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Everything posted by danpaul88

  1. It specifically supports steam screenshots only
  2. I'm not really sure how you'd even play an FPS game on a mobile phone....
  3. Added a media tag, now just paste the URL into a post without any [ img ] or [ url ] etc tags and you get; http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/710787530750187747/E32F476AE7E035F990D6F8C77D7351241EC80237/
  4. We can probably add a media tag to support that actually if you give me the full URL
  5. Somewhat off topic, but the lighting in the screenshot you posted looks really over-saturated, far too bright in many places. Obviously hard to judge lighting from a single perspective though. As for engine comparisons... it really doesn't matter all that much in the long run, good gameplay is far more important than pretty graphics, although pretty graphics do help!
  6. FYI, the "About" tab on the homepage at w3dhub.com also has information about the lawnchair
  7. What engine are you going to build this on? Are structures going to be pre-fab'd (and potentially you could add new pre-fabs with mods) or self-build a-la minecraft? pre-fab would probably be easier if you want to give buildings functions and whatnot.
  8. One of the founding values of W3D Hub was to increase the openness of our development process and get the community more involved with the work we're doing, not just on the games but the tools and infrastructure surrounding them. As such I've decided to create this topic to see how interested our community are in the development of the launcher and see what feedback you might have on features as they're being developed. If there is a positive response to this I will consider doing more of these for the launcher and other non-game related W3D Hub projects. Anyhow, with the blurb out of the way, here are some very early WIP screenshots of a new feature for the launcher, namely the ability to download news from the website. The current plan is for each game to list its own news items individually and also provide a combined "all news" (including community news not shown under any game tab) on the "Home" page of the launcher. One of the first issues I realised we had was that we could only show you news for TSR with the way the launcher worked before - only showing you the games you were allowed to install. That has been changed now so that all games will be listed, allowing you to browse their latest news. Part of this change was adding a new "this game is not available yet" banner to the top of the game page for those games which are not yet released. This is shown in the screenshot below; For games that are released the page looks like this; The design and theming work for this is still very early WIP, some of the things that need adding are; - Date of the news post - Replacing the "i in a box" icon with an image themed to the news post (this will also go onto the w3dhub.com website homepage, which uses the same backend service to download news items) - Improved text formatting - A link to read the complete news article online We're interested to hear what you, the community, would like to see from this feature and hear any suggestions or other feedback you might have. Let us know your thoughts Also, let me know what you think about seeing future WIP updates on our tools and services. Is this something you'd like to see more of? Is there anything in particular you'd like to know more about?
  9. Most of the issues are balance related... Plus the lack of infantry models...
  10. Yeah, but even though if they managed to get the guy who narrated Dungeon Keeper. And even if its inspired by Dungeon Keeper, and even uses the prototype name for the Third official game of-the series before it got canned by EA. It isn't No dungeon Keeper, i want my Bile Demons and Horned Demons. I wanna Bitch slap my Mistresses, and torture those pesky dwaves and turn them into skeletons. I want Dungeon Keeper III dammit. I've played around with it a bit and it actually does "feel like" a real DK game. A lot of things were re-named or modified slightly to avoid copyright infringement (ie: "Underlord" instead of "Keeper" and micro piglets instead of chickens) but the game mechanics are similar
  11. To be fair the Allies didn't really do much to stop it beyond flinging their tanks into the sea and peppering it with small arms fire.
  12. There is already an awesome dungeon keeper remake, look up "war for the overworld" on steam
  13. Maintenance tasks are now completed
  14. Between 1400 and 1600 BST today (Sunday 17th May) there will be a maintenance window for all W3D Hub services, during which time several updates will be applied to improve security and resolve bugs. During this maintenance window the forums may be unavailable for a short period of time. We do not anticipate any downtime for the launcher.
