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[Game Over - Town Victory] Pokemafia 2


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1 minute ago, Shade939 said:

Well, I'm not the one who has to play the game without a Doctor now am I?

With a one-time use ability that you've used up? Congratulations on making yourself expendable and afraid of losing when you still have 3 lives.

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Just now, Jeod said:

With a one-time use ability that you've used up? Congratulations on making yourself expendable and afraid of losing when you still have 3 lives.

Considering your ability claim, I don't understand your point.

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I'm going to collect my reads so far.

KY -  If the investigation results are off, him actually being scum is an easy conclusion. Delivering healing items is fairly town on it's face. I do not believe he had any repeat pokemon when he posted.

Irish - Killed skarmory. No voltorb. About as active as KY.

Jeod - Has been very active and participates in discussion. Would be town read without these voltorb shenanigans.

Brig -  Active and participates. Combination of scyther result and potential for ability to be useful for scum.

Cat5.  Probably least active player. Same problem as Brig, scyther and potential for ability to help balance scum. If we find a player with a lot of level 50 pokemon we know why.

Shade. Probably scum if KY isn't.

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10 minutes ago, Retaliation said:

I'm going to collect my reads so far.

KY -  If the investigation results are off, him actually being scum is an easy conclusion. Delivering healing items is fairly town on it's face. I do not believe he had any repeat pokemon when he posted.

Irish - Killed skarmory. No voltorb. About as active as KY.

Jeod - Has been very active and participates in discussion. Would be town read without these voltorb shenanigans.

Brig -  Active and participates. Combination of scyther result and potential for ability to be useful for scum.

Cat5.  Probably least active player. Same problem as Brig, scyther and potential for ability to help balance scum. If we find a player with a lot of level 50 pokemon we know why.

Shade. Probably scum if KY isn't.

I don't see why Meowth would defect from Team Rocket to join Team Rocket. KY is 99.9% town. .1% offchance that Orange completely fudged the communication protocols for GMing (the protocols that make everything make sense).

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2 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I don't see why Meowth would defect from Team Rocket to join Team Rocket. KY is 99.9% town. .1% offchance that Orange completely fudged the communication protocols for GMing (the protocols that make everything make sense).

Jeod, you realize that Meowth is a reward for completing investigations, not a liability that's supposed to out Rocket for completing investigations.

It would make no sense for for KY to have Meowth to out him as a member of Rocket for beating an investigation.

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2 minutes ago, Shade939 said:

So, what is everyone's thoughts on investigations and what they're actually doing and how they work?

Good idea, how about we start with yours since you've been solely worried about yourself up to this point.

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I also keep forgetting there's only 7 of us. Is there even 2 scum ?

At this stage, with shade's shitty attempt at a role claim he's definitely scum. 

I thought maybe you weren't for a whole 30mins yesterday but nah. Nothing you say makes sense and the item theory makes sense, why have a 2 stage action profile.


What actions did you complete last night @Shade939?




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4 minutes ago, Brigitte said:

I also keep forgetting there's only 7 of us. Is there even 2 scum ?

At this stage, with shade's shitty attempt at a role claim he's definitely scum. 

I thought maybe you weren't for a whole 30mins yesterday but nah. Nothing you say makes sense and the item theory makes sense, why have a 2 stage action profile.


What actions did you complete last night @Shade939?

Is that really the question you should be asking here?

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At least come up with a legitimate accusation of why I'm scum that makes logical sense.

It's not hard to figure out why, and you should only be unaware of that fact if you are willfully ignoring what's already been said in this thread.

1. Heal Players.

2. Revive a single Pokemon.

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I already have. Several quotes in fact, a few pages back. I've already voiced my opinion on each one as well. At this point there's no reason for me to continue to "explain" why you're scum. The ball's in your court.

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7 minutes ago, Jeod said:

I already have. Several quotes in fact, a few pages back. I've already voiced my opinion on each one as well. At this point there's no reason for me to continue to "explain" why you're scum. The ball's in your court.

Jeod, one of your accusations consist of, he''s scum because he used a revive potion on a player other than himself in order to trick you into thinking he's scum....

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Just a notice to those who might participate in the battle:  Even if you intend to be here in person for the show down, please have a "Plan B" and submit autobattle orders or make similar arrangements.  Due to the complexity of scheduling 5 people to all be on at once, we may have no choice but to auto battle for some people, so we best be prepared.

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Now, I'd like to return to the discussion I started about 10 pages ago. It's time I explained why I asked about Brigitte's prior experience. We all know it's her first game here, but it appeared to me that she clearly had prior experience in this game type.

On 1/14/2019 at 9:15 PM, Brigitte said:


First post in this thread pretty much gives it away. We don't do "In" here to indicate signups to a game. However, this behavior is very common at Mafia Universe, almost universally so, (pun intended) and I imagine other forum game sites may also do this. Just off this one post we have a hint that Brigitte has experience in forum games. We can look at later quotes to see if that experience is in mafia. Would these kind of things be said by someone new to mafia, especially a custom mafia like this one?

