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HOT FIX is out!

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+ bikes movement is very improved. its very fun to use them now!

+ juggernaut has good balance compared to the Nod arty now. Its slower, but has more firepower than the arty, especially against buildings

+ new sounds

+ cool new effects

+ capturable but protected mammoth tank on TS_Snow is a nice feature

- some sound issues (for example with the shotgun)

- Silos are still not working on grandcanyon and shallows

- still elevated component towers on some maps

- cyborgs need more nerfing. promoted cyborgs should not get additional shield armor. Its too op, if the cyborgs heal in tiberium, as health and shield regenerates at the same time

- bikes do too much damage to component towers (decrease the projectile extend parameter)

Edited by Timeaua
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-Mutant Hijacker is pretty poor at stealing anything these days, could possibly use some love (radar invisibility springs to mind)

-GDI Component Towers seem to take insane amounts of damage from light rifles (two guys slaughtered the component towers on field just before the patch went live despite the fact I was repairing it with an engie)

-Don't know if it was a balance issue or just bad luck but NOD seemed to be getting Curb Stomped yesterday by GDI


+Sound effects are awesome now

+Aircraft death is Epic

+Mammoth Mk1 is INSANELY powerful (makes you wonder why GDI even bothered making the Mk2)

+Bike handles MUCH better

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- bikes do too much damage to component towers (decrease the projectile extend parameter)

Projectile extensions don't change the amount of damage done... and I'm not sure the bikes HAVE extensions in the first place.


-Mutant Hijacker is pretty poor at stealing anything these days, could possibly use some love (radar invisibility springs to mind)

He already IS radar invisible I think? I'm sure that was added months ago...


-Don't know if it was a balance issue or just bad luck but NOD seemed to be getting Curb Stomped yesterday by GDI

Just yesterday I think...this is the result of every match played under 1.2 (up until midday yesterday anyway);





As you can see, Nod are coming out on top a little too often... Hence the need for this patch.

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-Mutant Hijacker is pretty poor at stealing anything these days, could possibly use some love (radar invisibility springs to mind)

He already IS radar invisible I think? I'm sure that was added months ago...


Didn't feel like it, most vehicles I approached new exactly where I was even when I tried to hit them from a blind spot or waited until they were engaged by other forces and as I approached most of them turned to shoot at me.


I suppose it could be that someone else warned them that I was getting close but still... it seems a tad hard to actually steal anything which does kinda render the unit somewhat pointless


Maybe give them a grappling hook that can be used to rapidly pull yourself to a target vehicle within X distance from yourself or some emp charges you can slap on vehicles to screw with them for a bit (not as long as emp mines)




Oh wow, NOD really has been owning GDI, guess yesterday was just a case of getting used to the new balance changes (and everyone fighting over that Mammoth)

Edited by DeviousDave
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Look at your own radar, if you are radar invisible you won't show up on your own radar screen (I think...). That or ask a team mate :)



GDI drivers tend to be paranoid about hijackers and look around quite a bit, so if anyone spots one they all tend to abandon what they're shooting at to try and kill the hijacker... which can actually play to your teams advantage as a nice distraction tactic.

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Well, the two C4 charges from the passing Umagon didn't help :p


Focus on the damage MK2 does (+range) and what MK1 is inflicting :p


And yea MK1 can be c4ed unlike MK2 (even if Nod would get to have it)

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I don't see why you couldn't C4 a MkII... just approach from behind to avoid the chin gun and throw C4 on its legs. I don't often see Nod manage to steal a MkII these days though, not since it became unjackable.


Well you just can't.

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The Mammoth MKI needs to rely on superior range, flexibility, and maneuverability. If you manage it well, it kills everything on the ground and air, since it outranges nearly every unit except artillery (and MKII railguns). It also has a turret and is a tank unlike many GDI units, making it harder to ambush. Going head on with an MKII is a very dumb idea. You should get behind it or flank it so it can't hurt you.

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+Mammoth Mk1 is INSANELY powerful (makes you wonder why GDI even bothered making the Mk2)


Oh rly?




