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[Complete] RA:APB-themed Mafia game III


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Alright, I've got a bit of time to post, don't expect me to be back until Wednesday evening. Happy to see that stuff went right during the night.

Cat_5 has been acting strange this whole game. Judging by his actions he is a Fool. He could have done much worse things to get himself shot if dying was his main win condition. *I think there might be a possibility that he needs a majority hammer to fall on him to win, if there's such a specific win condition* Note: He did say Fraydo was his highest priority and then Fraydo died. I think this is a slip up on scums part to pin the most obvious target on Cat's back.

''Fraydo died, who was Cat5's biggest target.'' ''This must have been part of scums plan to put some blame on Cat5.'' How the living crap lad, I don't even understand what you're trying to achieve with this when Fraydo was part of a TIED lynch. Cat5 is suspicious as hell but I don't see how a Fraydo lynch would make Cat5 scum.

Mojoman is clearly not concerned about anything.

Flavour posting or not, why ''doesn't anything concern'' you?

Nodlied is throwing out the questions, hitting back with answers. But my Capitalist Dog sense is capitalizing. However, I think he is trying to probe too deep, he seems to not be jumping on the bandwagon when I was up for lynch, but he didn't stay on Isaac too long even though Isaac was acting very suspicious, an odd move for him. Isaac said that Nodlied wouldn't benefit from a tie, but I think he would if he knew the outcome was good for him no matter what.

I did not try to jump on the bandwagon when you were up for a lynch, what? I voted on you to get answers out of you due to your suspicious behaviour combined with your utter lack of contributions and I kept my vote until I got answers. And for your information, I still think that Isaac is really suspicious.

Thing is, I consider both you and Isaac to be tied for suspect Nr.1, yet you have barely contributed anything and are acting more suspicious than Isaac. So please explain the reasons behind your behaviour and accusations before my vote on you will stay there as permanent.

##Vote Mojoman

Well, I have more, but I'm out of time. Don't shoot anyone while I'm gone ok?

(Note, don't hammer while I'm gone either. Still have about 22 hours before I'm done with internship for this week.)

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Well, last night was pretty unevenful for me. Good to see everyone made it through in one piece.

So, here're the people which have some of my attention.


No, Mojoman, I could not post anything useful past hammer because I accidentally used up both of my posts for N1 and D2 starts at 1am on my end. :p

That line Cat5 mentioned about "only new players as scum" might imply something else IMO. That you are afraid to cast suspicion on the vets thus are afraid of confrontation with them (well, us) specifically.

Curious but understandable in some situations.


Now, Killing_You, IF you are town, you should stop doing what you were doing last game on early days. Namely act odd and try to get a hold of yourself, it's just a game. Basically, don't be a decoy for scum to use.

That's IF you are town of course. Which I still have my doubts about.


Isaac is yet another curious case. He's either a newbie scum or a clueless/risky townie.


Of course there's Cat5. He seems to follow his usual "Rally up and lead the town" tactic which he admittedly sticks to either as town, scum or TP which makes reading him kinda hard.

However, "smoke and mirrors" of D1 still don't sit well with me.

That and Mojo push while his line could be something else eternilly.

And that

No, I'm totally unconcerned about being lynched.

Em, townie should probably try and be concerned so that scum gets lynched instead. No? Even if you survive, town would still lose time which works for the scum.
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Nodlied, I know you're busy man, but you complete missed the part where Mojoman softclaimed cop. Mojoman being a cop also fits with your "fear the vets" narrative, Chaos. If he found a scum, he could be afraid of making the accusation if the scum were a veteran player.

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What can I say. I play aggressively to keep scum from being able to hide in the corner. I guess that doesn't work out too well, but this tends to happen when I'm nervous. And, of course, tunnel vision.


Isaac and Mojo are alpha priorities, but there's the possibility that Mojo's a cop, which could explain why he said I was fine for reasons he couldn't explain. Isaac has made only extremely flimsy attempts to defend himself.

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Mojoman being a cop also fits with your "fear the vets" narrative, Chaos. If he found a scum, he could be afraid of making the accusation if the scum were a veteran player.

