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Oh yeah, I didn't end up blocking that demo spot in the end because Allies were having a hard enough time winning that map even with it there last major version.


Also nice to see the new nuke effect actually slightly resembling a mushroom cloud :v

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That would be me if we were playing Rebarn. I don't know why, but I really enjoy playing as those GDI and Nod Engineers. :) I don't get the same enjoyment with APBs Engineers. It's probably because it's a limited wrench and not an unlimited magic fix everything gun that shoots blue, and I get promotions.

Edited by NodGuy
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Well in APB, a single person can outrepair a large attack force provided he has enough money to buy engineers repeatedly, so his teammates can actually go out and fight the enemy (I'm looking at you, catting). Whereas in Reborn, if a structure comes under heavy attack often you'll actually need to have 2-3 engineers to save it.


Reborn's engineer I think is better for offense though, since a disarmed C4 deals no damage, whereas with the briefcase you're guaranteed to do at least some damage and it happens instantaneously which helps add up the damage if your teammates are shooting at the building with other things.

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Huh, so I see FRAYDO switched himself over to the Vatican. I actually tried doing just that, but "Vatican City" and "the Vatican" didn't work, and it needs to be typed in exactly...but apparently it's "Holy See".

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If you're going Vatican, you have to type it exactly as:


!flag Holy See (Vatican City State)


You should get the confirmation then of a successful country update.


Speaking of exact typing, I think I saw you NodGuy attempting South Korea the other day from IRC logs. For South Korea you have to type:


Korea, Republic of


You should get the confirmation as well. Unfortunately, North Korea does not work as I have tried that myself.

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