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APB Changelog

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  • Tweaked basic plane controls a bit; throttle is now on W/S and manual pitching is now on Jump/Crouch since it's less important.
  • Fixed Allied Ore Truck pathfinding on Complex.
  • Added Gamma M60 sound.
  • Fixed Tech Centre lighting on North by Northwest.
  • Gem Silo income lowered from 5 to 4.
  • Mobile AA Gun splash damage/radius lowered from 30/12m to 22.5/10m and no longer has any cover penetration.
  • Yak splash damage up from 20 to 22.5.
  • Flamethrower splash radius back up to 7.5m.
  • Flamethrower direct damage multiplier to infantry up from 0.3 to 0.4.
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14 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

All these changes sound great, I think I should get my joystick out of storage because airplane physics are back! 


I remember days when it was a thing to control A-10 on huge map. Unforgettable feelings. I even was thinking about to purchase a joystick and to configure it.

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@GraYaSDF I have no idea, if renegade supports a joystick :sherlock:  So... I will find out tonight if I can get it setup.

I have a few keyboard command tricks I used in the past to switch between mouse and joystick :ninja: Disclaimer: I haven’t used this trick in years though. I got my usb joystick back in 2010 before Windows10. (Still I haven’t regretted buy one... piloting a mech warrior with one was a lot of fun)

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5 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

@GraYaSDF I have no idea, if renegade supports a joystick :sherlock:  So... I will find out tonight if I can get it setup.

I have a few keyboard command tricks I used in the past to switch between mouse and joystick :ninja: Disclaimer: I haven’t used this trick in years though. I got my usb joystick back in 2010 before Windows10. (Still I haven’t regretted buy one... piloting a mech warrior with one was a lot of fun)

Do let us know if it does work, and if so, how well. Might be worth looking into in the future, as the new plane physics have opened up a lot of new gameplay opportunities. More flying will mean people might want more control schemes. :v

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Some things noticed while testing:

  1. The Grenadier is rather far down on the infantry list for its cost.
  2. On Volcano, after buying a Yak and leaving it on the Airfield and buying a MiG afterwards, the MiG landed on the of the Yak. After accidentally getting into the Yak and driving it out of position, the MiG stayed in mid-air.
  3. The MiG's fly in animation after purchase looks very awkward due to the lack of any animation or jet engine exhaust.

Somewhat unrelated,


Are the fabled individual game installers, server hosting packages, and Reborn 2.0 on their way?


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13 hours ago, Raptor29aa said:

@GraYaSDF I have no idea, if renegade supports a joystick :sherlock:

(Still I haven’t regretted buy one... piloting a mech warrior with one was a lot of fun)

https://joytokey.net/en/ - software to convert joystick movement and buttons to keyboard keys. Try it, maybe it works for you. Renegade does not support joystick, bindings were removed from the game.

Oh man, that's what does Mech Warrior need - a joystick or two, he-he! Never played Mech Warrior 4 Vengeance/Mercenaries and Mech Warrior 3 with joystick, to be honest, but I played "e-Racer" and first "Ring And Roll" with wheel and pedals in 2000s, was a good feeling like you are really driving a car/truck.


Edited by GraYaSDF
Joystick configuration
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Thanks for the link I will look that up. yea renegade doesn’t support joysticks (or game controllers).

14 hours ago, KevinLancaster said:

Somewhat unrelated,

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Are the fabled individual game installers, server hosting packages, and Reborn 2.0 on their way?


Kevin I don’t think they’ll reveal anything about :o rocket barn, till the time is right. (I agree they are long overdue for some sort of status report :dance:)

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Can I lobby for a delayed armor regen for the Mammoth tank similar to infantry health regen? Armor wouldn't regen for 60 seconds since last damage, regen will be slow, and regen stops as soon as the tank takes any damage. This way it wouldn't be OP but would reward mammoth tanks drivers for playing it smart. It adds tactile depth to driving the tank and can make it more fun.

Edited by des1206
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I disagree des1206 the mammoth tank is a bulldozer, always has and always will be. Trying to finesse the armor settings won’t get rid of the large, armored, elephant of doom.

if you want finesse go for a Tesla tank. Besides solo infantry (excluding rocket soldiers) shouldn’t be able to destroy it. It is an endgame vehicle.

But hey I haven’t played in months so Maybe I am wrong and they upped the mammoths speed and lowered the armor.


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  • Fix Cruiser's floating stern turret.
  • Fix little visual issue with Flame Tower's fireball.
  • Mines now vanish after a short period of time if there is only 1 or no players ingame. (This is just a hotfix that doesn't require me to update every single map in a patch again; eventually this may be changed to minelayers not being buyable with 1 player.)
  • You can no longer get stuck around the Soviet Refinery ladder on Volcano.
  • Allies no longer have a Construction Yard or Turret on Volcano.
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Already found a bug.

Loaded up a skirmish match on Volcano and when swapping between first and third person views, the "firing" muzzle flash on the rifleman's AK-47 would always trigger upon entering first person mode like such.



It also appears to happen to every soldier in the game who is currently holding a weapon. IE if a shock trooper has his shock rifle out, it'll be the tesla discharge effect upon switching to first person, shotgunners have muzzle flash upon switching to first person, snipers, same thing, pistols, and machine guns.


Thank you pushwall for making my war thunder memes come true.


Edited by MPRA2
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