Same as what I was thinking tbh.

It's a common tactic for power roles to try and be suspicious so that scum won't NK them.

Now I am curious what Mojo himself would say about such a theory.

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If Mojo confirms it, here is my suggestion:


1) We lynch Isaac today

2) Mojo checks himself to confirm sanity

3) Any medic role etc. on Mojo (in case no roleblocker)

4) Any roleblocker on the person they went on last night (in case no medic)


Sorry to out my role suspicion so early, Mojo. Did not want to let the narrative be spinned.

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##Vote Mojoman

[Vote Counted] Nodlied voted Mojoman to be lynched!


Time Left:

1 day(s) , 3 hours, 28 min, 17 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Mojoman

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted nobody

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


5/9 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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Here's my lame analysis:


ChopBam - Day 1, some flavor text. Votes Cat5 in the end, with "smoke and mirrors" reasoning. Later unvotes and requests a cop role investigate Cat5. As the final D1 vote, votes Mojoman, causing a tie between him and FRAYDO.

Category5 - First post, votes himself to "end the joke phase". Mojoman calls him out on this. Nodlied finds it strange. Second post he votes Chaos_Knight, implies a gimmick. Cat5 later votes Mojoman and announces he plans to cycle between FRAYDO and Mojoman. Townreads ChopBam. Day 2: votes Mojoman, apparently missing or ignoring the softclaim.

Chaos_Knight - Plays along with Cat5. In the end breaks a tie and votes Mojoman.

Isaac The Madd - Bases his vote on Mojoman on flavor text while ChopBam also posted only flavor text by the time Isaac voted. Later retracted the vote claiming it to be a "joke", joined the FRAYDO bandwagon (claims to have voted for FRAYDO to break a tie).

Mojoman - Day 1 implies Cat5 is a third party. Apparently cop, since Day 2 he softclaims that Killing_You is not scum ("for now").

Killing_You - Voted Cat5 on the first day (only because he didn't want to tie the votes).

Nodlied - Doesn't like Cat5. Really doesn't like Cat5. Most of his posts are responses to Cat5's posts. Votes Mojoman in the end. Day 2: Votes Mojoman, apparently missing or ignoring the softclaim.

FRAYDO - Townreads ChopBam, suspects Isaac and Mojoman. Is dead.

Wallywood - Is dead to me.



The only things that stand out for me really are Isaac's scumminess, Nodlied's odd obsession with Cat5, and ChopBam's weird vote that caused a tie. I didn't find much in his posts that pointed to him townreading FRAYDO (may have missed it). Perhaps he just thought Mojoman was scummier. Since Category5 is possibly a third party, I'll take his townreads with a grain of salt. FRAYDO, on the other hand, had a decent townread on ChopBam, which is a compelling reason to let his weird tie vote thing go for now.


Nodlied, what's with the obsession with Cat5?

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ChopBam's weird vote that caused a tie. I didn't find much in his posts that pointed to him townreading FRAYDO (may have missed it). Perhaps he just thought Mojoman was scummier.

I did think Mojo was acting scummier. I didn't have a townread on FRAYDO, but I figured it wasn't important to have a decisive lynch on D1, so I tied it up last minute to let the dice choose.


It's possible at this point that Jeod and Mojoman are scum - spinning a believable tale about the cop and the good guy, although it IS true that Isaac has been acting out of the ordinary. Could he just be another Killing You? Isaac, anything to say?

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ChopBam's weird vote that caused a tie. I didn't find much in his posts that pointed to him townreading FRAYDO (may have missed it). Perhaps he just thought Mojoman was scummier.

I did think Mojo was acting scummier. I didn't have a townread on FRAYDO, but I figured it wasn't important to have a decisive lynch on D1, so I tied it up last minute to let the dice choose.


It's possible at this point that Jeod and Mojoman are scum - spinning a believable tale about the cop and the good guy, although it IS true that Isaac has been acting out of the ordinary. Could he just be another Killing You? Isaac, anything to say?



If that were true we wouldn't be all for clearing some random townie with no nightkill. It's possible, but implausible.

