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1 hour ago, TheIrishman said:

A bit random but important to mention. If anyone wants to come over tonight, go on ahead. It’ll be fun, confusing, and possibly won’t go the way you expect but overall everyone will have a good time.

I'll visit you if you visit me, and this goes for anyone.

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(Not saying those posts are related... I'm just highlighting them now, so if I need to call back to them later I have proof I was indeed mildly concerned at the time and I'm not just retroactively making up concern in my arguments against them).

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1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

At the moment I'm really not concerned with the player dropping obvious hints about their role. Unless they're using it as a cover.

Granted, I'm not going to have a leg to stand on here, but if your smart you might gather my reason without me actually having to say it, but let's just say I have another reason for being suspicious of Irish and it doesn't have anything to do with his behavior, exactly.

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9 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

Is that your defense!


3 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Granted, I'm not going to have a leg to stand on here, but if your smart you might gather my reason without me actually having to say it, but let's just say I have another reason for being suspicious of Irish and it doesn't have anything to do with his behavior, exactly.

Hmmmm Hmmmm Hrghhghhhhhh

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Well in any case. Might as well start piling up the no lynch votes then.

##Vote No Lynch

Player Vote
Shade939 No Lynch
Killing_You Killing_You
Category 5  
Mojoman No Lynch
Retaliation Mojoman
 LEAD     No Lynch  
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4 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

People visit me, not the other way around. I assure you. Unless I’m bribed.

The only thing I can bribe you with, I give you after you visit me. So you visit me first and I will "bribe" you the next time. Sound fair?

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On 11/6/2020 at 6:00 PM, OrangeP47 said:

Louis is in this game I'm never gonna hear the end of it.

Well well well guess who decided to start the party with out me, also @Mojoman you suck for protecting Orange! Haha but i think Orange is always sus. BUT i want to focus on other players than just Orange but i'll try my best to keep up. Anyhoooo it's nice to be back I've been missing this.

##vote nolynch


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2 hours ago, OrangeP47 said:


Hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm.....

I don't know what your problem is. Shade asking for a volunteer doesn't actually sound that threatening to me, but iLTS was scared. I don't know if Shade is just bluffing or not, but I totally approve of drawing reactions like that on D1. iLTS is scared and now I want to see why.

I see no reason to find Shade's tactic suspicious. If he was going to do something negative, I'd expect him to keep quiet about it. You can claim long-con, sure, but maybe wait for evidence of that before you start saying it.

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