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Message added by Jeod,

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4 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:



28 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I kinda wish I was Neutral as I had the most neutral role of them all.

btw KY, thanks for helping Town win, I did believe in you the entire time for the record even if other townies did not.

I’m still salty I got killed right away and that no one could figure out the most obvious conclusion that Retal killed me. Like I explained my entire ability but...oh well.

Ya know I did try to scum hunt and avenge Irish's death after he so kindly gave me the dragon ball, I knew Retal was the killer once he visited him. But then Cat5 had to kill me, I wincon was impossible since I didn't have any actions. I wanted to make a wish to bring Irish back but kill KY instead.

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32 minutes ago, iLikeToSnipe said:

I'm amazed at some of the obvious stuff like that that was missed.

It's such a brazen play you can't trust your knee jerk reaction. I think if we waited it'd look more suspicious.

It's not like we've never had an unstoppable kill to counter those kinds of shenanigans after all.

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1 minute ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Given my role and the number of claimed defensives at the time, I was certain that there was an unstoppable kill. It's a bit silly to say that it was "obvious" that Retal killed him.

I'll agree with that. Town had no information at all to go on for this game. Scum could literally have any ability in game, and there would be nothing to help us figure out what they did other than a passive for visiting a player that hopefully triggered.

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Also, mistake: Category 5 should not have been able to pass the Mysterious Shard on Night 4, which means he would have become a Crewmate on Night 5 and his nosferatu dayvig shot should have been random. In that alternate timeline, he killed Mojoman and Retaliation was lynched, meaning iLikeToSnipe would have won the game with two living Crewmates left.

For this timeline, congrats Town. But for the other timeline, congrats iLikeToSnipe.

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Just now, Jeod said:

You were blocked from passing it the first night you had it.

Right, but if we're getting into the realm of timeline correcting, then it starts with Retaliations actions that night. In which case, if his action was recorded correctly, it would have been passed.

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5 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

Wait so cat5 was a day vig, had the potential to be NK immune, AND day/night blocked visitors in a game where town had no visiting action????

The BP was only immediately after he killed someone using his day kill though.

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