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Pick-Up-Game Roster Type  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Team organization?

    • Experienced team leaders pick players prior to the game (on teamspeak) to create two evenly matched teams, depending on who shows up.
    • We carefully organize teams in advance prior to the PUG match while making sure both have an even number of skilled players.
  2. 2. Game setup?

    • Each team gets some time in separate teamspeak channels prior to the PUG starting to work out a strategy.
    • Special training matches are organized by the upcoming PUG's selected team leaders prior to the actual PUG match.
  3. 3. Map rotation?

    • One team chooses the first map, then the other team chooses the second map, and so on...
    • Random map selection, neither team chooses.
  4. 4. Ideal PUG time?

    • Fridays (EU evening, US afternoon).
    • Saturdays (EU evening, US afternoon).
    • Sundays (EU evening, US afternoon).

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Most of the votes are for random map selection so far. Would that mean that we should make a proper map pool of viable maps that fit clan war criteria and use online software to randomly pick out a number and select a map each time we play? That being said, both teams should be told which map is playing before we all jump into the game otherwise the preparation time in separate teamspeak channels means very little. At least 10 minutes of talking about strategies and knowing the map on both sides should be explored.

I extended the list of players, we're nearing 20 on the roster. Keep it up! Apply now!

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Once again, APB and TSR players, don't be shy - let us know you're interested! Just leave a response. You have no obligation to ever show up, just tell us you'd like to play in coordinated matches and have the best games possible! The reply button is down there to your right. Also, vote in our poll!

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Just got back from the store (and when I say the, there's literally only one store around here). They don't have any mics aside from a few 50 dollar headsets, so I might check amazon later

Edited by OrangeP47
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We've acquired 21 people formally signed up as interested and even more asking questions about the PUG matches. Fantastic! This is something we hope to turn into a regular thing across all W3D games if it picks up, so this is a great start. We're currently setting up the server backend infrastructure required to support these matches as well as teamspeak channels, PUG rules/guidelines... you'll all be notified on the forum when the first PUG is going to be - hint: soon / poll results.

For those of you who are asking about PUGs and clan wars and all of that we advise you to send a response right here and let us know you're interested so we can keep track of how many people might show up at a PUG event. You are not obligated to show up, as it will be organized similarly like a game night, only with a coordinated team versus team match-up.


In order to participate, all you need to do is join our TeamSpeak (ts.w3dhub.com) and jump into the "Waiting Room" channel located under "PUG Arena". After a short time for people to gather up, we'll most likely select two very experienced APB tacticians with good communication skills to "lead" each faction. One for the Allies, and one for the Soviets. There is a good chance these commanders will be W3D Hub staff members to maximize our event's overall potential on both sides, but in theory anyone could take on the role provided you know what you are doing - so speak up if you feel like leading us to victory!

NOTE: The PUG server will most likely be protected from intrusion via a password or whitelist. The only way to participate is by getting direct access (or password) through your team's commander. DO NOT GIVE the server password to anyone who IS NOT IN YOUR TEAM'S CHANNEL! Only players who have been sorted into teams get access; just because you are in the waiting room does not mean you will be allowed to drop in mid-game. Stay patient if you're late to a PUG event.

After our commanders have been chosen, they'll sort out the teams so that we have an evenly matched setup. This will be done either by each side choosing one person, then the other choosing the next, or just by a general consensus and depending on who wants to play with who. Anything goes, it's just important that we have an even number of experienced players on both sides, otherwise one side could end up loosing due to some form of inexperience, however slight. Balanced teams are key!

At some point we're going to select the maps we'll be playing. Either by random selection or popular vote. We should have a pool of at least three maps to play. After which we could add more if players so wish. We can even shake up the team rosters or switch factions, anything goes...

Once teams are sorted out, we'll split off into two faction-specific TeamSpeak channels. Each team will have a bit of time to come up with a strategy for the next map in the current PUG rotation. This should take about 10-15 minutes, or something similar depending on how many people are playing. Commanders can ask for volunteers to play in certain roles such as dedicated repair defenders, scouts, special operatives for thief/spy missions, anti-tank units or things like dedicated air cover. Depends on the game plan, so pay attention during this phase. Experienced players are encouraged to help devise battle plans, but keep in mind that the commander has final say in case of a stalemate or disagreement on tactics.

