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  1. I mean really, it's called playing the game. If the other team was able to destroy your War Factory. That is entirely you and your teams fault and you have to suffer the consequences of it. If someone is able to camp with a Mammoth or apparently an Ore Truck inside your base then that is what happens when you don't take care of a threat before hand. (I mean.. they're like the two slowest units in the game and largest... really?) A Mammoth + Volkov super unit combo = 3200 Credits.. Just about one of the most expensive combos you can buy, of course its going to be difficult to kill. It's 3200 credits. If its impossible to disarm a flare with a vehicle sitting on top of it then you should utilize a Allied mine layer around your base to counter this phobia. As for the soviets, get a Tesla Tank + Volkov and babysit the base to annihilate any threat. I can see 1 or 2 games catching you off guard or losing but it isn't a problem like it was back in the old days of beta. I mean it's not like we are planting a flare then running people over with a Phase/Sniper Combo.
  2. Does this mean I don't have to fight Voe?
  3. Someone just made a video of a VR RA2 game. I never thought that someone could make a VR RTS work, but here it is.
  4. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has participated in this thread thus far for keeping it civil. I am appalled at the grossness of the internet at this moment, and the people that hate each other and even whole groups of people now. I thank God that here at W3D Hub our members do not stoop so low and make fools of ourselves publicly. Thanks guys!
  5. Yeah, Trump's victory in combination with Brexit is going to energise parties across the world that oppose illegal/uncontrolled immigration and the establishment. The people having a big old cry over his victory only have themselves to blame for creating him. It really didn't help them when they saw Remain's strategy of "1. demonise all opponents as sexist racist bigots, 2. claim that the opposing team's victory will lead to some completely unrelated extinction-level event, 3. go back to step 1" and decided that it couldn't possibly fail twice.
  6. From a British point of view, I think it's a disaster. As a woman, I find his comments about women in general to be pretty appalling(wtf even about his own daughter?!), but enough about that. As a European, I also find it worrisome at how he'd consider nuking Europe over the whole Syria/ISIS/Muslim issue, even if he doesn't end up doing that, it's still worrying at how a man of that calibre gets access to the nuclear codes. I know both the Democratic and Republican parties have numerous stances on equality and gay marriage but I find his Vice-President's, Mike Pence, stance to be completely stupid and just plain dumb. He thinks that HIV research should be de-funded and the money used for gay conversion therapy. Jesus Christ on a bike, let that sink in for a moment... but at least he actually won't be able to do that, thankfully. Hillary was also a terrible option, she failed before and nobody really wanted her still. Even if she won her mandate wouldn't last, we all knew she had health problems and was trying her hardest to hide it from the public. Not to mention I completely found it irritating at how she kept claiming it was time for America to have a female president, at how they needed a woman in charge. Well I say this from across the pond, we had Margaret Thatcher and she was HORRIBLE, now we have Cruella de May in charge! It matters not what gender a person is, it matters what their policies are and whether they can run a country, but I digress. The safer options for the Democrats would've been to nominate Sanders. He would've given Trump a run for his money. (addendum, Larry Sanders, Bernies' brother tried to contest the Witney seat here as a Green Party candidate but lost, he was originally a member of the Labour Party under Tony Blair but left because of him.) That being said, things aren't so great here. At least America went through the whole election process, Theresa May got in through the backdoor. Funny thing about that, back in 2007 she accused Gordon Brown not having the mandate to lead and demanded an election, now suddenly the tables have turned. Now with Brexit, Trump's presidency and with more elections coming up in Europe, particularly the chance for Le Pen to win in France and Geert Wilders in The Netherlands, prospects are not that bright but at least these elections is one thing, it's a big middle finger to the established political elite.
  7. Remove Silverlight Just you watch as Trump removes visas and I come to kick your ass.
  8. I'm just going to copy/paste what I put on Facebook.
  9. *Looks at YouTube comment sections.* Yup!
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  10. It just shows that people are fed up with the dinosaur establishment, globalism, crooked wall street thieves and their old ways and are starting to wake up or protest this way. After Brexit and now this, there will be a landslide of similar revolutions all across the world. Welcome to the land of Nod.
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  11. Wow. Didn't know it was like that for you. The world is big and small all at once. Still, there's a sort of serenity in being a part of the present-day history. We'll be reading about these events in our children's history books in 40 years.
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  12. The American election system just shows how: 1) the people are uneducated and votes for the most exposed two in the media 2) the people have little say in important matters, it's lobbies and forsaken corporations that do, because capitalism and false democracy.
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  13. Updated to reflect the results. (Would've picked Dolores Umbridge if Hillary had won, btw )
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  14. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH from the vault... Jesus. That's pretty fucking classic
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  15. I kind of want to see another Beta/CF/NW throwback event just to see how all the newer players will cope with a lot of the BS things from back then. Not just the superbuff flares, but
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  16. Good times. Even better times when you were able to insta-plant flares... 1. find a slope where you can only slip off of it 2. plant the flare 3. defend your shit while you can 4. watch as the enemy struggles to disarm the flare because lag 5. ?????? 6. PROFIT!
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