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Everything posted by Killing_You

  1. RA1 seems to be a war on the scale of WW1, tactics of WWII, and Cold War era tech with some outlying weird tech. This really would be best split into a separate topic, however, as it has little to do with Delta balance.
  2. Granted, but every random thought you have ends up on the paper. I wish Generalcamo knew that Pathfinder was a tabletop RPG similar to D&D, and not a computer game.
  3. Granted, but this makes the universe divide by 0. I wish I wouldn't whiff all of my attacks while playing Pathfinder.
  4. Question: Is this an issue with just Pacific Threat? It's the only map (to my knowledge) with air and naval units, but no land based vehicles. Part of the problem might be due to the fact that the Allies have no major infantry counters (Rangers, APCs) and the fact that the Soviets don't have enough heavily armored units to make a substantial pushback. RedEyes, Strelas, M60s, and PKMs are more than enough to defend against air units and infantry, coupled with the fact that RedEyes and Strelas do heavy damage against ships.
  5. Granted, but everyone you know hijacks it so much that it chokes. I wish Rockstar would make a Punisher video game.
  6. I'm going with Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors.
  7. Not at the moment. I'll probably be putting together a video when we have stuff for both sides (right now we have almost exclusively ARM hardware). You could have a voting system I suppose to elect a player as a commander or kick him from the role if he/she sucked. Don't know how the UI for a player commander would work We decided that the role of a Commander was too important and complicated to be left in the hands of a player. Since they're essentially just going to remain at the base and build/rebuild structures as needed, we shouldn't have too much to worry about. We could probably implement Decoy Commanders, however, which won't have a nanolather or a D-Gun, but will still be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
  8. Yes. You will be restricted to the base unless you buy a unit.
  9. Just nerf them against boats. Their damage against helis is fine.
  10. On the RAlism thing, I imagine that the MP5 was developed out of a need for a lightweight, cheap, and effective SMG. It was so effective that it was upgraded slightly and distributed across all Allied nations once RA2 rolled around. And in the Tiberium timeline, many set out to combine the accuracy and firepower of the M16 with the compact design, reliability, and low cost of the MP5. The winner, of course, was the GAU-3 "Eliminator."
  11. You know... I wonder if this could be applied in such a way that we can run over trees, sandbags, barbed wire, and chain link fences.
  12. That would be lovely. That's really all I was asking for honestly. At least talk it out with others and see where everyone stands. Thank you, sir <3 No problem. Always a pleasure to discuss balance in a civil manner such as this.
  13. Like I said, it's a countermeasure that might not be necessary anymore. I'm willing to concede that point.
  14. Not one single player, really. The situation I described happened a LOT. ESPECIALLY on Bunkers.
  15. IIRC it was added during Gamma times, where losing your production structures early game was a time-delayed death sentence due to tech levels. There was no way to take the fight to the enemy, and they would also have to wait a long time before they got their base wrecking arsenal. Allowing low tier infantry to still be available gave the losing team a chance to fight back when the wave hit eventually. Thinking about it, this measure may not be necessary anymore.
  16. What's fun in an RTS can be irritating in an FPS. In this case, since you cannot rebuild buildings (or build multiple of the same types), losing a structure is 100% permanent. Plus, in an RTS, you can mass hordes of units to take out a crippled opponent without much trouble, but in an FPS you're limited to who is on your team. Those are just couple of the many factors that go into the decisions we make when transitioning. Plus, it's not like you have specialized units like Engineers, Flamethrowers, or Medics without a barracks.
  17. You're not a bad captain per se, you're probably just not used to the boat physics. I recommend booting up LAN and driving a gunboat around for a while. You'll get the hang of it soon enough.
  18. To me, the problem is with the RedEye/Strela being very effective against boats, a little too effective IMO. Other than that, rocket soldiers being available with a dead barracks hasn't really caused any problems. Average teams can still hold their own, good teams could even mount an assault for a come from behind win. Granted, that's FAR easier said than done, but it's possible. Also, in regards to PacificThreat, I personally think that removing the Refinery and War Factory wasn't the best decision. Artillery and V2s are great counters to Missile Subs/Destroyers, along with the multitude of other vehicles that help to spice up the gameplay.
