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[Game Over] The July Crisis Mafia


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Just a little side note here. I won't be posting a new CVC for each and every vote. (I'm lazy. :v )  I'll do it whenever I think it is necessary or if it alters anything in any meaningful way.

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Just now, Retaliation said:

Then we know your opinions can be safely disregarded!

I'll only swoop in and desecrate everyone near the end of the game after some moron decides to poke me. :D

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To be fair, this seems like a very Cat 5 game. Also, more importantly, we don't have Voe to beat up on.  On the bright side, however, our vote at present time is not fatal. On the down side, even if we do somehow manage to nail suspect number one by random luck, it's not fatal...

This is going to be a non-traditional game, I love it.  Good arguments can be made for investigating nearly anyone.  Honestly, Jeod's logic is sound. That said, Jeod is also The Scummiest Scum Who Ever Scummed (TM), and investigating him front and center right away might also be a good idea, just so we know a little more about where we stand.  I'd wager even if we did get a scummy in the crosshairs D1 not all of their cards would be tipped.

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Actually, to clarify too:  Some people are definitely better picks than others for investigation, but the idea that we could possibly try and establish a 'safe investigator' is valid, which could be anyone we trust to do a good job.

Keep in mind, if we go that route, there's also nomination to worry about. Do we really want to give that to a number 2 if we're voting favorites with investigate?

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2 hours ago, Jeod said:

##investigate Category 5

Because it's always good to know when we can or can't trust our most valued player.

You know, before the game started I was already thinking about doing just that, for that exact reason. Haven't yet decided if it's something I really want to do, though. Unlike the last time I used that tactic, I'm unsure it makes tactical sense for this game.

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13 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

You know, before the game started I was already thinking about doing just that, for that exact reason. Haven't yet decided if it's something I really want to do, though. Unlike the last time I used that tactic, I'm unsure it makes tactical sense for this game.

Nice choice of avatar though.  From one of the Paradox games series? I can't quite place just which entry though. Maybe Victoria 1.

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1 hour ago, Mojoman said:

##investigate Jeod


I just know Jeod is gonna be some stupid third party somehow. He's gonna be from Switzerland or something and be neutral I swear. Not letting that happen again.

I've only played Victoria 2's campaign a couple times, but I've always done so as Switzerland. I learn all Paradox games by playing Switzerland first, before turning on Churchill mode to manage Great Britain. Probably should have picked that flag for this, actually. Oh well.

That said, I have no idea how Switzerland would play into this, at all. They yell "STAY OFF MY LAWN" so much that Hitler had to send them some of his best fighter aircraft just to get his experimental jet fighter back...which the Swiss then used to shoot down German aircraft that flew into Swiss airspace.

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2 minutes ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Should be the Victoria 2 flag. That's what the Paradox forum called this image, anyway.

It's been awhile since I've played either. I'm currently attempting a mega-campaign and am back in CK2.

More on topic:  If Jeod's claim that he's American is IC not OOC, it'd be interesting to see just what involvement there is there, too.

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##investigate Jeod

I sincerely doubt he's actually american, when the United States barely had any involvement in the war until towards the end (aside from trading supplies, of course). I bet we're pretty much all European, with maybe an Ottoman in the mix.

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11 hours ago, Mojoman said:

##investigate Jeod


I just know Jeod is gonna be some stupid third party somehow. He's gonna be from Switzerland or something and be neutral I swear. Not letting that happen again.



10 hours ago, FRAYDO said:

Whoever we do investigate today may also leave some evidence behind. Between Jeod and Category I think I would first like to know who Jeod is and then Category after.

##Investigate Jeod



8 hours ago, Killing You said:

##investigate Jeod

I sincerely doubt he's actually american, when the United States barely had any involvement in the war until towards the end (aside from trading supplies, of course). I bet we're pretty much all European, with maybe an Ottoman in the mix.



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I think I'll actually choose Cat5 here. 2 reasons. I vaguely (almost entirely indistinct) feel bad for Jeod. But more importantly, the sooner we know we can trust Cat5, the sooner he can help us whole-heartedly. And I think it'll be more helpful than finding whether or not Jeod is trolling us, but I think we should investigate him D2.

##Investigate Category 5

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2 minutes ago, TheIrishman said:

I think I'll actually choose Cat5 here. 2 reasons. I vaguely (almost entirely indistinct) feel bad for Jeod. But more importantly, the sooner we know we can trust Cat5, the sooner he can help us whole-heartedly. And I think it'll be more helpful than finding whether or not Jeod is trolling us, but I think we should investigate him D2.

##Investigate Category 5

Also the fact that Nodlied distinctly said that he would not be giving me a crazy role, nor did I request one.

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2 minutes ago, OrangeP47 said:

Possibly clearing Jeod would be valuable too.  Investigation is not likely to screw anyone over, as well. Granted, being the late voter that I am unwilling to put my money where my mouth is, I'm one to talk.

That's pretty much why I'm holding my vote on him (in addition to not believing his America claim). Investigation doesn't really do much aside from confirming their role/alignment, and I've learned to treat Jeod as the wild card, even if he doesn't have a wild card role.

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2 hours ago, TheIrishman said:

I think I'll actually choose Cat5 here. 2 reasons. I vaguely (almost entirely indistinct) feel bad for Jeod. But more importantly, the sooner we know we can trust Cat5, the sooner he can help us whole-heartedly. And I think it'll be more helpful than finding whether or not Jeod is trolling us, but I think we should investigate him D2.

##Investigate Category 5



1 hour ago, Mojoman said:

Actually you're right, at least about not investigating Jeod.





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18 hours ago, Killing You said:

##investigate Jeod

I sincerely doubt he's actually american, when the United States barely had any involvement in the war until towards the end (aside from trading supplies, of course). I bet we're pretty much all European, with maybe an Ottoman in the mix.

This is the one important quote I'd like to point out of all the ones who took my American claim as an actual nationality claim. It might just be me, but this looks like it comes from the scum perspective. You read my nationality and immediately considered whether it would match up with a power role, when in fact there is no evidence yet to prove that nationality and role have any correlation. This tells me two things:

1) You are on the lookout for power roles and have them at the front of your mind

2) You already suspect there is a link between nationality and role

Both points are scum perspective.

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Also, and it may be moot for the first day, I'd like to visit the evidence locker or pick someone who seems trustworthy to do so. The reason is that while there is no evidence yet, visiting will provide information such as the actions we could use, whether the evidence locker has a doc (meaning people can leave messages), and/or how many evidence items exist in the game.

Beyond that, there is also no reason not to have someone visit the locker, since it's a free day action.

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It's a strange calculus.  We really have no way of knowing who's trustworthy, we just have meta reputations. Ironically, one way to pick who goes to the locker is to find someone who we think would be too incompetent to cause harm if they actually are a baddy.

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