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Showing most liked content on 06/14/2017 in all areas

  1. An attempt to add bots to Wasteland hits a snag in how long the bots take to form attack teams. This is sped up 5x (so it takes 2 mins 30 secs for them to move out) and uses 40 bots just so that the attack team being formed can live long enough to move out. Which means I can't use the source audio because it's just a buzzsaw of nonstop M16/AK sounds.
  2. Now that my entire family knows I'll announce it here. If all goes as well, in January of 2018 an AkheroMini shall greet this world. This is my first, so naturally I'm nervous, happy, scared shitless, excited, etc. Any 'veterans' out there have any advise for a first time daddy? :)
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  3. So, I was poking round the really old APB 9935 gmax building source files, and I noticed there was a civilian technology centre model that was half finished. So, I decided to finish it. The exterior of the center. The entrance to the facility. Simple, but it works. One of the research domes, with a couple of computer(?) stations. The largest dome, still under construction. The last dome, with just a few crates and a catwalk. The central atrium, with stacks of crates, and the roof access ladder. Going up... The roof. Be careful not to fall off! Finally, a view from the top, complete with a look into the domes! I've attached the 3ds max source files (the building itself, plus a proxy and edge for cutting into the ground), as well as the two textures that are missing from APB. (Just the metal floor on the roof and the actual dome texture.) They're all in one archive. civtechnologycentre.7z In terms of what this could be used for, I'm not sure. It's big, sure, but not too massive. (It's a little bigger than 2 x 2 war factories, but the inside is a fair bit smaller than that.) It could make the centrepiece of a TDM map (with extra ramps to the roof added, and maybe one of the domes removed and a ramp up there...) or an objective in a mission map (defend/assault the tech center? Capture the tech center and hold it for 5-10 minutes to win? The possibilities are endless...) or, it could just be a big prop. (Capture it to unlock the ability to produce a special trooper/tank?) Anyway, it's there for people to use.
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  4. So pretty spot on with real player behavior then? /s
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  5. I'm just going to drop this in for discussion - I'm too out of the loop to offer nuanced opinion one way or another. I recall some time ago in AR we deliberately made infancy more bullet spongey to compensate for map sizes - an issue APB shares IIRC. With weak infantry you end up with gameplay that looks like this; 2 minute walk to enemy base 10 seconds fight then dead Repeat ad infinitum. Assuming war factory is out of action or you have no cash. After a couple of cycles that gets really old really fast. If infantry are too fragile it becomes really hard for them to be at all effective at attacking an enemy base, especially with long travel times. Some food for thought ☺️
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  6. Don't worry, your opinion is important. But if you can't upgrade your hardware maybe some hints might help. Not every unit is super-reliant on headshots. Sergeants and the Kovshotty with their inaccuracy, and Snipers with their bullet drop, have a lot of trouble getting headshots anyway and this was true even before the hitbox overhaul - but due to their high damage they tend to do well enough just bodyshotting people, and aiming at the chest you're bound to get a few pellets flying faceward too, so perhaps there's a niche for you. That and Flamethrowers who don't even need to hit (but benefit a lot from doing so). For other units, crouching is more important than ever before for long distance combat, particularly with the rifle soldier/medic/captain (and the sniper but that was already true for him anyway). Those guys are going to have trouble hitting anything at their max range if they're not crouching, and even when crouching, they still have a small degree of inaccuracy (except the sniper and the M16 trishot) that stops them from being guaranteed to land consecutive headshots and may turn slightly off-aimed shots into headshots. Tanya, Volkov and Sergeants don't get any accuracy benefit out of crouching though - not that Tanya needs it with her laser accuracy. You could always try practicing offline against bots; load up RA_CamosCanyon, press F8 and type botcount 12 or something to give you a small number of moving targets to work with (most of these 12 just sit in their base and only attack people that enter the base, you'll only get 1 or 2 offensive enemies). If the war factories and base defenses are a problem you could enable friendly fire and destroy them before enabling bots - but for next patch I might as well add bot logic to Wasteland since it's such a simple map and that'd remove the most annoying steps to setting up an infantry practice game
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  7. Just going to chime in here for a second. @GaryOak Everyone's opinion is important in our community! Don't ever think your opinion is not important, as we are always open to what you and everyone else has to say.
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  8. Whoa! You might be able to enjoy outside without a mask. Yay!
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  9. That'll show that Pillbox who's boss.
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  10. More screenshots from Beta times, part 2.
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  12. What she said ^ Good to see you around again! I'll get the packages put up for you and send you a link like we used to do!
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  13. Alp I miss you! Come to TeamSpeak.
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  14. "Affirmative!" "Attack the baby shops!" "Bolster our father duties!" "Building needs cleaning!" "That's a diaper, ignore it!"
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