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Showing most liked content on 12/05/2016 in all areas

  1. Dear friends, it's that time of the year again! Christmas time is here! Time for joy and time for cheer! ♫ Dear friends, it's that time of the year again! Christmas time is here! Time for joy and time for cheer! ♫ You know what to do! And that's leaving some gifts wrapped up under my Christmas tree! Oh, and Christmas and Happy Holidays avatars!
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  2. I digged some good old german forklift instruction parody vid from 2001. I wanted to share it since it might help our local polish workforce voe (even though he might know about it already, but good reminder) Warning: Contains blood and gore
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  3. Someone just made a video of a VR RA2 game. I never thought that someone could make a VR RTS work, but here it is.
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  4. My morning, you've made it.
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  5. I wouldn't know what to put up there, because a single image never really represents my mood or interests... Unless I feel like trolling, which is probably a side of me that the W3D community has never seen.
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  6. Not to mention it took like 8 seconds to fire its whole salvo and then another 8 seconds to reload. The current phase gets to start on a second salvo before the Beta phase would finish firing its first one.
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  7. No experience with eSports, but hey I'll give my two cents. No clue. If I had to guess, Last Competitor Standing, Extreme Championship Sports, OverWatch, and 4-pool stand means a bracket of four teams vying for first, second, third, and fourth places. Something that connects them? From my perspective, it's the teamplay dynamic that those games encourage. In each situation and game, it's all about being able to rely on your teammates. As they say, a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Everyone in an eSports team is presumed to be a professional in their own right, so teams and its members must be strong. It makes it intense in the sense that every player on the team has to pull their weight through the game. Any one teammate dropping the ball can cost the game for their team. It appears to be rather stressful, honestly. What I find interesting is how much attention eSports gets. I've seen bits and pieces on social media of channels covering various gaming events. Do note, the regular sports channels air NFL football games, NBA basketball matches, and even golf tournaments, which makes it interesting to see some channels accept eSports as a part of the competitive scene and televise it on their networks. And the crowds, even! When you see these events as they happen, it's impressive the many people you'll see in attendance. eSports is quite a culture, and one that seems to be growing in mainstream popularity. A child today can say they wish to become an eSports competitor as their future career, and it's very much viable! There's a sense of fame to it, and money to be made from it! /$0.02
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  8. Oh my god. This is my new favorite phrase.
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  9. A good old tree in the snow. Why? I don't know. But it is christmassy.
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  11. Mafia? You mean the forum game run by VERTi60 that's super fun and that everyone should sign up for? RA:APB Themed Mafia Game 20th Anniversary Special Also keep an eye out for another APB Game Night announcement! /shameless plugs
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  13. This is going to be a tricky Christmas! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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  14. Here is one example. The first image is the regular wall texture, and the second image is one of several variations of it. It's not quite as simple as just placing some images on top of another. Color balancing and shadow effects are added as well, and the brick pattern is adjusted. At this point I'm not sure how many variations will exist, it depends on how many I can realistically create (I'm going to run out of plant and brick pattern variations). Either way this route is much more performance friendly than having actual meshes for the plants and what not, but the in-game wall will offer both, especially near the lower part of the wall, where infantry can walk. But yeah, work continues.
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