  19. The MP5 was chosen because it was suited to the time period of Allied weaponry (The M16-A2 is from the 80s, while the MP5-N was from the 70s). Lol! That's certainly not the case. We had an MP5 lying around for AR and APB borrowed it. That's the reality. Funnily enough, I actually advocated for a different breed of SMG when talking with GeneralCamo about this. I wanted something like the Sterling or the MP40, but he made the very good point that nobody here would be willing to model it, especially when we have an MP5 laying around that wouldn't look out too out of place. The compromise was that I "roughen" up the texture (to differentiate it from AR and make it more in line with APB's art style) and we all go home happy. And, having played with it ingame for a while, I don't really want it to change.
  20. 2a) This is probably due to the fact that Longbows are anti-vehicle, whereas Hinds are anti-infantry/defense. Perhaps Hinds need an anti-air secondary, but then again Soviets have plenty of good counters to Longbows.
  21. Thanks a bunch for that again, Kane. I don't know what all skills you have with W3D, but just let me know how you can contribute!
  22. Considering that Supreme Commander was considered to be a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation, I'm not surprised.
  23. Total Annihilation: Extinction has been announced! Read more on the forums! Introduction Greetings and salutations, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, of all ages, genders, sexualities, preferences, colors, and religious beliefs or lack thereof. It is my pleasure to announce that we are officially developing Total Annihilation: Extinction, which will be a total conversion modification for Renegade, and will put players in the four thousand year conflict between the supremacist CORE empire and the ARM resistance! Background This mod has actually been around for a while. Danpaul88 started working on it before he joined the AR team, with many of the earliest models dating back over ten years! In the more recent past (probably about 5 years ago) cnc95fan had a stint at the helm of the project, but it never gained much traction and has mostly lain dormant on dan's NAS all these years. We're hoping to revive this nascent project and finally bring a compelling TA experience to the W3D engine! The concept Danpaul summed it all up perfectly internally, so I'll just repost what he said here! The Premise "What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machines escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds. The CORE and the ARM have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair, the remnants of their armies continue to battle over ravaged planets, their hatred fueled by over four thousand years of total war. This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other." -Total Annihilation Intro Thousands of years in the future, humanity reached an age of prosperity. Hunger, disease, poverty... all were eliminated as we colonized the galaxy. Then, a group of scientists discovered one possible path to immortality: Planting their minds into machines. This process was called "patterning," and quickly became mandatory. However, many people disagreed, and were vocally opposed to this process. Soon, the debate became violent, and war broke out between the CORE empire and the ARM rebellion. CORE Hailing from the metal world of Core Prime, The CORE Empire seek total control of the galaxy, and the elimination of organic life. Preferring artificial intelligence to pilot their units, they are almost completely geared for combat. Their units are more expensive than their ARM counterparts, but they make up for it with superior armor and firepower. ARM Based on the distant world of Empyrrean, the ARM rebellion rose against the patterning process, and now seek to destroy the CORE empire once and for all. All of their pilots consist of clones. Although not as strong as their CORE counterparts, ARM units enjoy being faster and less expensive. They also carry a number of specialized units that, if used properly, can turn a tough struggle into an easy victory. Tasty Images Would you like to see some special behind-the-scenes screenies of some of the stuff we have? Wish granted! Here we have an early wireframe of the ARM's primary KBot, the PeeWee! This is a model of the ARM's early defense, the LLT! And a beautiful shot of the ARM Thunder flying around! We want YOU! We've got a great team here at W3D Hub, but most of us are dedicated to other projects at the moment. So there's no time like the present to lend a hand! We need people who are experienced with modeling, texturing, animating, mapping, and coding! If you are interested in this project, just shoot a PM to either myself or danpaul88. If you're interested in helping W3D Hub in general, fire off a PM to: -One Winged Angel -Teamwolf -danpaul88 -moonsense715 -Wallywood -Jerad2142 We'll get back to you asap! In Conclusion We're excited to get this project going, and we will keep you all posted as development unfolds! See you next time!
  24. Um... Slenderkov? Is there something I'm missing?
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