On 2/24/2019 at 7:10 PM, Brigitte said:

Offtopic: Is there a way to end days early?

If everybody has voted one way or another does that mean that things are final and we can end or something?

On 2/25/2019 at 3:49 AM, Brigitte said:




Sounds Scumy ? Does Team rocket have objectives they need to meet apart from killing all town?

On 2/25/2019 at 4:41 PM, Brigitte said:


That's out of nowhere, forcing a conversation back to something else without an action...

I'm actually starting to get a read from you

On 2/27/2019 at 5:42 PM, Brigitte said:

You guys are jacking off and we're still basically on Day 1 with NO EXTRA information about the game mechanics.


##Investigate Route 34

##Trainer Brigitte

On 3/3/2019 at 6:23 PM, Brigitte said:

I mean, you're not wrong and i can see where you're coming from on this angle, But at this stage i think you're going to squirm your way out of the situation you're in as much as possible.

He's either a sheep follower or a Scumlord, Can we just put him down?

These are words of a person who is very familiar of mafia terminology and tactics, sometimes including some terms that aren't commonly used on this site. She asks about ending days early, extra objectives, knows how to do analysis on other players, understood that we were effectively still in a D1 gamestate for the first several phases of the game, and "sheep" is a term that we almost never use around here. I actually have to admit I don't fully understand how that term is used yet.

"But why is this important?", I hear you asking. Most players will tell us whether or not they have experience early on in their introduction to the group, but Brigitte declined to do much of an introduction at all, perhaps on purpose. The reason why Brigitte's words have caught my interest is that while she's clearly not new to this game type, I feel like some of the posts she makes are an attempt to cash in on the perception that she is new. Posts like these:

On 2/18/2019 at 8:09 PM, Brigitte said:

I don't really get this yet, I'm still trying to work it out!

I'm going to re-read and then do a thing

On 2/19/2019 at 8:02 PM, Brigitte said:

So i get that like day 1 is pretty boring, but I don't want to keep spamming pictures

What other stuff can we be doing right now?

On 2/19/2019 at 8:03 PM, Brigitte said:

Venom said i should come try out the forum games, they're supposed to be awesome!

(So far so good @OrangeP47)

On 2/21/2019 at 4:52 PM, Brigitte said:

Could you  care to elaborate? I thought he only lost one pikamon

On 2/25/2019 at 5:01 PM, Brigitte said:

To me, it makes sense to give us as much information as possible so we can make as infromed a decision as possible

On 2/25/2019 at 5:30 PM, Brigitte said:

Is withholding information scummy?

On 2/27/2019 at 9:28 PM, Brigitte said:

Based on our player numbers i can guess that we have 2-3 scum this game? is that how it usually balances out? 1:3 ratio or so?

On 3/3/2019 at 6:08 PM, Brigitte said:

Am i allowed to say that? xD

On 3/3/2019 at 6:25 PM, Brigitte said:


I'm doing it right guys.

Several times she asks about basic mafia concepts as if she needs us to tell her how the game is played, while it's already clear she is quite familiar with how mafia works. Those last couple in particular really flagged for me and is why I eventually bit and asked if she had prior experience. This is when she was "checking for liars" using her ability to get us all to reveal our rosters. I'm sure she new quite well what she was doing. She didn't need to quote me for validation. She was trying to use that situation to prove her ability and earn herself townie points, and leaned on my positive read on my opinion for extra townie points.


So, long story short, I've actually been rather suspicious of Brigitte for a good portion of the game as I've seen what appears to be two faces from the same player, the experienced one and the inexperienced one. Then, as Retaliation has already pointed out for me, I think that when she answered "Like i said, it's been a while", she has absolutely said that to someone in this game, which I why I went through the effort to check every post she made to make sure she didn't say it to us. If it were just OrangeP47 after signing up, I think she would have mentioned that. She said that to her teammate earlier in the game, probably after that teammate probably asked that same question after she said things that revealed she did likely have experience.

But wait, there is more!

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Going back to the "list checking", there is an interesting behavior I want to point out.

TheIrishman proposed we all post our rosters, specifically mentioning that we don't reveal which ones we have evolved and therefore which ones we are training.

Brigitte's response to this was to say that she could confirm one pokemon from the list of some people because her ability tells her the strongest pokemon that trainer has. That on the surface sounds pretty good. She can test players and confirm her role at the same time. The problem is that she needlessly reveals more information than is needed to prove her role.

I put out my roster because I already revealed one of them and I also could potentially lay a trap for her to fall into if she guessed wrong. She then "confirmed" that I was not lying but did not say which pokemon. I asked her to confirm which pokemon she saw to make sure she wasn't bluffing her role. Her first response was to ask if it was ok to reveal that, but then did so anyway without waiting for a confirmation. When she did so, she revealed that I have a Sandslash and that she did the check N3. She could have just confirmed Sandshrew and not said anything else, to reveal the minimum information required.