And yet you managed to get a quarter of the health of the Mk2 even though you had a C4ing Ummagon, what appears to be at least two mutant rebels (and those rifles hurt even against vehicles), a Wolverine and the Mk2 firing on you...


and The Mammoth Mk1 wasn't hindered law wise by:


+ the build speed of components and complexity of the locomotion system


+ the fact that only one could be supported at any given time by a Commander on the field...


so yeah, makes you wonder what GDI was thinking with the bullseye Mk2


(oh kay, I will admit the Mk2 has MUCH better armour than the MK1 and that the rail gun packs a bit more punch but seriously, who thought mounting them directly to the chassis instead of a turret was a good idea?)

Edited by DeviousDave
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That is why the cnc3 mammoth became a tank again; though mk2 in TS/R is still superior unit in regards to firepower and armor to mk1 which is as it should be.

Going head on with an MKII is a very dumb idea. You should get behind it or flank it so it can't hurt you.

If you are already getting attacked then it would be dumber to try to get around the map ;p

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Kind of a minor issue, but can we get the "I'm taking heavy fire" voices fixed so that they don't say it when you take very minor damage? Just earlier I jumped from the second floor of Construction Yard, took 1 point of damage, and my character started screaming about where the hell the reinforcements were.



I think that's funny as shit.


Jumping from that spot in particular is always what causes it, too. My favorite is when you jump and the character says "Move move move!"

Yeah, I added those in as testing but left them in...I just made 16 fall sounds for each team that will be in the next patch.

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IS it me or is the Nod bike engine sound almost none existent? i can barely hear it. Nod players just tend to use way more teamwork i've noticed. Most of my games with GDI have been very lame, no one using teamwork, i've seen a lot of failed rushes from huge attacks, bombers? have yet to see a successful attack. GDI vs Nod in vehicle battles is very balanced though. Nod's vehicles shine though against buildings. Mammoth MK:II is good (i enjoy it quite a lot and seen a lot of GDI victories because of it) but I think where GDI suck is the infantry, just a lot of sub-par or really average, compared to Nod's more specialized stuff. Weren't GDI winning quite a lot back when it was first released? i think that was due to the Titan being really good, and things like Stanks and Flame tanks being wank. Though the Titan Rush is still very effective.


But I've just seen a lot of games where Nod seems to have a lot of good players where as GDI doesn't, players can also effect balance to a huge degree.


If you're gonna nerf anything don't over do it. Small baby steps.

Edited by Bayonetta
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Wouldn't be surprised if the bike was made more quiet. Always struck me as odd for the faction that's all about sneak attacks, deception, and sabotage uses loud as shit engines on their vehicles. And, lore-wise, by 2030 they would probably have a quiet engine. Heck, maybe the bike's electric or fuel cell powered.

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IS it me or is the Nod bike engine sound almost none existent? i can barely hear it. Nod players just tend to use way more teamwork i've noticed. Most of my games with GDI have been very lame, no one using teamwork, i've seen a lot of failed rushes from huge attacks, bombers? have yet to see a successful attack. GDI vs Nod in vehicle battles is very balanced though. Nod's vehicles shine though against buildings. Mammoth MK:II is good (i enjoy it quite a lot and seen a lot of GDI victories because of it) but I think where GDI suck is the infantry, just a lot of sub-par or really average, compared to Nod's more specialized stuff. Weren't GDI winning quite a lot back when it was first released? i think that was due to the Titan being really good, and things like Stanks and Flame tanks being wank. Though the Titan Rush is still very effective.


But I've just seen a lot of games where Nod seems to have a lot of good players where as GDI doesn't, players can also effect balance to a huge degree.


If you're gonna nerf anything don't over do it. Small baby steps.

We are working on a whole new Armor ini that will end up being a full balance overhaul.This will make it so we have full control over every unit and weapon individually. Currently a lot of units are using the same warhead type so if we try to adjust one unit it ends up affecting all the units that use that same warhead. For example the Ghoststalker, Cyborg Commando, Confessor, and Disrupter all use the same warheads so if we make one better against a building they all end up better by default.

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The silo on TS_Isles is not working . Edit : Shallows but only if refinary is destroyed not quite sure if that is what is sappose to happen .


Secondly what frame rate does TSR run at ?


What causes the lag online ? Is it the netcode , is the engine poorly optamized , slow servers ?


I also think that the jugg explosion causes lag online but I could be wrong .

Edited by Eternity 6
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Maybe you could use the old Artillery explosion from APB Beta? The current one does seem to cause framerate drop, obscures your view...and looks kinda ugly to me. If we just need something to replace that tiny explosion from the Artillery shells that we used to have, then the APB Beta one should do just fine.

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