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If that were true we wouldn't be all for clearing some random townie with no nightkill. It's possible, but implausible.

Unless I'm missing something, this shouldn't mean much if the scum are good at fitting in. And, I know I'm new at this game, but fitting in is their job so they don't get lynched, right?
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That's correct. However, it's not good for scum to put themselves out there as power roles with no nightkill and especially if there's a possibility of a roleblocker or doctor. It draws too much attention. Scum's job is pretty much fitting in without taking a commanding role.

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Sorry I was away, I was helping my mother work on one of her project houses.


Now I have no real reason to vote anyone, except Jeod who insists I am scum even though only I voted Mojo as joke, and Fraydo because I didn't see Mojoman as a threat, but Fraydo was a wild card to me.


Killing You seems to be following all of Jeod's ideas now, I don't know if this actually means anything.


##vote Jeod

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##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Isaac The Madd voted Jeod to be lynched!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 22 hours, 27 min, 47 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Mojoman

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted nobody

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


6/9 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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Well I gotta put down the roleplay mantle for a minute here because I'm going to be indisposed for 12+ hours tomorrow and have to get to bed shortly.


I can't in good conscious vote for Jeod. He has been weighing options and defending who needs defending. If he was scum I don't believe he would be giving this balanced of an approach to everyone.


I just honestly want to know what Cat_5 is, there's a fair chance I might get night killed and I just have to see what happens before that. I'm certain nothing bad will happen with a lynch attempt.


##Vote Cat_5

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Well I gotta put down the roleplay mantle for a minute here because I'm going to be indisposed for 12+ hours tomorrow and have to get to bed shortly.


I can't in good conscious vote for Jeod. He has been weighing options and defending who needs defending. If he was scum I don't believe he would be giving this balanced of an approach to everyone.


I just honestly want to know what Cat_5 is, there's a fair chance I might get night killed and I just have to see what happens before that. I'm certain nothing bad will happen with a lynch attempt.


##Vote Cat_5


I'm 90% positive he's a Fool or something bad for town.

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##Vote Cat_5

[Vote Counted] Mojoman voted Category 5 Hurricane to be lynched!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 20 hours, 57 min, 51 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Mojoman

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted Category 5 Hurricane

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


7/9 votes casted so far

3 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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[Vote Cancel] Jeod cancelled his/her vote on Isaac The Madd!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 20 hours, 48 min, 30 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Mojoman

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted Category 5 Hurricane

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


6/9 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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No hammer for Chaos.

Em, I don't think hammer triggers by just everyone casting their vote, esp. with forced voting in place. And Wally is still "technically" playing.

Not that I would risk it anyway. Early day ends are no good for town. Just as tie RNG lynches btw >_>


Well I gotta put down the roleplay mantle for a minute here because I'm going to be indisposed for 12+ hours tomorrow and have to get to bed shortly.


I can't in good conscious vote for Jeod. He has been weighing options and defending who needs defending. If he was scum I don't believe he would be giving this balanced of an approach to everyone.


I just honestly want to know what Cat_5 is, there's a fair chance I might get night killed and I just have to see what happens before that. I'm certain nothing bad will happen with a lynch attempt.

Now, Mojoman hasn't confirmed or denied anything. Which is strange. Even stranger, he went on how Jeod is a nice person and everything even though he wasn't exactly in the crosshairs to say. Then he tossed another jab at Cat5 and left without saying much else.

This just doesn't glue together well.


Isaac is pretty defensive, understandably so considering him behind one of the top lynch targets. But how come he has no suspicion about anyone but Jeod? Unless he's afraid of confrontations and thus active discussions.

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Alright, I've got a number of things I want to bring up here.


First of all I want to talk about night 1. Specifically, I want to talk about how nobody apparently has any news about what happened. Since there was no night kill, it's time to examine the possibilities.


1) The obvious first angle is to assume that the night kill was stopped by a defensive town action. I do not currently believe this to be true. There are not doctor roles on town in this game (Medics are an Allied role, Jeod), so it is not possible that someone stopped a kill by healing the target. Also nobody claimed that they were attacked. This probably also ties in to anyone who may have used a BP role. So something else happened.


