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Showing most liked content on 01/30/2016 in all areas

  1. Alright, here is the last work in progress update on the Advanced Naval Yard. Special thanks to Generalcamo for some assets. Note that this render does not include crates, containers, barrels, and whatever. Just the base model. Some textures are subject to change, if and once I get around creating new ones. As always, feedback is welcome. Edit: Don't mind the missing (black) textures, that's just a file missing.
  2. Perhaps the server can be configured so that when the server reaches 0 players, bot map(s) play by default on loop until more than 6 players enter the server. Edit: Actually, perhaps a different angle; game-wide scripts that detect the player quantity in a map and if it falls below a certain number, activate bots to emulate players, and de-activate when enough players join (bots would stop respawning on death). This would cut the need for separate bot maps.
  3. A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome to W3D Hub! A big welcome to Imperial Age and its staff! Welcome @dblaney1, @Kaskins, and @KTFF to W3D Hub! A Renegade mod, Imperial Age aims to deliver dynamic gameplay with many new units, vehicles, and weapons. Imperial Age Features The current build has around 120 vehicles; 60 per team. This number is not including aircraft, naval units, Forgotten and neutral vehicles. Each vehicle has its own passive abilities and role to play. 20+ maps, each with their own unique way of playing. Some maps are best suited to open vehicle combat, others may see good chokepoints to build barricades and place minefields, while some may feature hazards such as quicksand! Research and upgrade terminals to improve your team's vehicles and weaponry. On maps with Construction Yards, you can restore base structures depending on costs. Vehicles have weak points, and in some instances you may even land critical hits. Faster paced gameplay than Vanilla Renegade. More to come in the future as the list goes on. - Imperial Kaskins
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  4. Greetings, I've been requested to re-create the Hostile Waters map for many years now, so with Delta being released and re-introducing naval combat to the game, I suppose it's about time that I got to work on it... A brief piece of history: Hostile Waters was originally a .935 map featuring a naval and air-only gameplay. Both teams had their own little island, with in the middle a cluster of icebergs dividing them. This created some unique level gameplay where Soviet submarines could ambush Allied ships by hiding underneath the icebergs, but also putting them in a tight fighting space. The map had custom naval and air balance, as back in the earlier days of APB gameplay balance was further from where it is now. Hostile Waters also introduced two modified "game-breaker" units, high end units designed to break a potential stalemate; The Soviet "Nuclear Submarine", and Allied "Ion Destroyer". Needless to say these were a topic of love and hate by the players, and unfortunately server side donations made them easier to obtain than intended. I will go ahead and say that the "game-breaker" units will not return in this version of the map, since Delta's gameplay does not require them. (This is a work in progress!) The new Hostile Waters is remade from the ground up, which has taken me a little while since I haven't used any W3D tools or 3DS Max since I left the BlueHell Productions team in 2012. Also learning and implementing the new 'Delta-way' of doing things has taken some additional time so far, but my thanks goes to Generalcamo and Pushwall for answering my questions and providing me with Delta assets. The map will have a few more notable differences over its predecessor: - Advanced Naval Yard and Submarine Pen. * Named "Advanced" to highlight they are different from their normal counterparts. * Designed for Hostile Waters gameplay. * Anti-camp designs, Allied ships spawn behind a gate, Soviet submarines spawn inside and leave while submerged. * Repair zone clearly marked with a crane, no more guessing which side is the repair area. * Three defenses on the building roof(s). * Both buildings have at least one designed "naval transport landing area" for potential infantry attacks on the naval buildings. * Allied Advanced Naval Yard is of similar scale as the Sub Pen, for balance. * The game ends upon sub pen/naval yard destruction. - New Icebergs * A less eye-blinding "ice" effect! * The icebergs have two Naval Transport landing areas. * Infantry access to the icebergs adds a new dynamic; Infantry can now engage more in the gameplay of this map (Tech Level 4 infantry enabled). * Special map-unique secondary objective is on the icebergs (More info soon!). - Soviet Chinooks are disabled, in order to put the gameplay focus on naval transports for all infantry purposes. - Improved map plot (More info soon!). The map and both buildings are currently fairly well underway in development, and providing there are no unexpected surprises (and there always are), I expect to have a playable version "Soon". If anyone has any feedback on the original map, or concerns about this one, this would be the place to throw it at me...
