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NoSoldier last won the day on July 26 2023

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105 Excellent

About NoSoldier

  • Birthday 01/06/1995

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  • W3D Hub Testing Director MKIII

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    Interested in a broad range of stuff (psychology, literature, different kinds of sports, games, economy, ecology, politics) with no ability in these kinds.
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  1. Don't worry, we all know that life can be hectic. 4.) DXDIAG should report your supported levels (just type in dxdiag into your commandline.) 5.) Open your Renegade-folder and check for every .exe under Properties the Compatibility tab. (You've got "running with admin privelege there) Also, please check whether installing DirectX 9.0c (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/directx-error-90-or-higher-issue/81c28e00-0a4b-45d4-ba58-98c2a73da63e) or 11 (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=17431) helps. Also found these two posts about ssleay32 which might be worth trying: https://forums.revora.net/topic/116401-red-alert-3-origin-missing-required-file-ssleay32dll/ https://answers.ea.com/t5/Other-Mass-Effect-Games/ssleay32-dll-missing/td-p/1436216/page/2
  2. Usually with the scripts-update installed crashdumps get generated in the folder Unstoppable mentioned. We are in need of some more information in order to help you to the best of our ability, thus I'll just ask you a few smaller questions: Due to compatibility issues possibly present in the stock-version and as it's not obvious in your post: Did you install the Scripts-update? (https://www.tiberiantechnologies.org/downloads) During Install through Origin, did you install the redist packages Origin recommends? Does any program or your OS block the .exe? (If you do not know, please just say so) Is DirectX 9 or 11 active? Do the .exes in your Renegade-folder have admin privileges?
  3. Paid by MI6 for another glorious year of successful Forg-spy-shenanigans! Your pizza/server-money will not be wasted.
  4. Just dropping this here (back on my old computer I had multiple gigs of this "old stuff" flying around - it's old and someone has posted it somewhere in our forums as well, but yeah):
  5. No moleste, the camouflage pattern is already there Do you mind doing a picture of the soldiers as well? And at what cost?
  6. One may assume that you do not have access to the C&C ultimate collection?
  7. You had me laughing for 10 minutes. Just had to do something close:
  8. Reinstalling should help though as "TDBRR" is a bug occuring in corrupted downloads/installs. These can happen randomly and are not W3D-specific. The new map looks gorgeous. A coop-variant could be awesome.
  9. Did you try various resolutions? (Starting with 800x600)
  10. needed a break anyway - sorry for not incorporating it directly into the spreadsheet of Jeod, was too lazy for it. *not a direct translation - needed to make as much sense as the english counterpart ** added a hint in the second sentence to look at the forum if the problem persists. As said before, if I need to correct something, I will either port it other to jeod's sheet or repost it here. Just to mention it: Server Browser translates to Serverliste [Server list] in German - I will leave that decision to you.
  11. Settings - Einstellungen. The table bugged out here. Just a fast sketchup into a German translation. If someone wants to improve these translations, feel free to do so. Tried to stay close to the character amount. If something needs to be changed, I'll copy a new table below this post.
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