to counter. We're also considering giving it a harmful drill like the Devil's Tongue. 


6 hours ago, forg0ten1 said:

wouldn't that mean not visually changing the apc by adding a gun on top of it?

It's a very small weapon, it doesn't even the vehicle silhouette. 

As for fun; This is subjective. For each person saying X is fun, there is someone saying X is not fun. The general assumption here is however, that units that "got nothing to do besides moving" is more likely to be considered not fun by more people.

Either way, play testing will dictate if this is a keeper or not. I'm personally optimistic, since the Mobile EMP overhaul did in fact see positive feedback, and those changes were made primarily for very similar reasons (with the added effort put into making it not a frustrating unit to fight as a Nod player).

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On 10/7/2019 at 2:18 PM, forg0ten1 said:

because i'd like to see reborn stick as close to tiberian sun as possible, within reason.

Wouldn't the Mobile EMP change be much more of a violation of this than adding a gun to the AAPC?

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2 hours ago, delta said:

Wouldn't the Mobile EMP change be much more of a violation of this than adding a gun to the AAPC?

Any change is technically a violation of source material. But there comes a point where you have to make some changes. The source material is an RTS from 20 (!) years ago. 

What is important here is that the changes do not violate the "feeling" of the universe. The EMP Cannon does not do this because it logically makes a hybrid of two source materials; The Mobile EMP vehicle, and the EMP Cannon defense structure. The latter does not exist in TSR so by merging it into the Mobile EMP, we effectively added something from the original source material into TSR.

Likewise, any other additions or alterations applied to TSR that deviate from the source material, are not necessarily bad, as long as they do not exceed the realm of plausibility, providing that the rationale behind the change(s) are well grounded. 

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17 hours ago, delta said:

Wouldn't the Mobile EMP change be much more of a violation of this than adding a gun to the AAPC?

so far, im actually fine with the MEMP. Its look hasn't been changed like the apc's, so im fine so far. I have to play around a bit more with the MEMP to get a better opinion on it. As I said before, I know there are gonna be deviations, going from a rts to a fps, but some of those deviations are less tolerable than others

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