2) The next angle would be to claim an offensive town action stopped a kill by preventing a target from taking an action. (Like Voe did every phase a couple games ago) Nobody has claimed that, and the arguments being used today don't seem to include anything beyond what we already argued about in Day 1. Nobody learned anything new last night, so I don't think any town member is responsible for or has any theory based on their own actions as to why there wasn't a kill.


3) If town didn't stop mafia, scenario 3 would be to suggest that mafia failed to make the kill because of inactivity. This would place Wallywood as a suspect, and perhaps also Mojoman as he wasn't particularly active either. However, even if Wallywood and Mojoman were both mafia, I very much doubt that mafia would have failed to kill. Mojoman would have to know that Wallywood isn't around and won't make a kill, so he wouldn't make the mistake of failing to make the kill himself, and there is a pretty good chance there is a 3rd member of the team as well. Somebody would have mailed in the kill. (I say this, even though in 2 of the last 4 games I played, mafia did fail to make the kill because of inactivity...)


4) If town didn't protect, and didn't roleblock, and mafia didn't fail to make the NK, what's left? We go into crazy land to find the answers! Stuff that's so crazy it just might be right! I LOVE this part!

My first crazy scenario is that mafia had something they'd rather do than make a kill. Say, for example, mafia has 2 spies and...whatever role would be a scout. The two spies could go out and grab roles to pretend to be while the scout watches someone they think a cop will visit (something possible since a small handful of players openly suggested that I be investigated). It's a defensive ploy that protects the spies from cop roles and also gives a good chance at catching the cop at the same time.


A variant of that scenario is where mafia attempts to kill the cop by planting explosives on the target they expect a cop to visit. Again, this could have been done to me given how prominently I was attacked on Day 1 and the suggestions to mark me.


Of all the options, I believe that the last is most likely. Mafia either tried to get a kill by planting a trap or intentionally chose to do other things rather than kill.


5) Actually, I have one more crazy theory. What if mafia can't kill until or unless something happens? Maybe they could even be bigger in number than usual?


Moving back into the present:


I flat out do not believe that Mojoman is a cop. Frankly, to suggest that "I know someone is town but I can't tell you why" isn't exactly concealing anything. It would be stupid for a cop to say such a thing. Hell, it would be stupid for anyone to say unless they wanted to draw an attack upon themselves...or if they wanted to draw a cop counter-claim. And I also don't believe that he'd investigate Killing_You out of all available targets. And then Jeod, if it was a cop soft claim, why point it out so quickly? I was actually so caught up on his "new scum" line that I did miss the soft claim after it and actually said aloud "what fucking soft claim?" and reread the whole day again before I found it prior to making this post. You could have kept that to yourself to raise the survivability of the player that you supposedly think is the cop. And why are you so interested in directing what the cop does? If town actions are left in the open like that, you leave yourself vulnerable to mafia actions that might be able to mess with the results, and I'm quite sure you know all of this. Given that my top theory to why there was not an NK is because of a potential trap that wasn't sprung, I'm suspicious of how much you've been calling shots. Shoot Cat5, investigate Cat5, investigate yourself, investigate Cat5 some more, doc protect the "cop" (whoops there isn't likely to be one) yadda yadda yadda.


And going back to that new scum line, does seriously nobody else find that odd? You can't meta-argue about Issac on a scum team from the point of view of "inexperienced scum team" unless you know that somebody new is scum. You can't know that somebody new is scum unless you are scum and it helps if you yourself are (relatively) new.


Frankly, I'm to the point where I can't choose between Jeod and Mojoman. I'm actually a bit more suspicious of Jeod than Mojoman now, but flipping Mojoman as scum would clear the 3 people who voted from him on Day 1, which would be invaluable, but it also carries a big risk if I'm wrong and Mojoman really did claim himself to be a cop after only checking one person and getting a town result from it (which would be madness).


I'll switch for now. It'll benefit me later if I switch again anyway.


