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[Game Over] CYOR - Halloween Edition


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Time Left:
0 day(s), 19  hour(s), 27 min(s)
Alstar voted nobody
ChopBam voted Jeod
FRAYDO voted OrangeP47
Jeod voted nobody
Killing You voted nobody
Voe voted Voe
Kamuixmod voted No Lynch
Nodlied voted Voe
OrangeP47 voted nobody
Category 5 Hurricane voted Voe

6/10 votes cast so far

Voe currently holds the most votes, 3

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Ok, there's almost absolutely nothing to talk about here, so as usual it falls to me to make Day 1 interesting.

I want to go along with kamuixmod's idea. I want to nolynch today. In addition, I want at least one person to be one vote less than the total for nolynch.

Why do I want that, you ask? Two reasons.

The first is because I want to setup a game of chicken with the scum team. Scum don't ever want a failed lynch. So what would happen if we were to place nolynch and <someone else> up as our vote targets as the day nears it's end? I bet it'll make scum get twitchy, no matter the alignment of the chosen counter-wagon.

The second reason? I've got an extra reason to cause this to happen.


I'm Akane Kurashiki. Yes, again. I'm technically the one of the villains of the Zero Escape series, while also being one of the survivors. This made me a wildcard where TheIrishman could choose which side he wanted my role to be. He wound up making me neutral, to allow me to decide which way to go in the same way Akane did. My win condition isn't hostile to either side, as besides surviving, I also need to trigger my passive day action at least once.

While I'm the same character, my role is not. If the vote at the end of the day ends in such a way that I could change the result of the vote by switching my vote, during the next night, I'll use the morphogenetic field to see what that history would have been. I will see what would have happened if someone else was lynched. This makes me a conditional cop role.

At the time I came up with this, I thought it was pretty clever. However, seeing my schedule coming up, I see now that I'm going to have a very hard time triggering this action as I was ALWAYS be at work during hammer. I'll need help setting up this scenario.


So, in short, let's follow along with kamuixmod and nolynch today and allow everyone to survive Day 1. As long as someone winds up with just one less vote than nolynch, we'll still learn something from the lynch. Therefore, there is no downside to this.

Other than someone shooting me before the day ends...which would be bad for me personally, but would find you guys mafia, so bonus!

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As much as Cat5 tends to lie about his role in D1 reveals (mostly to misguide others), not going to lie - this looks promising (and not as complicated as beforwe) for once to me. I'm willing to go with this plan but i'll keep my eyes on you.

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7 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

*The Grand Wall of Text*



I don't fully trust that day one claim of yours. And considering that it takes too long to figure out if you're speaking the truth and trying to help us, if you are truly Neutral, I'm not willing to go along with that plan.

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7 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:


Not only is Akane not a monster/villain, I know how your role works from the last time you chose it, and I'm betting that you tried to make it as similar as possible. Therefore, the scumtrap you're trying to set will only hinder town before it helps us find scum.

That aside, I haven't chosen anyone to vote for yet. There's still a good nine hours or so until hammer, however. I'll be watching.

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40 minutes ago, Nodlied said:

I see. I'll join you on the Germanic side then.

This is going to sound bad, but I have no idea what country your ball represents. I don't know my flags well. At all. Except the American flag. Because 'Murica.

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5 minutes ago, Jeod said:

This is going to sound bad, but I have no idea what country your ball represents. I don't know my flags well. At all. Except the American flag. Because 'Murica.

How typical. :v +1 for admitting the stereotype here.


4 minutes ago, Jeod said:

Mafia edit: Perhaps?

Close but no cigar. Just a bit more to the south-east.


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9 hours ago, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Ok, there's almost absolutely nothing to talk about here, so as usual it falls to me to make Day 1 interesting.

I want to go along with kamuixmod's idea. I want to nolynch today. In addition, I want at least one person to be one vote less than the total for nolynch.

Why do I want that, you ask? Two reasons.

The first is because I want to setup a game of chicken with the scum team. Scum don't ever want a failed lynch. So what would happen if we were to place nolynch and <someone else> up as our vote targets as the day nears it's end? I bet it'll make scum get twitchy, no matter the alignment of the chosen counter-wagon.

The second reason? I've got an extra reason to cause this to happen.


I'm Akane Kurashiki. Yes, again. I'm technically the one of the villains of the Zero Escape series, while also being one of the survivors. This made me a wildcard where TheIrishman could choose which side he wanted my role to be. He wound up making me neutral, to allow me to decide which way to go in the same way Akane did. My win condition isn't hostile to either side, as besides surviving, I also need to trigger my passive day action at least once.

While I'm the same character, my role is not. If the vote at the end of the day ends in such a way that I could change the result of the vote by switching my vote, during the next night, I'll use the morphogenetic field to see what that history would have been. I will see what would have happened if someone else was lynched. This makes me a conditional cop role.

At the time I came up with this, I thought it was pretty clever. However, seeing my schedule coming up, I see now that I'm going to have a very hard time triggering this action as I was ALWAYS be at work during hammer. I'll need help setting up this scenario.


So, in short, let's follow along with kamuixmod and nolynch today and allow everyone to survive Day 1. As long as someone winds up with just one less vote than nolynch, we'll still learn something from the lynch. Therefore, there is no downside to this.

Other than someone shooting me before the day ends...which would be bad for me personally, but would find you guys mafia, so bonus!

Normally, I would disagree here. NoLynch is pretty much giving scum a free pass D1 and allowing them to go straight to nightkill.

However, this claim of yours is... interesting, to say the least. I'm not familiar with the Zero Escape series, so I can't say whether or not it "fits" in the genre, but this claim of yours seems dubious to me. However, it gives us the unique opportunity to test two people at once, in a sense. So, I'll play along for now. I'm curious as to what's going to happen.

##vote NoLynch

Just remember though, if something falls through on your end, I'll be coming for you.

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