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It's nice that we have a new forum but I hope we get the themes back soon. This white background is killing me. My only criticism of the site is how avatars are now circular, which really limit the options we have in regards to choosing avatars, and has ruined some already existing avatars here. Example: Einstein's avatar looks silly because a bunch of the words were not able to fit into the circle.


Other than that, I'm excited to see this new version grow. :)

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10 minutes ago, One Winged Angel said:

Themes are on their way. Don't worry :)

I'm prioritising the Reborn and APB themes right now; anything else will come afterwards!

Edit: Avatars are now square again!

Awesome to hear and thanks for changing the avatars! :D

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The light theme brings out a large contrast with all the different images and silly red texts, creating a rather crowded and messy look. also, bright backgrounds are generally less pleasant to read from for a lot of people.

I had the 'pleasure' of working with IPB software for a few years myself, and the inability to modify simple things without delving into the code (not CSS) kind of bothered me, it had (has?) so little out of the box functionality.


Edit: Maybe it's my headache but I keep reading my user title as something much more inappropriate...

Edited by Raap
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Perhaps you should change the banner logo into something more general-purpose, it's both outdated and confusing when people go to W3DHub and then click on a forum that says "Reborn".

Functionality-wise you miss a few things as well, such as a simple link back to the website. And "leaderboard" will be confused with in-game statistics (what is the purpose of a "leaderboard" on a forum anyways, posting is not a contest).

Edited by Raap
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1 hour ago, Jeod said:

Yeah, whoever made the new Reborn skin did a fine job of it. Thanks!

Cheers! :)


7 minutes ago, Raap said:

Perhaps you should change the banner logo into something more general-purpose, it's both outdated and confusing when people go to W3DHub and then click on a forum that says "Reborn".

Functionality-wise you miss a few things as well, such as a simple link back to the website. And "leaderboard" will be confused with in-game statistics (what is the purpose of a "leaderboard" on a forum anyways, posting is not a contest).

We need to make something a bit more general purpose first. I have some good intentions, but not enough time to carry out most of them. I threw together this skin at the weekend as a stop gap measure, so it will only be improved upon with time.

The other things you mentioned such as the links and leaderboard requires a quick review, but we'll be sure to do what we think is best for the community and justify it in our updates. The link back to the website is definitely needed, so that will probably be what I work on next. :)

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