##vote Jeod

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##vote Jeod

[Vote Counted] Category 5 Hurricane voted Jeod to be lynched!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 13 hours, 54 min, 28 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Jeod

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted nobody

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted Category 5 Hurricane

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


6/9 votes casted so far

2 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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Cat5 has officially lost it. Dude, people were voting Mojoman, ignoring Isaac even though people have said they agree with my reasoning on him, and more people who haven't even voted think Mojoman is scummy. And you yourself said there are roles not on the role sheet. Are you upset that I'm playing well?


No hammer for Chaos.

Em, I don't think hammer triggers by just everyone casting their vote, esp. with forced voting in place. And Wally is still "technically" playing.
Not that I would risk it anyway. Early day ends are no good for town. Just as tie RNG lynches btw >_>

Well I gotta put down the roleplay mantle for a minute here because I'm going to be indisposed for 12+ hours tomorrow and have to get to bed shortly.

I can't in good conscious vote for Jeod. He has been weighing options and defending who needs defending. If he was scum I don't believe he would be giving this balanced of an approach to everyone.

I just honestly want to know what Cat_5 is, there's a fair chance I might get night killed and I just have to see what happens before that. I'm certain nothing bad will happen with a lynch attempt.

Now, Mojoman hasn't confirmed or denied anything. Which is strange. Even stranger, he went on how Jeod is a nice person and everything even though he wasn't exactly in the crosshairs to say. Then he tossed another jab at Cat5 and left without saying much else.
This just doesn't glue together well.

Isaac is pretty defensive, understandably so considering him behind one of the top lynch targets. But how come he has no suspicion about anyone but Jeod? Unless he's afraid of confrontations and thus active discussions.



If Mojoman is trying to soft that I'm correct in my suspicion, then he's awful at it. Regarding the hammer, with no nightkill and Wallywood gone, it's not worth the risk. Day 2 is when forced voting starts, right?

Last point to Cat5: If I were scum and spotted that soft before any of you, why would I openly draw attention to it with Mojoman being suspicious? Your argument is flimsy at best.

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Mafia Edit: I'll be gone starting in about 30 minutes until around 2, after which I'll be busy for most of the rest of the day here. In case I don't make it back in time for hammer, I'm putting my vote back up.


##vote Isaac The Madd

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Category 5 Hurricane- Has been behaving rather erratically this whole game. For someone as experienced as he is, this doesn't gel with town or scum behavior. I suspect a third party/ possible fool.

Chaos_Knight- Been pretty good about reading everyone. Even correctly read FRAYDO as town when many of us were wrong. Feels town.

ChopBam- Has been decent analytically so far, but somewhat quieter. Drawing a blank, but leaning towards town.


FRAYDO- Spooky ghostie.

Isaac The Madd- Questionable behavior and very weak defense. Pretty certain he's scum.

Jeod- He's basically spearheading the charge against the scum, and has done a very good job with it. Feels town to me.

Killing You- Town for sure.

Mojoman- Posted a bunch of flavor text, and softclaimed as a cop. However, it's possible he's on a scum team with Isaac, which would explain their odd behavior, and why Isaac was so quick to vote and unvote him day 1. If this is the case, he might be a spy who stole my identity, which is why he said that I'm of no concern to town "at the moment" and that he couldn't "state reasons at the moment." He also suspected Cat5 as a fool and Isaac as scum, yet he also chose to vote Cat5. This is suspicious to say the least.

Nodlied- He's being more reactionary this time around. I think he's town.

Wallywood- Taking a nap under a bunk bed.


That's my analysis. I'm sticking with Isaac for now, and after that Mojo is on my hit list.

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##vote Isaac The Madd

[Vote Counted] Jeod voted Isaac The Madd to be lynched!


Time Left:

0 day(s) , 6 hours, 32 min, 9 sec



Category 5 Hurricane voted Jeod

Chaos_Knight voted nobody

ChopBam voted Category 5 Hurricane

Isaac The Madd voted Jeod

Jeod voted Isaac The Madd

Killing You voted Isaac The Madd

Mojoman voted Category 5 Hurricane

Nodlied voted Mojoman

Wallywood voted nobody


7/9 votes casted so far

3 voted players are at a tie (2 each)

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