She then pesters Retaliation into posting his roster and confirms a pokemon without getting an ok first.

Jeod then pops up and asks if he was checked, and all she does is confirm that she did. She declines to say when, or even which one it was.

So, Brigitte's targets were:
N1 Jeod?
N2 Jeod?Retaliation?
N3 Category5
N4 Retaliation?

Oh, that's interesting, there should be at least one more person that she has targeted, but she didn't make a fourth confirmation. And then, of course, she was the last person to post her own team.

Now, that leads to my next section, because there is a bit of a theme where my scum suspects have both revealed more information than they had too when people were clearly trying to keep some info quiet.

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Yeah, you shot first, Solo.

On 2/25/2019 at 4:32 PM, Jeod said:

Was it anything to do with training?

At the time he says this, I've already claimed to have visited him, and Jeod's trying to figure out if the same thing happened to Retaliation. To ask aloud about training should in all likelyhood paint a target on me.

On 2/27/2019 at 4:49 PM, Jeod said:

Was it an egg by any chance?

Retaliation was going through a ton of effort to avoid saying what it was, but Jeod cracked it open. I don't fully know how these things work yet since I haven't had the fortune of getting one, but I agree with Retal that this should have been kept quiet.


On 2/28/2019 at 1:07 AM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

Yeah, he probably had multiple things happen to him Night 1 and mis-attributed the egg to me. My visit should have given him a different effect. I gave him a bonus that should have helped him make up for his loss on Night 1, or at least put him in better position than he would have been otherwise.

Despite Jeod already pretty much trying "training" to me, I continue to try to keep it vague.

On 2/28/2019 at 7:46 AM, Jeod said:

I did get that bonus, by the way. Although you probably knew that when you saw that I asked Retaliation about training.


On 3/1/2019 at 9:47 PM, Category 5 Hurricane said:

I picked you because KY's a little fishy to me. He's caught up on the game but the only read he has is on Brigette? I think there are some people here who have good reason to be read as town, and he's not doing that, and also not explaining why he isn't.

And yes, I did have a Scyther then, and I also have one now. It happens to be my second one I'm training up.

Unfortunately this means I have to give more weight to my ability claim. I'll say with complete confidence that Jeod didn't have a Level 20 Electric pokemon Day 2. He didn't have a Level 20 anything Day 2.

Alright, well, Jeod revealed that I do training, but it isn't confirmed how I help exactly, so I'll offer another vague tidbit that should confirm to Jeod that I know exactly how I helped him.

On 3/2/2019 at 9:11 AM, Jeod said:

It is indeed the latter. I trained my Eevee on Night 1 and by Day 2 it was a Lv30 Jolteon with Thunder. However, since Cat5 has only used that ability once that we know of, it poses questions since it could still be a Rocket ability.


On 3/2/2019 at 3:50 PM, Jeod said:

Obviously I didn't want to outright reveal the existence of a training bonus giver, and I also wasn't sure if it was given by a player or by RNG.

I haven't been training my Jolteon past Lv30, my trainings have been reserved for others on my roster.

I'm up for the task as well; Jolteon is still my primary however, so if you've got a Lv40 then I support it.

Right. Of course you didn't.

On 3/5/2019 at 4:18 PM, Jeod said:

Well, given that my egg hatched into a Moltres, I really didn't think it was given to me by scum.


On 3/5/2019 at 4:57 PM, Jeod said:

Yup. My ability is a passive one that protects me from negative night actions such as "kills". I've never been notified of any attempts so I have no clue if I actually prevented any or not.


On 3/5/2019 at 7:03 PM, Jeod said:

@Killing_You, you've yet to show your character and ability. Is the MooMoo Milk your doing?


On 3/5/2019 at 5:15 PM, Jeod said:

Time to cut the crap, this is the endgame. Are you seriously claiming doctor? After we've had four Pokemon losses, you've sat on your ass this entire time?

Retaliation can you corroborate?


Only three pokemon have been fainted and two locations cleared. Nobody is even in danger of being taken out of the game during this phase. I would think the only reason why you could call it end game now is if you think scum is cornered. Which I could see why you might feel that way right now.


On 3/5/2019 at 6:51 PM, Brigitte said:

Only one of us can be because we both have/had Scyther

Who do you side with more?

By that logic, Jeod is also scum and not the hero of this story, unless the pokemon being swapped into the daycare mans active list

Today i am leading towards Irish and Shade for scum.

Notice here that Brigitte has tossed aside the possibility that the investigation report could be insane and that we could BOTH be town.

On 2/25/2019 at 5:51 PM, Jeod said:

He doesn't have the type advantage for Psyduck, so it's riskier to send him to R34. Not an option, I'm afraid, and I'll be loud about it.

SPOILER ALERT He wasn't loud about it. Infact, he helped make it happen. Granted, I know that Retal's loss chance wasn't very high, but since it was previously discussed that Retal would not go to R34, why did it happen?

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