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  5. Ok I have been silent long enough! Time to whip out some Logic. Issue A) Rockets. 1) range of projectile - how far is too far? Issue B) Permanent Roster 1) who should be permanent? Observation A1) rockets-300$ destroyers 1500$ (gunboats, transports...non argument) A2) Pushwall rockets170 and destroyers 160 A3) destroyer missile launcher positioned approx 1 meter from bow of boat Comment A) Range and cost seem to profit Rocket Soldier over destroyer. Should this be? I've heard six opinions maybe needs separate forum topic post. Observation B1) .9935 "Kill Whoring" issue first appeared. Because of Oxystats recording K/D, and concern for upping rank. B2).9935 Tanya abuse after barracks death increased demand B3)Beta issue reappears with phase tank's silent squishing abuse, and insane APC range abuse. Increased demand for a solution. B4) As stated before Gamma's tech lvl idea made losing a war factory too game crippling (as well as starting off with supply trucks compounded the issue) B5) thusly each about scenario prompted the concept of permanent unit buys. Comment B) What should be a permanent buy? B1)Should Captain be permanent? Why? What is their intended purpose? B2) Should shotguns be permant? Only argument is anti-Tanya or volk? Why? B3i)Rockets... Tanks are not weak to basic arms fire (mere bullets). B3ii)Aircraft are susceptible more than tanks, although riflemen shooting a hinds are humorous. (LoL possible kill whore laugher) B3iii) Naval units... I haven't heard any missile sub complaints. So one could assume it's purely a boat issue. B4) Grenades fit the anti-tank role, but are not a viable AntiAircraft or AntiNaval counterpoint. Also it is asymmetrical (if that matters in ABP). B5) I recommend this point be a forum topic due to its lengthy muli-faceted multi-variable nature. Final Comments 1)Scenarios are in nature map specific and should be dealt with on a map level. 2)Scenarios on multiple maps are a balance issue. 3)Yes I was an APB tester, my nickname was numbers then it was switched to logic. (And yes I left testing 6 months ago) 4) @ coolrock using the talking emoticon doesn't validate an argument, it merely censors opposing views. (And triggers negative emotional responses). A simple I hear you but disagree based on [evidence] would suffice. 5) @ Dominant Hunter even though skill and aim is a valuable asset it is not a quantifiable Variable in game balance. Also an argument tactic I often use is to narrow the topic to a category like map balance rather try and answer every angle thrown at you. Valiant effort though. 6) @ Einstien +1 point for recognizing an Ad Hominid attack. 7) @ Everyone two pronged debates show little progress, best to break down in category than to make hasty generalizations.
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  6. I'll look into it, that's all I can say at the moment. I'm pretty busy these days and haven't been keeping up that much, but I'll look into getting some more promotional assets done sometime soon.
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  7. We should make a W3D Fractured space clan! Free weekend! play it today and you get to keep it... until it is released at which point it is free to play.
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  8. Outta curiousity, whereabouts is the MCT? Also I kinda wanna see these as DM maps
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  9. It's almost like I've pushed this idea like a dozen times in the past and so have many other people. Hopefully by this point the scripts dudes can actually figure out a way to do this...
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  10. Not at the moment. I'll probably be putting together a video when we have stuff for both sides (right now we have almost exclusively ARM hardware). You could have a voting system I suppose to elect a player as a commander or kick him from the role if he/she sucked. Don't know how the UI for a player commander would work We decided that the role of a Commander was too important and complicated to be left in the hands of a player. Since they're essentially just going to remain at the base and build/rebuild structures as needed, we shouldn't have too much to worry about. We could probably implement Decoy Commanders, however, which won't have a nanolather or a D-Gun, but will still be a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
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  13. If we're going to go with the "did anyone use this in RA?" argument, we might as well just make the only units in the game Medium Tanks and Heavy Tanks. And I suppose rifle infantry because those spawn on occasion when those units die.
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  14. Honestly, did anyone ever really use Medics in RA besides missions that started you with them? I remember never wasting my time with them much at all. Same for online play also. I don't agree with the MP5 for it to get used more. Why does it matter if people use it or not? Towards the end game, most if not everyone will be using anti-tank/heros due to the large amount of vehicles if the Refinery/War Factory are still around. Just seems silly to keep changing things away from what they've been for years. The pistol is just fine.
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  15. Well, I bet you could field a hundred players on this Allied naval yard, and still have room left to move; (Still a work in progress, and it might seem confusing, but a video at a near-completed state will make sense of the design.)
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  16. Noted. Meanwhile, here is the naval yard at early development. I've redone most of the mesh from the original base model for better vertex lighting and texturing, but as you can see I was not kidding when I said the naval yard would be of similar scale to the sub pen; the destroyer is a freakin' huge model and it needs a lot of space to fit in!
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  17. I've done more work on the Advanced Submarine Pen, so here is a quick video showing the layout and how the design deals with spawn camping and such.
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  18. This is why you are still shit at life Dadud. Do you remember that furry porn disguised as a APB Beta you leaked in order to come out as a furry? yeah I still remember that. Killing_You: if you need help just ask me, I was a huge TA fan back in the day, in fact I think I bought you TA from GOG way back when.
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  19. That is the ultimate goal. I wanted to provide something immersive and entertaining to read, while actually going over real tactics that can be used in the field.
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  20. If you want to go overkill, add tesla coils, a gap gen, and camo pillboxes. Come on lol. Just place the silo 1000 meters underground so it's not reachable. Or attach a credit trickle to the barracks' building controller so there's some money generated while it's up.
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  21. Don't make me remember Ghost...
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  22. Your work keeps getting better and better every time I see it. Nice job man! I'm especially fond of those freight train bogies; the materials are looking really awesome. My only critique is that the base of the wheels (that come into contact with the track) should be almost a mirror sheen due to the constant contact with the rails (unless the locomotive has been stationary for a while).
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