If everything is set and both teams' players are all online and ready, commanders will notify each other and you will be given the green light to join the server. Make sure to follow PUG rules and ask your commander or any W3D Hub staff member if you have any questions.

Here's the first draft of the PUG rules (subject to change depending on what PUG regulars want):


PUGs are organized APB/TSR matches with higher level team versus team cooperative play. Anyone interested can join, you don't need to be in a clan!



1. Use your microphone! Focus on voice chat instead of typing as much as possible! If not, then use in-game quick voice commands wherever possible so we don't have to read the text chat too much.

2. Always listen to your designated team leader! Carry out your role and team strategy to the best of your ability.

3. No team-hampering, map exploit abuse, provocations or personal insults! Play fair and treat others with respect! Emotions can flare up during intense matches, and that's okay - just don't take it out on anyone. It's just a game.

4. You are not allowed to join the other team's TeamSpeak channel! No communication disruption or spying. Keep it civil. The only exception are team leaders and W3D Hub staff needing to communicate better about an issue, clear up rules or get the game started properly. Meet up in the waiting room if you need to talk to someone from the other team.

5. Do not abandon your team mid-game. If you join a PUG match, you are expected to stay until the end of the current map. If something very important comes up and you do have to leave abruptly, please alert everyone and team-donate your credits if at all possible. (!td *amount*)

6. Join the server only after your team leader tells you to. Avoid doing anything before everyone on your team is ready to jump into the game.


8. Stick to Push-To-Talk or make sure your microphone won't pick up ANY sounds from your when you are not speaking into it. You won't be allowed to play if we constantly hear your breathing, keyboard or random outbursts of various sound effects coming from your house. Say something, then go silent - don't disturb others with an open-mic.


W3D Hub staff, who organize these PUGs, have the full right to restrict or ban you from participating in PUG matches for whatever reason. You either follow our rules and act accordingly or you don't play at all.

Please refer to the "PUG Arena" TeamSpeak channel description for the latest PUG ruleset. This is just an example of how things might go, as it is the first draft. We have to start somewhere.

Once again, to anyone interested but not sure if you can make the PUG events or not, make sure to let us know that you're following along and would like to participate. The more people we can add to the possible roster of players, the easier it is to see what kind of turnout we can expect in the future. Plus it helps drive more interest and life into the W3D community. Just leave a comment here saying you'd like to play and that's it! You have no obligation to show up because it's just like any other game night, only we actually pick teams on a separate server setup. :)

Who's excited for the first PUG match? Stay tuned for more information - we'll have a time and date pretty soon! Just check the poll for a possible hint!

Edited by AZ-Stalker
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24 minutes ago, forg0ten1 said:

I doubt we will have to worry to much about spies

There's always a few good uses even if the other team is alert.  About a month ago or so on a rather large Complex game I got one and snuck into the power plant, which was the signal for the tanks to rush the coil.  A week later I yanked a demo from someone on RidgeWar as they bought it but unfortunately hopped back out because I was spamming the button too hard :v

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Spies can also open up locked enemy tunnel doors and whatnot if I remember correctly? So that's another use, just to get an infiltration team inside the enemy base, while they are, say, distracted by a vehicle battle. Lots of options. Whats going to be interesting is getting to use such specialized units strategically and not spur of the moment.

The team is still working on setting up the server system for the first PUG event, but we're roughly aiming to make it work for this Saturday. MAYBE. It's not official yet since it depends on the server back-end that's being worked on as I write this, but I figured everyone could use a small heads-up as early as possible so we can maximize the player number with people keeping their calendars at least semi-open for now. No promises on this Saturday, like I said, depends on how the server work goes. It's just speculation at the moment. If it really does turn out to be this Saturday, expect a formal announcement with final elaboration on how exactly it's going to work.

Once the first PUG plays out, we'll have a ton of real data and first hand experience and feedback to go over and improve on how future PUGs will work. :)

EDIT: I just realized that we'll really need to be fully voice chat, because if anyone writes anything and there's a spy - the enemy team knows instantly because the spy can just talk via mic. Same goes for quick commands, the Allies can just have a random spy in their base to monitor enemy MOVE OUT MOVE OUT commands to alert a rush is incoming.

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First PUG announcement should be going up sometime soon. A very late one because we had to make sure the back-end work was done properly. This first test PUG should tell us a lot of things on how we should proceed with turning it into a regular weekend event type of thing. :)

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