  15. More video! Alternatively, in line art;
  16. Looks OK to me... What browser are you using?
  17. Not sure what that has to do with the quote, but I said at the time that it probably needs a few revisions and tweaks to get it feeling "right"
  18. Not many of those are BALANCE deviations though, they're more limitations on what you can reasonably do in an FPS, or the W3D engine. Also, the reaper netting air units (specifically, jumpjets) is debatably a bug, but nobody has actually decided whether it's a good thing or not.
  19. This x1000. I've been saying it over and over again for years now, but it seems to fall on deaf ears. People are determined to bring RTS balance to an FPS without considering the massive differences in how the game styles work. In an RTS you can spam 10s or even 100s of cheap units to overwhelm an OP unit. In an FPS you're limited by the number of people on your team. Buildings dying in 10 seconds flat isn't a major problem in an RTS where you can just rebuild... in an FPS you need time to react and defend the base, otherwise it just turns into "rush the enemy base first to win" since the first team to organise a decent rush will probably kill a couple of buildings. This also causes the odd state of affairs you have in reborn today where you almost never get battles in the field, with one side pushing forward bit by bit, since everyone avoids direct confrontation and just goes straight for the squishy buildings because they know they'll probably be able to kill a few of them before they die. There's no point whittling down the defenders because they're often harder to kill than the buildings!
  20. But it's DPS is far higher, enough to outweigh the handful of bullets which will miss due to spray inside pistol range. The only nerf that might make sense for the pistol is a *slight* range reduction and perhaps lowering the RoF a touch. Removing hitscan is downright pants on head regarded... Renegade had hitscan pistols too but people didn't use them as weapon of choice since other weapons were more suitable.
  21. You've got some decent qualifications and experience to your name then, it's not as if you're just some Joe Bloggs who dropped out of secondary school and did a bit of shift work in McDonalds. That's certainly in your favour. Whilst I do work in a different industry, I find that the best way to attract interview offers is to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date (recruiters are like moths to a flame when you update your LinkedIn... not all the offers will be suitable but once they get in contact you will often find they do have more suitable things available) Additionally, posting your CV to websites like jobsite.co.uk, monster, etc tends to bring in some decent offers, even if you don't actively search for anything on those sites yourself (although it is worth taking the time to do so, just be aware that the best jobs are often inundated with applicants) A lack of a GCSE in Math or English needn't hold you back, very often employers are more interested in your higher level qualifications anyway... heck, I've never had to show any of my certificates to any employer, not even my university degree. If you are currently listing your grades in individual subjects on your CV consider changing it to something like "5 GCSEs at A-B", which is still technically accurate. A bit of 'PR' work on your CV can go a long way... and I don't mean making things up (always be truthful or it's liable to come back to bite you), but rather phrasing things in a positive way. For the qualifications you have, you could go in several different directions career wise, I don't know if you have any strong feelings about what you want to do for a career but you might find inspiration just casually flicking through job websites with some vague keyword searches, perhaps even a type of job you wouldn't have considered applying for. Stay positive and keep searching, there are (non-zero hour) jobs out there if you're willing to put effort into finding them As a random example, have you considered PA work? Not something everyone enjoys, but worth considering. Or perhaps being an Account Manager role? Also found a permanent role as a Health and Social Care Assessor with multiple locations available. Just a few things I found with a quick 5 minute search based on a couple of keywords from what you posted above.
  22. So find a job which doesn't have zero hour contracts then? Plenty of them out there. What do you have strong qualifications / experience in?
  23. Also, there's always that one guy who decides he doesn't like map X and just starts votes constantly, over and over again, despite the fact that people either aren't bothering to vote or are voting against him.
  24. Wiki's only work if people actually put the effort in to keep them up to date. Every single W3D based wiki has fallen into decay quite quickly because people can't be bothered to maintain them and keep them up to date.
  25. I think we'd cap the maximum number of mind controlled bots per Yuri (who might be a one-off hero unit like the GS / CyCom in TSR to prevent spamming bots) and, if they go past that limit, kill off the oldest of them.
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